Does anyone take Glucosamine?


I have been having a few issues with my knees lately. A friend of mine suggested taking Glucosamine. For those of you who take it, what brand do you use? Do you continue taking it after the pain goes away or do you continue taking it as a daily dietary supplement?

I wouldn't be able to do any of the workouts I do or run without Glucosamine. I have tried a few brands but currently I am using Shaklee which has been very effective so far. It also made a difference for me to lay off the squats and lunges until I strengthened the muscles in my legs and around my knees.

I take a vegan joint supplement that contains glucosamine, MSM, hyaluronic acid and soy unsaponifiables (?). I open two capsules and put themm in my morning smoothie every day. (I got it at ). I've also taken other vegan glucosamine products and like to mix them up every once in a while.

My knees feel better than before, but I've also modified workouts to take out torque (even getting rid of most pivots...which I hate anyway!) THough I've also increased the amount of impact I'm doing (Imaxes, except for the "jump from the step to the floor" moves).
I take the Vitamin Shoppe's glucosamine and chondroitin supplements (the small softgels - easier to swallow) for a lower-back disk problem. I started taking it when I was first diagnosed and took 1500mg a day, which is 6 pills, for three months. Now I take a daily maintenance dose of 500mg/2 pills.
I take 2 capsules daily as a supplement. Each capsule contains 500 mg of Glucosamine and and 400 mg of Chondroitin. I take a local store brand that's vegan friendly. I don't know if it helps really, but it certainly doesn't hurt, unless you're allergic to shellfish. ;)

>I take a local store brand that's vegan friendly. I don't know
>if it helps really, but it certainly doesn't hurt, unless
>you're allergic to shellfish. ;)

Actually, I take that back--the brand I take is not vegan friendly. It's made from shellfish.

I've taken TripleFlex from Costco for a few years, just as a precaution. I was running a lot and thought it would be a good idea.

Last year I stopped and a few weeks later I could feel pains in my joints so I started up again. The pain went away within 2 weeks of taking the pills.

I take 1 capsule a day, although the bottle says to take 2. I'm 28 and don't have anything going on in my joints at this point, so why take more than I need?

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