Does anyone else have this problem?


I have sat at my job for almost 30 years and I swear it gives me more cellulite and bigger saddlebags on my hips and butt! I workout 5-6 days a week but nothing will budge that stubborn fat. I am not over weight. I am 5'4" and weigh 112 lbs. Does anyone else have this problem from sitting? I have friends that have the same problem from sitting too much and I also have friends that are on there feet all day that don't. Does anyone have any suggestions? I try to get up and walk around as much as I can but its hard when your so busy to take the time. I am very self conscious about it and don't ever like to be in a bathing suit or shorts. Just wondered! Thanks!

Cindi, I sit 8 hours a day also on my job. My butt and "thutt" are my biggest problems. My thighs use to be included but since I have kicked up my workouts with the motivation and guidance I have gotten from this forum, my thighs are doing amazing things. I have definition in my inner thigh now!! It makes me think there is hope for my butt but I don't know. My have this layer of fat over my rear that won't budge even when I am at the low end of my weight range. I've always felt that if I were in a situation where I was literally starving to death, I'd look like a skeleton with a big butt!!

I have noticed this happening to me because I sit all day. So I got a podium for my office at work and do some of my work standing up. Now we have laptops and my work involves lots of phone calls and notes on agreements so the standing up works with my job. When I am working at home I just all ways get up and walk around for conference calls (head set) and get up every hour so I am not sitting so long.

Hi Cindi,

I have a job where I'm out of the office quite a bit. I work out regularly - at least 6 days a week. I've always had cellulite even at my very thinnest. I too am not a big person 5'6" 128. One day I told my husband that I was frustrated because it seemed no amount of exercise would get rid of that darn stuff. His reply was "Honey, it's factory in women, everyone has some, even the girls in magazines are airbrushed". I thought that comment was so true to life. Guaranteed your healthy lifestyle is a benefit to you!

Hey Cindi: A friend of mine would call this a classic case of 'Office Chair Butt'. She claims she can tell what style of chair an office worker uses by looking at the shape of their derriere. I don't know if it's true but she had me laughing my a$$ off the first time she explained her theory to me as we 'people watched' in the great hall of a College.
I don't know but maybe it has something to do with circulation in the area or the lack thereof. I believe some people are more inclined to cellulite than others. At the College there were quite a few ladies using stability balls as their office seat. I thought it was a fantastic idea. My only other suggestion would be lots of leg presses and maybe the addition of a floorwork only lower body workout to your regime.

Take Care
Hey Everyone! Thanks for your input. My husband calls it secretary butt (he says mine is fine, though). I thought about using my stability ball but I don't think it would be allowed at my position. Not professional! I just keep working out hard and know I am healthier for it. I know most people don't care about cellulite but I'm just self conscienous about it. All my friends know I work out and I just think they probably think she works out and looks like that! My husband says I'm too hard on myself. If I ever win the lottery and can quit my job I will have a personal trainer and I will get rid of it!! I'll keep dreaming!


The people who sell the stability ball chair also sell this disc called the FitterSitter. Which is a small rubber disc for your office chair. It is supposed to engage your abs and make you sit up straighter. Also, might give some cushion and help the "chair butt"
I think the stability ball idea is great! My coworker and I brought our stability balls in to our office for a day. It was fun but we both kind of got motion sickness! If you look at they have a really cool chair/stability ball. It is $99. Maybe your office would allow that.

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