Does anyone feel like being an enabler?

Thank you all for loving and caring for me! I shall sit here and get fat and sassy and blame it all on you;)

Please note that I am currently wearing pajamas and a robe and did not even go and stare longingly at my workout clothes when I got home.

Just pop in a Celine Dion cd and tune out the world. Surely, you will be better by morning!!! I know how all you Canadians just love her!

Sorry....I could not resist!!!

ETA: Everytime I hear Celine, I feel like busting out 50 pushups and running a marathon. Try it, it might work for you too!!!


I would have said to get in there and bust your @@s!! I always feel better after a good sweat. But will definitely defer to the nurses on the forum... (No flaming!!) But I do have to ask finally - is that a real little kitty with a lime cut as a helmut????? (Shhh - don't laugh...)x(
ok shelley,

so here is advice, coming from someone who last year had bronchitis...did the nyc marathon on sunday,(fast walked it with a disabled athlete in 6 and a half hours) and then tested for my third degree black belt on saturday. this years bronchitis was so bad, i pulled something in my rib cage from coughing. forced to rest for about a month. drove me nuts!

so...kick back, and drink something warm. this year is a bad one. i know a few people with pneumonia. you dont want to get to that stage. wait a few days into the antibiotics and start light. if you cough a lot, cut back. do a workout that wont make you breath heavily.

hope you feel better soon,

Hey Shellers. Listen to your body. If it's asking for bed rest then rest and if you feel a little energy don't go all out and start doing something like HE: Hi/Lo intervals just like that. I think that you should rest and if you feel somewhat stronger then do a warm-up (low impact) followed by stretch max or some other stretching workout. And when you know you feel a LOT better then start slow with your cardio and go light with your weights for about 1-2 weeks and then you'll feel stronger enough to go back to your usual routine. Good luck girl! I hope you recover soon because bronchial infections are a pain in the a!@.
I had bronchitis last year and worked out lightly through it and it turned into pneumonia. I felt great when I was working out, but my body did not agree. Take it easy and get a great book:)

Hey Shelley,

I too, belong to the rest day challenged club. However, funny thing, starting yesterday (Wednesday) I am taking a two WEEK rest. from hard core cardio and weights. Just walking and such for this chica! One, I really need to do this to see if I can. Two, my body needs a rest. Three, I am mentally tired too. It should be an interesting two weeks.

I say to you, take the rest. Your body will thank you for it. I know your head will be telling you different though. Mine is such a pain that way too. Try to find other things to do. You never know what you might discover about yourself by challenging yourself in this way. And yes, not working out IS a challenge for people like us!

Take care and I hope you feel better soon.:)

Go with your gut. I think everybody knows when you are to the point when you should lay down in bed. What did the doc say? I have found that sitting outside in the cold air sometimes helps to loosen up any extra mucus you may have. Take care!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The only thing I'd want to enable you to do is REST and take care of yourself (lots of fluids, a humidifier) or maybe do some restorative yoga (the deep breathing may help...if not, then don't do the yoga).

I think that too many people push themselves when they are sick, and don't allow their immune systems to go to work getting them well. Give your body the support it needs now, and you'll be able to get back into your regular routine sooner than if you push now. JMHO.
Hey Shelly .. are you the one that made me sick?????x(

I too have been sick since last Thursday .. started out w/sore throat .. then fever and horrible stuffed up head come the chest coughing .. hoping I nipped it b-4 it turned into a brochial infection ..

but take some advice from one of the hardest headed people around (just ask the dh) ... REST .. if you try to workout .. and push .. you are going to prolong the illness .. and possibly get worse ..

.. as much as I hate it .. I too have had to cancel my classes and MAKE myself do nothing!!! (actually I have had no strength to workout) .. but I know it is the best thing ..

hang in .. rest .. drink some fluids .. and a good movie or two or three will help pass the time .. LOL ..

>Why don't you use this time to make up rotations for the
>coming year? That's what I like to do when I'm sick. Or you
>can search youtube for your favorite bands. Another thing I
>love to do! I heard you are a big Celine Dion fan and I found
>this tribute to her today
>Hope you get better soon. Marnie

Shelley a big Celine Dion fan? lol! au contraire!
Hi Shelley,

Sorry to hear that you have brochitis. It sounds like your body is saying " hey !! I need a break!! ". I know how you are feeling though... about wanting to exercise when you are sick ... but its best if you get some rest and give your body time to recover.
I hope you get better soon. Eat well,drink lot of fluid, get lots of rest and take your meds.

Hang in there.

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