Does anyone here own an elliptical machine??


Active Member
I have been going back and forth with myself about purchasing an elliptical machine or a exercise bike . . . Does anyone here own a elliptical machine or an exercise bike and if so; how do you like it?
i had one... but returned it... (got it at sears thank goodness!)

i found it boring :-( i'd rather do step, kickboxing, hi/lo.. or of course... get outside and ride my bike!

i don't have a stationary bike but i do have a trainer for my road bike... uhm... as you can probably guess.. i don't much like that either! fortunately i live in socal and still get to do a lot of riding outside! but i do have some spinervals and carmichael (cts) dvd's for when i can't get outside!

again... i would rather do a cathe step than ride the trainer! lol! i'm so bad!

also... i did have a tv to watch with the elliptical (still hated it!) and have ridden the trainer while watching tv (soaps or a dvd movie) and still hate that too! i do like the spinervals/cts tapes a bit more than just riding while watching tv.. but it's still boring!
Yes, I have a Life Fitness elliptical machine that I love. I run outdoors 99% of the time, but when it's -20 or very icy in the winter I use the elliptical. My machine can be programmed for various types of workouts and I feel you can get an awesome workout using this machine. It can get a bit boring compared to being outside, but that's why I had my dear husband mount a small TV on the wall so I can watch while I get in my workout. Hope this helps.

I have an elliptical machine as well. I used it for a long time and liked it, but after a few years I started to get really bored with it and began to dread having to use it. So, I started doing extra Cathe cardio instead. I will probably start jumping on it again every once in awhile after the burn out subsides a little. I think the only reason I got bored with it though was because I was using it as my only resource for cardio and I was using it almost every day. Plus, the room where it is located has no TV or anything to keep your mind somewhat occupied.
I have both a bike and an elliptical. I especially love the elliptical. You can get a great workout in a small amount of time. It's great for days where you don't have a ton of time or for days where you don't want high impact. I also sometimes use it as a warm up to Cathe's weight workouts. For example, I'll do 20 minutes on the elliptical and then do PLB or PUB. Sure, it can get boring, but I just put some energetic music on the sterio and that helps a ton. I love to do intervals in the elliptical. Having one that has different programs makes it more interesting too.

The ones (elliptical machines) I have been looking at are well above $500 and I really don't feel like spending that much money. Do any of you know where I can get a reasonable priced machine from?
You should probably look for a gently used machine. A good elliptical is not cheap that's for sure. Do you have a 2nd wind or some type of sporting store that sells new and used equipment near you? I actually have a 2nd one at home (we upgraded) that we planned on trading in against a treadmill that is not fancy i.e. no electronic readouts, progamming, etc. but you can still really challenge yourself. So perhaps used is the way to go. . . .
i have a proform800 series from DICKS sporting goods...399 bucks and it has 6 programs and 10 resistance levels...fairly sturdy, but not nearly as sturdy as the huge club models.....but it is a serious sweat fest!!
I have a stationary bike. I don't use it as a daily workout. I do 30 minutes or 1 hour in the bike and my Cathe workout for the day.It is only a way to burn more calories. In spring I was thinking about buy a eliptical but a good eliptical machine is expensive and I don't have enough space in my bedroom.In Spring I discovered Cathe too and decided not buy it.I had lot of Cathe's workouts to order.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
The current (January) issue of Consumer Reports magazine has a review and rating of BOTH treadmills and Elipticals. Hope you find it helpful.


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
Hi, I'm a new member to this forum, but I may be able to help you with this question. I use the eliptical trainer at the gym alot, but find it very boring, I dread going because of it. However that being said I have heard that it was very good low impact excercise for those who have knee trouble. But David Kirch "trainer to the stars" reccomends laying back on your heels a bit instead of staying straight or even leaning forward. this insures tht you don't build up to much of your upper front leg, and your toes won't fall asleep! Which has happened to me a few times! Hope this helps! Anie
I do. Do you want to buy it? :) It's a great workout, but I get bored on it. I will say that I get a runner's high on it similar to when I used to run. The main reasons I'm getting rid of it is I don't have anywhere to put it and I'm just not using it. I'd rather do the videos.

Lee Anne

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