Does dilation mean anything?


Hi all! Here's a quick question: in your experience, what does it mean to be 1 cm dilated at 37 weeks? Does it mean I'll have the baby within a week or two? Or could it still be 3-5 weeks? I'm also 30% effaced, if that helps. Thanks for your input!

first-time mom to be of baby girl due July 18th!
Unfortunately it doesn't mean a whole lot, other than yes your body is preparing to have a baby. Not to discourage you from hoping it's early as we all do at that point, but it can still go quite some time and really it can't be said that it means you will have the baby soon. I know of lots of moms that are dilated many weeks before they actually go into labor. I know how excited I got when I lost the mucous plug (small bloody show) before one of my births, but it still took about a week before baby was born and many told me that when that happened to them the baby was born that day. Boy was I disappointed when it didn't happen right away. So I'd hate to tell you that yep she'll be born any day only to have you go longer.

Hope this helps without be discouraging!! It will be SOON!!! just hang in there, this is the toughest time....I KNOW!! Those last three weeks are an eternity and if you go over it seems even longer, but it will happen and you will look back and say to wasn't that bad...don't know why I was so impatient. :) :) :) :)


I hate to discourage you also, but I agree with Briee. With my first, I was 4 cen. dialatated at 35 weeks and 50% effaced. I did not give birth for 4 more weeks until 39 weeks. I could not understand how I could be 4 cm and not be in labor!!But the good thing is that my first labor was SHORT!!!! Hang in there, your baby is going to be here within the month even if you are a week late! I have heard with first baby the body gets ready earlier. With my second, I did not dialate until 2 days before I gave birth. With my 3rd, I never dialated early at all and was induced.

On the bright side, your body is getting ready for its big job :)

Now watch me be wrong and you will go into labor tonight :)

My last pregnancy was almost 10 years ago. I DO remember, however, walking around for weeks on end being 3 cm dialated. I ended up being induced. So, I agree with the other two ladies. Also, for some reason, 1st babies seem to be 'over'due instead of 'under' due. I'm sure you've heard this before. Hang in there!

P.S. MY birthday is July 18th. What a coincidence!!

Due 1/25/04
Thanks ladies! On the contrary- I'm not really impatient, I was a little concerned because there's still so much to do! :)
I'm finally done working, so now I'm even more productive- the bedding is going on the crib today, and I did pack for the hospital, and the cradle and changing area are all set, but I'd love for DH to get the border up in the nursery (even though she won't move in to the nursery for a few months) and I'm not done reading "Birthing from Within" yet, and we have a wedding this Saturday...heehee

Of course I wouldn't mind meeting my darling girl sooner, but going to term would be fine with me! Though I am beginning to get quite uncomfortable since she dropped last week- all my lower joints are stiff and achey, and I am so big now that people tell me I look ready to pop (thanks, that's so sweet).

Tomorrow is my 38 week appointment- we'll see what they have to say then!! Not that it will mean anything ;)
I'll keep you all posted!
I agree with the others. I was 3-4 cm dilated since week 35 and I was induced the day before my due date. The doctor thought my son may have been bigger than he actually was. However, my labor was relatively quick. I hope yours goes the same. Good luck!!
I was four centimeters dilated at 36 weeks, and went ten days over. I figured since I was already half way there before actually going into real labor that by the time I got to the hospital I would be ready to push. Wouldn't that have been nice :) I ended up laboring for 16 hours before delivering naturally. I have read a statistic that stated that a large percentage of first time pregnant women (can't remember what percentage) deliver on average ten days after the due date, which is what I did. Unfortuneately, I got my hopes up that I would be delivering early, so, basically I thought I would be going into labor "any minute now" for six weeks!

mother to Ryan 11-17-03
9lbs. 4oz.
Agreement with the others. My first pregnancy, I was dilated at 3cm, effaced at 75% by week 34, but had to be induced for preclampsia at week 40 (still at 3cm, and 75%)
Wow-- I guess it really doesn't mean much! 4 cm! Wow!
At yesterday's 38 week appt I was still 1 cm, but now I'm 50% effaced, and baby is at -2 station. They say it's progress...and her heart rate has dropped to the 120's, which he said was a good indicator she's getting "ready". He said the rate is often 100-110 on the birthday.
I'm still headed toward a full term pregnancy here, which is fine :)
Thanks for all your input, and keep it coming!
And I'll keep you posted as well!


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