Does anyone have a coworker who does Cathe with you?

Newbie here...just wondering if anyone out there has a coworker that they do Cathe with?

My coworker and I are new to Cathe and are each other's accountability partners. Each morning begins with a run down of our last workout and how Cathe killed us! We are crazy....we are both sitting on stability balls for the day at the office. We don't know if this would be covered by worker's comp if we get hurt!:)
Sounds fun! No, I work with fat, lazy, make that VERY lazy men. If I didn't change the water bottle on our water cooler, they wouldn’t get a drink. I think if they could drive their car into their office, instead of walking in, they'd do that too.
I don't have a co-worker that does Cathe but I do have 2 sisters who do. I also keep tabs on the swaps and trade/buy/sell for them for Cathe workouts.

We have a blast when we get together. We like to see who is stronger and so on. Its a hoot!

Nope - but I just had to say......fat lazy men are a heck of a lot better than 8 women (most fat and lazy).
>Sounds fun! No, I work with fat, lazy, make that VERY lazy
>men. If I didn't change the water bottle on our water cooler,
>they wouldn’t get a drink. I think if they could drive their
>car into their office, instead of walking in, they'd do that

Do you work in the same office I do??? I swear you just wrote about almost all of my coworkers!
I do have one or should I say had...

I am only 1 of 2 slim women in my department of 13. One of my coworkers wanted to lose weight seriously last year so I gave her Body Fusion. She loved it & I loaned her several of my DVDs. Many were too advanced for her but she loved C&W & several of the weight workouts. She was always eager to tell me what workout she did the night before.

Well, she ended up with a fracture in her left foot, I guess from the plyometrics. The podiatrist said no more step EVER but after 6 weeks she could do the treadmill, which to me makes no sense.

Needless to say, I felt responsible for her injury but to my defense, I urged her from the beginning to find good shoes. I tried not to "preach to her too much" for fear of scaring her away. She still has my Lowmax & I'm itching to tell her to give it back.


>She still has my Lowmax & I'm itching to tell her to
>give it back.

Marla, if I were you, I'd be following her home after work and beating down her door, screaming "Hey woman! You know what the doctor said - no step! So gimme back my Lowmax or I'm gonna step on your broken foot!" }(

Okay, maybe you might take a more... er... tactful approach than that. :p

I love LowMax so... I don't think I could ever loan it out to anyone. ;)

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