Doctor visit--pregnancy update!


Hello everyone!

I had a doctor's appointment today and thought I would share. The heart beat was very strong. Very reassuring! I am almost 16 weeks and have lost 5 pounds. I have been very sick and it shows no signs of slowing. I got a prescription from my doctor today that helps nausea but does not cause drowsiness. I usually take Phenergan and it works well but really puts me out. She warned me that the medication (Zofran) was very expensive...and it was. She gave me 7 pills and it cost $220. Yikes. I guess if it works it is worth it. I am having difficulty eating anything. Fruit is about the only thing that I can eat consistently. I am sooooooooo tired and worn out.

I go next week for an ultrasound and hopefully will find out what the gender is!!! We're excited.

Well, just thought I would give everyone an update!

So glad you heard a strong heartbeat!! Zofran is good stuff... I hope it helps. You've lost 5 pounds... I'll share a few of my pounds with ya. ;)

The U/S is soooo exciting, but don't be disappointed or concerned if there is any question regarding the gender. I have several friends (and patients) who have had U/S before 20 weeks, and the gender I.D. was incorrect or questionable (this is usually a case of "it looks like a girl" but later on learn it is a boy... sometimes the penis doesn't develop quickly enough :)... but it can be the opposite if the cord gets in the way or from mom's hormones causing enlargement of the genitals). Sydney was uncooperative and we never thought we were going to see... the sonographer would scan that area, and Sydney's hands would follow... the sonographer would leave and so would the hands. Too funny!

Whether you find out the gender or not, the U/S is exciting!!

Thanks for the update and let us know what you find out!

Hey there. Updates are so exciting, aren't they? Too bad about the nausea, fortunately mine went away shortly into 2nd trimester. As a pharmacist, I know Phenergan can be very sedating (if it's effective, it may be worth continuing to use b/c they're not too expensive). Zofran is in a class of drugs that are considered most effective for combating nausea. It's commonly used in chemotherapy patients. I hope it works well for you, once you get over sticker shock!!!! You don't want to lose any of those little pills. ;-)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I took one of the Zofran yesterday because I had to get out and do some stuff. WOW!!!!!!! It worked great, terrific, fantastic. I almost felt normal, whatever that is!!!! I did develop a headache a few hours after taking it but that may be good old spring and pollen stuff. I ended up having to take a Phenergan toward the end of the day because I was getting sick with the headache. I hope the Zofran is not going to give me headaches. I don't need any help there. I have plenty of those all on my own. I may try it again today and see if I get another headache. It sure felt nice to not feel that nausea and to be able to eat a normal lunch. I ate a WHOLE chicken sandwich and some french fries from McDonald's. Before I might could eat only half if I was lucky. My eating has not been the greatest and I normally eat very healthy. I just kind of have to eat whatever I think will stay down. Fun, fun!

I've rambled enough!!!!:)

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