Do I have to adjust my workout routine?


New Member
This is my third pregnancy. I did not workout during my first two pregnancies and I felt terrible. I am currently in excellent shape and workout 5 times per week for at least an hour each time. I just found out that I am pregnant - only about 6 weeks along. I was told not to get my heart rate over 140 - which is like walking for me! It does not hurt to do the power step workouts. Can I keep working at the same pace? If I over-do will it hurt the baby?

Also, is there a good toning video for the last 4 months? The ones I currently have spend alot of time on the back for situps & chest excercises. I know that after the halfway point I am not supposed to be on my back.
Congratulations. I am 34 weeks along and have been exercising throughout pregnancy. Early in my pregnancy I asked my doctor if I needed to modify workouts. He said just listen to my body. I felt fine I did my high impact videos(cathe,Mindy) during whole first trimester and felt fine. Doctor said this was fine. Many people do need to slow down though in first trimester especially if fatigued or having morning sickness. I lucked out and had an easy first trimester.
I am continue to do my toning. I am mostly using firm videos which have only minimal work on the back which I modify: firm cardio/firm strength,tough tape 2, tortoise and the hare and body sculpt. I am also using the strength section of Cathe's wedding tape. For more ideas on videos check eack week's exercise log as well. Hope this helps.
Wow, your post sounds so close to my own life it's amazing. I'm also in my third pregnancy (about 5 weeks) and I felt terrible in my first two pregnancies too. I am in decent shape although since finding out that I was pregnant I've kind of slipped on my exercise routines. I usually exercise in the morning and it's been more difficult to get myself up every morning.

Anyway, I don't have any advice since this will be my first pregnancy that I am going to try to exercise through. But I wanted to say congratulations and I'd be interested to know what kind of workouts you find work for you.

I agree with Shopaholic. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly when you need to. About the heart rate, I am ashamed to say that I always ignored it. I just made sure that I was drinking plenty of water and taking brief breaks if I got too winded. I have had to adjust cardio significantly during the third trimester, but as far as weights are concerned, I have not had to adjust much at all. It is different for everyone,however.

I believe that the new medical advice is that if you are already at a certain level of fitness when you get pregnant, you can stay there, just don't try to increase your fitness level. Perhaps Sheila can shed some more light on this topic.

3 weeks, 5 days to go and counting:)

(okay there are obvious reasons to lesson intensity (i.e. bleeding), but if all is going normal your body will let you know when you need to ease up (and it WILL let you know!), but it's generally not until you get uncomfortably big!!)

Thank you:)

I have been continuing my high intensity & I am loving it. Just wanted to make sure that I would not hurt the baby.

I will keep checking the weekly workout logs


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