Does anyone jump rope?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-02 AT 12:56PM (Est)[/font][p]I have tried to incorporate jump rope into my regime several times. It's just SO HARD!! LOL. I've bought 2 or 3 ropes and the only one I found that doesn't twist up (so annoying) is the kind with the plastic beads covering the rope. This was recommended in a Prevention magazine a couple of yrs ago. Still have the rope. Still try it sometimes with my Mindy M. vid. Still SO HARD!!!

I have one of those ropes that counts your jumps for you, I got mine from Avon, but I've seen the same rope in ads in Fitness or Shape magazine.
I don't jump rope though, I tried twice~THOUGHT I had endurance, only succeeded in hurting my d--n feelings! :)
My next hurdle after running!

Just for my 2 cents..

I read in one of Covert Baileys books that jumping rope, while a good cardiovascular exercise, is not a good exercise for the long run not only because it is extremely high impact, but also because, he states, that the nature of the movements are very easy for your body to get used to and adapt to. It is like that one repetetive movement..over and over... Good for improving your cardio but not so good as a endurance cardio exercise for fat loss..

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