Do you all still do checkins??


Hey, it's been awhile since I've been on the forums so I don't know if checkins are even done anymore. If they are I'll start us off. If not I'll just look goofy;-)

Ok, here's my week:

MON- run 3mi. a.m., PS BBA p.m., and yoga

TUES: run 4mi a.m., PS SLA p.m., and yoga

WED: run/walk 4mi a.m., PS CT p.m. and yoga

Thurs: REST

FRI: run 4 mi. a.m., S&H Legs only, but went light and worked on form.

SAT: run 5.5mi a.m., Upper body of BMAX p.m.

SUN:REST!! Ok, maybe a little yoga;-)

Have a great week everyone!!

Yes, yes...

Hi Aimee. Quite a productive week you had. My kitchen is finally nearly complete, so I'm feeling a bit more back to normal as far as exercising is concerned.

Sun. - Bike: 45 min.; Ski machine: 10 min.; Body Max: 1st step portion only, no step.

Mon. - off

Tues. - Leslie's Walk & Jog (2 1/2 miles); Abs & Core work

Wed. - 1 mile jog; 1 mile walk; bike: 30 min.

Thurs. - MIS

Fri. - off

Sat. - 2 mile walk; CTX Kickbox (cardio portion) & Abs/core work.

I had a good week. :) Hope everyone else feels the same about their week.

Checkin in!

Yes, we still check-in, but it's dwindled some. Great weeks for you two. Here's mine:

Sun. 4 mile run

Mon. CTX upper body, LL abs

Tue. 4.5 mile run

Wed. Power Circuit cardio and abs, LL 1st set of squats, deads, and calves

Thu. The one day a month I have to work away from home and it was loooooong.

Fri. rest

Sat. 5K race. My goal all summer has been to make it in 30 minutes. I hadn't reached it until this race...29:03 :-jumpy !!

This race was a birthday race for an 80 year old woman. After people ahead of her finished we all went back to run in with her. She finished somewhere around 38:00. Not bad eh?! Hope I'm like that at 80!

Hi Aimee! I've been wondering about you's good to see you back. Hope everything is going ok for you. Your week looks great, and I'm thrilled to see two whole rest days in there ;-) (I love to rest, and am a huge proponent of it!)

Here's my week: (These am workouts are working out really well for me!)

MONDAY: MIS upper and abs

TUESDAY: RS wu and challenge plus TCS bonus and cd (fun combo, around 35 minutes)

WEDNESDAY: Imax wu, Superstep, Imax cd and stretch


FRIDAY: MIS legs plus 2 sets of calf raises
Kicked up Step

SATURDAY: shopping for a dress rest

SUNDAY: will be doing upper body, cardio and abs

Well, some cringe at the aluminum foil outfit of Becky Chamberlin in Kicked Up Step (I am one of the cringers), and this workout is not exactly advanced... but I'll tell you that my lats are so sore from this workout. All that tells me is that I've been neglecting kickboxing, and will be throwing the CK drills in at least once a week for a while!

Have a great week, everyone :)
Welcome back, Aimee! We still do check-ins, though lately it's gotten all split into regular, weight loss, and ectochicks threads.

Congratulations, Andrea! 29:03 is great!

My week started off really good, but the old body just isn't cooperating. :-tired

MONDAY: 35 min. walk/run (2/2 cycle), Pilates class
TUESDAY: in bed with cold a.k.a. Power Sniffling Workout
WEDNESDAY: 2 miles hiking with kids
THURSDAY: 6 miles hiking with kids
SATURDAY: off (intestinal blockage!--darn Crohn's disease :-mad )
SUNDAY: walk/run later -- my abdomen is still sore, but I think as long as I don't do any weights, the exercise will do me good Gretchen
me too!

This was a milestone week:

Mon: resting: 2 mile hike; yoga class in Mammoth Lakes (lots of "chairs" & "sun dogs" as the instructor is thinking of ski season
Tues: 6 mile hike
Wed: upper body workout & more resting
Thu: Climb Mt. Whitney (14,496') w/ DH
Fri: rest
Sat & Sun: still resting

Climbing Mt. Whitney was the most physical day I've ever had. The 21.8 mile hike took nearly 12 hours (believe it or not, that's fast) w/ 6200' of elevation gain in perfect weather. Training was just as tough as for a century or bike tour. I read that you can't overtrain for this hike - I didn't. My husband was firing on all cyclinders, but I struggled on the ascent. We're glad we did it, but it's not a repeater.

Repeating Gretchen's post-triathlon comment, can't wait to refocus my training. Have to see how the legs recover. Everything below the waist was sore (including my toes), but now it's just the knees.

Have a great week everyone!
Hey Andrea!

Congratulations! Great time! Sounds like a fun birthday party.
RE: me too!

Oh my Debra!! Good Job!! I am GREEN with envy. That sound SO COOL!! See, I wish I had real friends here that were willing to do that hike. Sounds like awesome fun to me. To all my non-cyber friends it would seem like a sick joke!!LOL....


Sounds like you had a great day hiking! So...what are you focusing on now? :)

RE: Debra

Debra! Very cool! You sure know how to keep fitness fun and challenging.
Hey Aimee, glad to see you back.

My week:

mon: A.m.4mi run + p.m. PS Chst,sh&tri.

Tues: A.m. PSLegs&Abs + p.m. Kickboxing class

Weds: A.m. 4mi run + PS Bk&Bis

Thurs: A.m. Spin class + p.m. PS Chst,sh&tri

Fri: A.m. 3mi. run+ PS Legs

Sat: A.m. 4.5 mi run+ PS Cst,sh&tri.

Sun: Off!

Hope everyone has a great week!
I've never posted my weeks yet but what the heck!!Congrats to all you fit ladies. You seem to have had a great week! :)

Monday: Cardio Kicks
Upper Body weights
Walk dog for 35mmn

Tues: IMAX
walk dog: 45 mmn

Wed: Walk dog 30mn
Power Hour

Thur: StepHeat
walk dog: 30mn

Fri: Walk(15mn) raining! Used as warm up for-
Lower Body Weights

Sat: StepWorks
Walk (30mn)

Sun: walk 35mn(off day)
Everyday I've been stretching for 30-45 mins.:D Hope you have an excellent week everyone!!! Susan
Hi Andrea

You probably know I need a target, & it will probably be running events. Before DH got a bee in his cap about Whitney, he was going to run the Long BEACH marathon in mid-October & I was going to do the half. I hope to test my legs w/ a long run next Saturday & evaluate whether I can do a 1/2. If not, it looks like there are several 10k's coming up. DH is now focusing on a January marathon in Huntington BEACH & I plan on doing the 1/2. Note that these are at SEA LEVEL w/ flat courses!!

DH isn't going to have time to train for a century this winter. It's much more time consuming than running. But I'm really missing my bike rides. It just won't be the focus.

Weight training depends on the running events. I've done a lot of the PH, MIS & Bodymax upperbody workouts the last 2 months. Be nice to switch to PS.

OK, I've dished. So what are you thinking about now that the weather's turning fine in your neck of the desert?

Hi again Debra

Let us know next week what you decide after your long run this week. I'm training for a 10K in October. It will be my first. Now that it is getting dark earlier though my Mom is nice enough to come hang out with my little one while I do my long run once a week. Dh gets home late. I'm kind of doing the same running schedule as long run and two 3-4 milers. There is a 1/2 marathon in February I'd like to do, but would probably do a run/walk. I'm not sure my knees could take all that running. I seem to just do one upper body workout and one lower when training for a race. It is quite tough my legs. I would love to do another upper, but I don't seem to have the time.

After training for a race it seems I always just have to get away from running for about 2 weeks and just do other stuff. Then the race bug gets in my blood again! I still want to do the duathlon in April, it will just depend on whether I can get my bike comfortable to ride on.


P.S. I just found out there is a marathon, 1/2, and 10K in Death Valley in December. I thought it sounded great, but it's too early for me this year. If you ever decide to try it let me know and I'll come cheer you on...or if you give me enough notice another year I'll do it! A full marathon is my goal someday...although it will be a run/walk too.
Hi Gretchen,

I have ulcerative colitis, so I can emphathize. Do you find regular workouts helpful in managing your Crohn's?

There was a time when I was too sick to workout, but am doing much better now. I think regular exercise helps keep stress down and I figure keeping the abs toned must help us some.


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