Ditch the crunches?


So I was in the animal emergency hospital at 2:30 this morning. While I was waiting for news about my cat I was reading an article int eh August 2005 Prevention magazine, "8 Moves You Can Do Without." Basically, it ws a short article about 8 strength training moves that are basically a waste of time.

Guess what was on the list? Abdominal crunches - the meat and potatoes of most of Cathe's ab workouts! (Ha - please forgive the carb-reference!)

The article said that for all the effort it takes to do crunches, there really is no payoff strength-wise or figure-wise. One is better off doing full-out sit-ups instead.

The article also said chest/pec flyes are also another waste of time because it only works one teeny little portion of muscle in the chest. This article said pec flyes' claim of enhancing cleavage was incorrect. For the record, I understood that there aren't any exercises enhance cleavage, only strengthen the muscles beneath it.

The suggested replacement exercise? Push-ups.

What say you, educated crowd? (especially RE: abs crunches?)
very interesting. The only thing about crunches that would be a waste would be if your form stinks. Also, if you are not eating clean, you won't get good results on your abs no matter what you do. I think if your form is great and you are really contracting, anything is good. Now for the pecs, hum...hadn't heard that. So it's tiny, we shouldn't work it? Well, maybe it's not as big a concentration movement but darn if I haven't seen great strength results. BUT, this is in addition to all other upper body work I do. I think it's hard to separate all of the specific moves and say this one sucks, this one is good, blah blah blah. I think they work together like a well oiled machine. Anyhow, I think I'm done babbling on my two cents ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I can only add that after doing any of the coremax workouts, I always have a cranky and satisfying burn in my tummy area.

And who really thinks that strengthening your pecs is going to lift yours boobs up? If that were true, my boobs would be resting on my shoulders.
I do not know much about any of this stuff. BUT... I know for the last 2 months, I have been doing tons of crunches with Cathe and my "pooch" is finally disappearing after having my 2 sons 6 years ago, and my mid section is getting ripped! So to hell with "no payoff strength or figure wise"! Yes I eat clean, but I believe all the crunches and core work is what makes the difference. Just my thoughts on it. :)

I agree with everyone here. After doing Core Max work, my abs have are always shaking/vibrating...like litte tremors. I know it is working. My jeans also fit me differently around the waist. I know if I continue with cardio, I will have a six pack. I just have to lose alittle more body fat.
There are alot of educated people who think they know it all. You have to know what works for you which may different for someone else. I know if I rest my abs for 2 days, I get better results just like when I incorporate 2 rest days in a week. My body responds well to the extra rest!

It used to be that full sit ups were the thing to do and then they said no and changed it to crunches. In time the full sit up type activity came back anyway though with pilates (ie: roll-ups) but crunches were still "IT". Now they are saying to no to crunches and saying sit ups again??? Gimme a break! Make up your mind! If both are good in thier own right that is fine but I wish they would stop flip-flopping on this issue b/c it's very frustrating! x(

BTW-I will continue to do my crunches. :)
I saw the same article. My parents get the magazine, and so my mom had to inform me. I came over and read it. Basically, the way I understood it, is that crunches were designed 1)as a beginner move and 2) to isolate the abs. My ab workout is 90% crunches in various forms and directions, and I have pretty decent, strong abs. I imagine if you just do the basic up-and-down crunch, your ab development might be limited. But we all know better than that!

Another comment the article made (I think about the dumbbell flies) is that many currently popular exercises were designed by bodybuilders to isolate specific muscles - such as that part of the pectorals. I know a lot of us are interested in body building so some degree or other, so yes, we are interested in the isolation factor.

I think this article was aimed at the "average" woman who doesn't really want to dedicate a lot of time to working out but wants to firm up a little.

I tried some of the recommended replacement exercises. While full situps are fine, I didn't find them particularly more difficult than the routine I already do. And some of the replacements were just too dang easy. :)

If Cathe says to do crunches - with her abs!!! - then I'll keep on doing them, thank you very much!!
"If Cathe says to do crunches - with her abs!!! - then I'll keep on doing them, thank you very much!!"


I couldn't agree more, Shannon! :)
Personally, I don't do crunches. I've never thought they were anything special. I've seen better results on people while they do core work and sit-ups. I personally feel crunches are a big waste of time. I think ab work on stability ball is much, much more effective than crunches. JMO. I always did sit-ups, core work on the ball, etc as they're more effective and gives me faster results. Crunches are one of the most boring exercse I've seen/done.

greetings all, i am new here but have been reading the boards. i just had to chime on this topic. while prevention is a good read i really don't agree with all their fitness articles. i would say it would depend on the goals one would want to reach. really if crunches were a waste of time why would cathe(and other instructors)keep them in their routines and look at those ABS!!!! and honestly chest flyes will never stray from my chest routine. in real bodybuilding magazines they hail it as the best chest isolation exercise that every routine should have along with the press. just b/c it only works the one "tiny"(and i think that term is loosley used)chest muscle doesnt mean it should be tossed to the side. and sit-ups actually use more back muscles then ab muscles so maybe we should make those who did this article get on the floor for a core max routine and change their little tunes.

this is exactly why i stopped buying prevention,fitness, and shape. THEY were a WASTE of my time. i read whatever bodybuilding magazine hubby brings home b/c i am looking for a little lean muscles,strength and power.


"its not about being thin its about being strong"
I'm not as tough as you, Toasty! LOL

Get your arse moving! KPC doesn't workout to itself!! Move it or give me 10,000 pushups! :p
Just my opinion, but the person who wrote that article has obviously never done Cathe's Core Max workouts. There is so much more involved than just abdominal crunches. That's just one part of Cathe's workout. And everyone is right..without clean eating it does not matter how much ab work you do. You'll never see the results without losing the fat. I've always done ab crunches and along with a clean diet have maybe a 4-pack..haha. I don't think any exercise is a waste of time. It's the culmination of all the exercises, along with clean eating that provides us with a well balanced and fit body.:)
I also think that Cathe puts an emphasis on working opposing muscle groups which has a big impact on the effectiveness of ab work. Making sure our backs are strong, as Cathe does, aids in our ability to really concentrate on the abs and decreases the possibility of injury to the neck, etc.


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