Does anyone own a down pillow?


I've been getting a stiff neck for the past couple of weeks and have been thinking about upgrading to a better pillow. Thing is they're expensive. I can't imagine spending $100 on a pillow. Does it really make a difference? I have Gym Style Back, shoulder, and biceps today and my neck hurts, . . don't look forward to it. It doesn't have to be down but if anyone has one that they can recommend I'd appreciate it. I sleep on my back a lot. Thanks.
while i don't have a down pillow, i got this pillow from brookstone called "better than down" and i have to say it is the best pillow I have ever used! My husband and I got them as gifts from my mom as we were alwas struggling to find a good pillow. I'm not sure how much she paid for them but I would definately pay whatever it was for these pillows. I'm sleeping better and they are just so comfortable. You can find them on brookstone's website if there isn't a store near you. I hope this helps!
I have had down pillows and they were very comfortable. Although I was not allergic to them the thought of sleeping on goose down just sort of bugged me, and I eventually bought some "down alternative" pillows (not at Brookstone, probably at Target) and they were almost as comfortable - not quite as squooshable but still nice and soft.

BTW I was at Target last week and they had down pillows for $50 - they felt pretty comfy. (I got sidetracked on my way to "shoes" by a display of bamboo pillows, which I had never heard of and which did not seem like anything to write home about...)
Just checked out the Brookstone "better than down" pillows, they are super cheap right now, sale $30 for a set of 2. I might go check these out, I'm always on the look out for great pillows.

I have down pillows from Pacific Coast Feather, they are good, I slept on them at a hotel I slept on, really liked them, and bought them. Good purchase, but they run about 30/40 each, I like lots of pillows, and you really should replace them every few years or even sooner, so it's a pricey habit.

Funny thing, this rarely happens, but I must have slept funny last night and have pretty bad pain in my left shoulder/neck.
I always use down pillow bought at Target. I even take it on vacation. I can't sleep without it. It really makes a difference. Joan
Thanks everyone. I guess my next question with down pillows is do you clean them? You can't really wash them in the machine can you?
I only buy the Hotel Collection goose down pillows from Macys. They are worth the investment. I have a zip cover over them so I only wash the cover.
I had down pillows and comforters for such a huge part of my life and then I had to go fall in love with someone who's horribly allergic to dust mites which like to hang out in down so out they went. (Though I have new hope with these special allergy cover things I bought for our bed for Mr. Allergy anyway.) Have you considered the memory foam pillows? That's what I use for my neck (and actually I have a memory foam bed too) and they're great and you can get decent pricing on them now. Costco has them so if you hate them you can return it easily too.

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