Divebomber pushups


Hi Cathe,
I can not THANK YOU enough for the new workouts and the surprise gift!!! I am following the Nov. rotation and have done LIC and abs from B&G so far I am just loving the new workouts- challenging and fun!!! I would have been so happy with just the workouts and the extra surprise is like icing on the cake:)
I am doing drill max tommorrow and I have a question about the dive bomber pushups. Can I do them like doing down dog and going right into upward dog in yoga? Does that make sense? I hope so:) previewing the dvd it looks like this is how you do them.:)
Hello, Deanie
I was wondering whether I should purchase drillmax verses musclemax. I already have butt&guts,kickmax. I would like to tone my upper body and it seems like you had so much fun with drillmax. Please let me know what you think. However, I most likely will order both dvd's.

Continue on working out hard!

fitmom: michelle:
For me they are 2 different kind of workouts. Drill max is circuit-cardio and total body, MM is just weights. I think MM does a more thorough(spelling?) job of total body workout- ie- not alot of chest or back work in Drill Max. But they are both GREAT workouts and I would recommend both. Drill Max is alot of fun and has some great new ways to work your muscles but for upper body I would go with MM. It has great upper body work and uses the band, that I feel sometimes more than the weights. Anyway, I think you should order both :) they both have something to offer!!
Have fun:)

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