Do you iron your cargo pants?


OK I'm making a small admission here. I'm fashion impaired. I have just recently bought some really cute cargo pants and capris, but I'm wondering if you're supposed to iron them?? Is it OK if they're wrinkly? I hate ironing. :)
Yes. I iron my socks, underwear, shoelaces, my cat, and my salad greens. (this is sarcasm....I, like Shelley am not sure what exactly an iron is)
>Iron? What's that?;)

I've heard of this!!! I think it's a hot, heavy object that you put on your clothes to make them... flat and smooth, or something. Never seen one myself, personally. ;)
Oh wait! Is that the thing that looks like a boat with a handle on it? I have one of those. No idea what it's for though!
I've tried ironing cargo pants and I really don't think it's worth it.

First, I HATE ironing...

Second, there are too many pockets and such to manouver around...

I think it's perfectly acceptable to wear them wrinkly! :)
I never iron mine and they're not wrinkled. I just make sure I take them out of the dryer asap, give them a good shake out and either fold them or hang them right away.

And cargo pants, well... they're cargo pants. They're not supposed to be polished!
>And cargo pants, well... they're cargo pants. They're not
>supposed to be polished!

Agreed! It's not like they're dress slacks. I think it looks weirder to have perfectly pressed cargo pants than to have them a little wrinkly. But like Shelley said, if you pull them out of the dryer right away, they won't be wrinkly.
or you can use spray starch. I'll get the clothes out of the washer and spray them lightly with starch. Put in dryer. Most of my clothes I'll hang up to dry. The only time I use the dryer is for underwear, sheets, towels, jeans. Workout clothes and some shirts I'll hang up. Annette
I hate to iron, only do it when traveling. I yank stuff out of the dryer when they are finished, if you leave them too long, well its too wrinkly! Oh, and use that Downy Wrinkle Releaser spray, it works like a charm I swear! But cargos are supposed to have that wrinkly look aren't they?:)
My iron works just like my "dish washer". I yell down the stairs to whichever DS is around, hold up a dollar bill, hand over the wrinkled items and presto, ironing done. Works for things like dishwasher loading, vacuuming, and taking out trash too! If you don't have children, this method may work with a DH or So, but you may have to up the "ante". ;-)

Oh, cargo pants.. no don't iron them.

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