Do I need Gym Style DVDs?


I already bought:

-Muscle Max
-Core Max
-Low Max
-Pyramid Lower & Upper
-Boot Camp & Muscle endurance
-Power Hour
-Imax 2, Cardio & Weights
-Step, jump, pump & Step Blast
-Pure Strenght Series
-Cardio Hits

In the rotations sometimes she asks for the Gym Style DVDs?

Do I really need to buy them??? Are they different than what I already bought? What I mean is, is it a necessity and will I see results I don't see with the other DVDs?

Just looking for you opinion.

IMO the Gym Styles are completely worth the money, particularly CT and Legs. The band work in BSB is a killer. I have all of the workouts you listed but nothing leaves me with the same muscle fatigue and DOMS as the Gym Styles.

As for results, that will vary from person to person, but I'm pleased with what they've done for me, especially in the triceps.


Becky :)
I really like the Gym Styles (GSL is now tied with PLB for my favorite lower body workout!). They are one of the best parts of the HC series, IMO.

As for substituting, yes, it's possible.
The best substitute, IMO, would be PS--another three-day split that is "gym style". Since you already have that, you don't have to get GB to do the rotations. BUT the Gym Style series should definitely be on your "to get" list at some point. They are excellent, and will give you better results, IMO, than PS.
Hi Helene, I have been doing the Gym Styles every two weeks since April, with a two-week break from it here and there, and I have seen a great difference in my strength AND endurance. I made a lot of strength gains with PS, but I never thought PS helped me make strides in my endurance. It's probably those slower reps in GS. I know the GS cost more, so it's something you can add slowly to your collection. GS-Legs also reshaped my hamstrings and butt in a way that LL and L&G didn't. I think it's all those front and rear lunges. GS-Legs also has the best floor work, IMHO.

I don't have the PS series nor MuscleMax but I love the Gym Styles. I did the GS Legs w/o for the first time last week and nothing has fried my legs and glutes like that thing did!!
Another vote for the Gym Styles. I did GS BS&B last night and Luna's right: the band work really FRIES your muscles. I did GS Legs today and it was equally a killer. I reach for these quite often on my strength days.

The Gym Style series is my absolute favorite Cathe series to date! It's a fantastic workout and leaves me feeling totally fried!
Thanks a lot,

my husband wanted me to start a 'wish list' for Xmas. So I guess the GS series is on my list now.

Everything Pinky said.

The first time I used GS legs, I had DOMS for almost a week. I intend to get the upper body series soon.

Get won't be sorry.

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