Disruptive Dachshunds


I have 2: one of them thinks it's a hoot to lick my armpit when I have my hands behind my head for crunches and the other waits until I'm doing bench presses to sit up and wave his paws at me and dance in a circle making me laugh and therefore almost killing myself with the barbell. Another favorite when I'm on the bench is to run at me full speed and stick a nose in my ear. And God forbid I try yoga. What fun it is for them to run onto the mat and wriggle under me as I'm trying to do updog. Unfortunately they know how cute they are and that I love them more than anything so they get away with acting like clowns. :+

i don't have dachshunds though i do have three dogs who don't understand that when i amd doing step they are not to lie down on the step! my smallest dog likes to get under me with pushups or lie on my face with crunches! my friend has two miniature dachshunds and after i saw them i decided i wanted some! so i keep checking the local shelters (because i am not already the crazy dog lady!).
I have a 50 lb boxer puppy (11 months old) that likes to sit on my head when I'm doing pushups or crunches. I mean literally sit on my head. I don't know what's wrong with that dog! I laugh so hard I have to stop. Besides 50 lbs on my head makes exercising pretty dern hard!
Oh Lorrie your little weiners sound so cute! I had 2 dachsunds growing up and they are just the most entertaining and loving little things.

Btw, have you seen the Sprint commercial with "200 Dachsunds?" STAMPEDE!! Being a dachsund lover I know you could appreciate it.

LizzieLiz - formerly known as Lizzie
I tried an ab workout with my Rottweiler in the room. She gets very disturbed by my being on the floor and tries to help by licking my face frantically, putting her paws on my belly, or pushing with her massive head on my side to get me to roll over. Finally, I had to put her in my bedroom until it was over!
My Cat knows that when I'm done working out I'll usually take him outside (supervised) so when the cool down and stretches start, he becomes the friendliest kitty in the world! Rubbing around my legs and meowing like crazy. Also heaven help me if I pause during a workout for water, he thinks I'm done and starts up. He's just mama's big baby!

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