Do you own a Treadmill?


Just wondering which of you own treadmills? I've always wanted one but from the reviews I've read the home models don't seem very sturdy or reliable. Do any of you have a good one to recommend?


Nicole :D
I own a treadmill and use it frequently. I try to do at least 20 miles a week on it in addition to doing Cathe 6 days a week. I got mine at Sears about 3 years ago and have had not problems.

I have a Landice L7. I love it it is health club size and quality my 6'3 225lb husband runs on it all the time and it is very quiet. It has a lifetime warr that you can even "will" to someone after you die!
macska - thanks for the link!

Shellie - which model did you get? I looked up Landis L7 and there are several different models.

I have had a True 400 (w/o heart rate monitor) and have had no problems with it and I run on it about 24 miles a week. My 6' husband uses it periodically too and it works fine for him. Pop in a DVD or VCR and go at it. Much better than cement on your legs and much better than the cold and sun on your face. My sister is a year younger and runs outside all the time and everyone thinks I am the younger sister.
I have one too. I just bought it this past October and LOVE it. I bought a ProForm from Modell's Sporting Goods. It's got the extra wide belt, extra horespower, iFit Technology and that reflex thing that helps your joints (can't remember what they call that).


Had mine about 2 weeks and its great - has everything you really need and it's very stable. Don't know if you can get them in the US but mines a Steph Davis Pacer (top of the range) - got mine from ebay for half the price :) Can't comment on the long-term reliability but it's been OK so far!!!

Hope that helps,
Gees Maybe I should dig mine out .its in my Garage sale pile.I never could stand it .Watched the clock everytime I made an attempt to get on it .My efforts would last about4 weeks .Ummmm maybe my new frame of mind ,it could be differant ... I will let you ladies know what I do :) :)
We just have a cheap one we bought from wal-mart, has lasted 3 yrs so far.... but we will need another one before too long, this one is wearing out...... Rhonda
I bought a ProForm from Sears over 6 years ago and its still going strong. Never had any trouble with it. I'm amazed at all the new gadgets that get put on the new ones. I like the built in fans.

Thanks everyone for your replies!

I'm curious which models you bought of the ProForm at Sears? How much did you spend? (if you don't mind my asking)

I'm seeing a wide range of prices on treadmills. Is it an example of "you get what you pay for"?

I'm already thinking I'll have to start saving up!


Nicole :)

I have a ProForm crosswalk and paid around $600.00. I actually bought mine on last summer. I had another ProForm which lasted about 5 years before I bought the Crosswalk. I really like it! I don't use it as much as I should though.

I too have a proform that we purchased from Sears last Christmas, but since Cathe i can't talk my self into getting on it! i get too bored. I like it though. it is sturdy and built well. i'm sure i will use it eventually!

I think it depends on hard you are going to use it. If you will run on it a lot, get a True or Lifestride. For walking, get a Sears model. You definately get what you pay for with a treadmill. Treadmills will last much longer if all you do is walk on them.

We got ours at Sears and it promptly lasted three years. We learned our lesson. We ran on it a lot. Then we had the problem of having to get rid of it. What a pain that was!


Thanks for the info Madonna! It never occurred to me to consider whether it would be used just for walking or running. (In my mind I was thinking only of running.) For me, it would be used for some walking/jogging at first, then mostly running, and two adults would be using it. That being said, is it best to invest in a top of the line model that will last? I know it will get used alot, so one of my concerns has been durability.

Thanks again!

:) Nicole

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