Does anyone do Weight Watchers?



I know this topic has come up before, but I'm considering doing Weight Watchers and wanted to get some opinions from others who are doing it now or those who have had success with it. I'm finding I'm having a hard time eating a clean diet without some accountability. Sometimes I eat things I shouldn't and I don't even think twice about it! (Ok, not just sometimes, and that's the problem!) All those Cathe workouts are going just to maintain my weight, not helping me lose weight! Tell me how it worked for you. Do you eat enough to keep up with Cathe?


Nicole :)
Yes, Nicole, I do WW. I joined March last year and hit goal and lifetime pretty quickly. I attribute my weight loss 75% to WW and 25% to Cathe. The reason for that is because I was working out pretty hard before, but was eating horribly and couldn't get muscle tone or weight loss. 4 weeks into WW I found Cathe and have only worked out to her since then. I lost weight for about 20 weeks straight and hit my WW goal weight.

My eating is completely different than it was this time last year. I am eating things I never even liked and they taste so good, probably because I know how good they are for me. Eating clean has been easy on WW. Best decision I've made for myself in a LONG time.

That's just my opinion. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

Hi Nicole! I lost approximately 25 pounds on WW a couple of years ago. This was months after having my sixth baby and the pounds just weren't coming off like they did with the previous five. Since then I've gained the 25 pounds back. The only reason I gained it back is because I went through a time of depression where I just sat around all day letting the house and myself go. (Probably more info. than you really wanted to know.)

I'm starting WW again and hope to get to goal this time. Having to write down everything I eat makes me really think twice about what I put into my mouth.

Thanks so much for your replies!

Gayle - Congratulations on your weight loss! What an accomplishment! I've heard that diet IS 75% of the weight loss equation, so I can see how WW made such a difference. I certainly have no problem working's much harder to keep the eating clean and the portions controlled. Discipline...that's what I need.

Shirley - Glad to hear WW worked for you too! I know how easy it can be to gain weight for various reasons...the past 6 months haven't been so great for me either, so I'm at least very grateful I've managed to keep exercising! Go Cathe! I've decided now to just put my nose to the grindstone and accomplish my goals for ME. Good luck on WW!

Thanks again!
I LOVE Weight Watchers! Actually, I found Cathe through the WW online Fitness boards. I joined 7/03, lost 35 lbs, and am a lifetime member. I think the CORE program (they have 2 to choose from) is excellent for clean eating. No weighing, measuring, just eat when you're hungry until you're satisfied. This works very well for those Cathe days! Sometimes your body needs more food. The clean eating certainly helps with my sugar cravings as well. Best of luck to you!
I did not join WW, but got their WW at Home program. It helps me get my eating habits in gear, and food journaling has helped the most. I pretty much do the flex plan only with calories.
I lost 30 lbs last year doing WW. I currently started doing BFL because even though I lost a significant amount of weight on the WW program I know that I didn't make the most healthy choices. So far I haven't lost much on BFL like I did on WW. I'm giving myself 3 more weeks on BFL and if I don't lose I'm going back on WW except this time I know how to eat clean.j

Good luck if you do decide to do WW - it is a very effective program.
I thought I'd chime in here too. I started WW 11/2002 and reached lifetime 11/2003. Been maintaining just fine since then. The accountability of facing the scale every week was the motivating factor for me (and still is, but I only have to weigh once a month now). Here's my WW web page if you're interested:
Wow TK, your pictures and story are quite amazing. I have been thinking of joining WW and now I think I will!
WOW TK!! You are definitely an inspiration! I think I'll join Beth and say I'll certainly be getting myself to Weight Watchers! I think this Satuday morning will be just perfect. Thanks for posting the link to your picture. I'm so impressed.

I hope you join too Shirley!

Thanks to everyone for posting!

:D Nicole
I have to rave about WW also. i joined 10/2002. i lost 80lbs and made lifetime in 9/2003. The Core program is PERFECT for someone who needs to eat clean and be acountable. It is the ONLY program that is structured that doesn't have NO-NO foods. Any food is ok as long as you practice portion control. Any diet that says you can't have something is bad. It is truly the only healthy weight loss program there is.. IMO. The meetings are key to me. They keep me accountable.

Tina ACM1

love a zipperhead!
I just started at the beginning of the year. So far, I lost 6 lbs. I use all of my activity points, and Flex points, and I am losing. I did WW's years ago, and lost 20 lbs. Now, my goal is to lose 16. I am determined to do it. I am not, SO FAR, having any problems sticking to the program.

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