Does anyone know anything about...


Children and music? Especially Vacation Bible School. For the first time, I have been put in charge of the music for our VBS and as it is right now I have eleven songs and as it's set up that we sing the theme song every night then 4 others from the remaining ten. Here's my dilemma as I have currently mapped it out some songs are being sung three times during the course of the week, others twice and some only once. I am just afraid it is too much and the kids won't have fun. Now I did ask some kids to listen to the music and see if there was anything they did not like that could easily be dropped, but they didn't pick the same songs and they didn't even pick the songs I thought were the weakest ones. So what do I do, leave as is & try to rearrange it so every song gets sung twice or drop songs & try to sing most songs three times but at least twice?

Hi Linda!
I'm sorry but I don't know much about children OR music ;-) but I wanted to reply and say I think it's very cool you're doing VBS! Is there someone who was in charge before you that you could ask? Why not go with the suggestion of the children, if you sing the songs they pick then they should have fun!

Remember.. "be anxious for nothing..." (Phil 4:6 KJV), give it up in prayer and I'm sure you'll get your answer. :)

PS - I like your tag line!

Good luck!
-CC :)
What's the length of the four remaining songs? Are they chorus type, short ones or hymnal type with 4 to 5 verses plus a chorus?

At the weekly after school Bible Club, the children (K-6) usually learn a handful of short songs and one longer song over the year. Bible Club lasts for about an hour and a half. Here's a sample of a typical day at the beginning of the year:

snack/say memory verse
bathroom break
Song: My God is So Big
Song: I love Him better every D.A.Y.
Song: Hallelu, Hallelu (sing it fast 2 times)
Welcome (announcements)
Pledge to the Bible
Song: 1,2,3 Jesus loves me
Bible Story
Song: Boomerang Song
Verse taught
Team Quiz
Song: B-I-B-L-E (to the tune of Bingo)(if needed for time)
Song: Good News

The lady who is in charge of leading the music makes up large posters with the lyrics for each song. Her daughter illustrates the posters beautifully. One or more children hold the posters for each song. It's better to be prepared and plan for more than needed. If time was running short, we would skip a song. If we needed to use up more time, we had enough short, easy songs ready. The younger children caught on quickly enough.

Hope this helps.

Hi Everyone,

The theme song is almost three minutes most of the others around two or less, more chorus type. Our VBS will run for 5 days then a closing day. I am putting the lyrics into powerpoint presentation and they will be projected on the wall for the kids to follow. There are also motion (hands & Body) that go along with the songs, so there are two aspects to learn. Now the good part is I lead the children's music every Sunday morning, which is why I am worried about the music, because I know when a song is done for the first time I am usually looking a a group of "deer in headlights". Now the other plus is all but the theme song are songs that I do with the kids each week, so it's the visitors I am worried about. I get about a dozen kids each week but we got a 100 for VBS last year. So I have one week to teach them this music and hopefully leave a lasting impression. Now I did talk to the person who's done it before, I even help lead the music last year, but not plan it, problem is they cut back the time for singing. It use to be two 30 minutes sessions, this year its two 20 minutes sessions so I can't sing as many songs or as often. Oh the age range is all the way from 3 yo to 19 yo. Now what do you think?
I was in charge of VBS music at my church for a couple of years. We would concentrate on learning a new song each night, but we would also review all of the previous songs. The "favorites" varied depending mostly on the age group. On the last night (we called it Family Night)each group would perform their favorite song of the week.
Oh, wow!! I was in a Psalty play in 3rd grade!!! Talk about a blast from the past, I didn't know they still had Psalty. (I actually had the Psalty record!!! LOL)
I was a helper in our VBS last year and we had a theme song that the kids sang each chapel (it went w/ the theme, last year it was the Rescue Zone). Then we would pick a couple other songs to sing. A favorite is Praise Ye the Lord... sung very loud and then we'd have a contest to see which side (boys or girls) were the loudest.

You'd be surprised at how well the kids remember the songs! Good luck!
Just a thought . . . children tend to pick up things if they are heard more than once so if you have some songs that are repeated, that would be great because then they may remember them after the week is over.

Mine were always singing songs they heard a few times or picking up lines from their favorite movies or shows. What better than songs from bible camp.
Long time ago I taught VBS. We used to sing this song and the kids got to clap their hands..

"If your happy and you know it clap your hands" clap-clap
"If your happy and you know it clap your hands" clap-clap
"If your happy and you know it, then your life will surely show it, if your happy and you know it clap your hands" clap-clap

Its a simple little ditty, but fun.:+

Then you can sing it and instead of clapping your hands, you can say "stomp your feet" stomp-stomp....
I think if there are vistors and you have the songs on power point, they will pick up fast. Also to leave a lasting impression on them, I think it is a good idea to sing each song about 2-3 times.

What kind of songs to have on your list?

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