
Hi Nancy :)
That sounds like a great idea seeing a nutritionist. I think good nutrition is key in getting a lean, strong body.

About the sugar issue - I can tell you from my mother's experience about cutting out processed sugars in her diet. She went to the doctor a couple years ago for a general check-up. Well, her blood sugar was quite high. My mom being the stubborn woman she is did not want to take medicine. I think the numbers scared her though and she decided to change her diet dramatically. Although she did tend to eat a lot of healthy foods, she would also eat lots of cookies, ice cream, doughnuts, etc...basically, a lot of processed crap. She cut out all sugar in her diet, ate more whole grains, ate lots of veggies and fruit, fish, and minimal red meat. My mom definitely had the spare tire syndrome. After 3-4 months on this diet she lost so much body fat - esp. in her waist. It was simply unbelievable seeing how much her body transformed from her diet. I think she lost 3 pant sizes. Let me tell you, I am definitely a believer of good nutrition to burn off that last bit of stubborn fat. I would have never believed that until I seen what changes my mom made just by eating a diet without all the processed junk. Also, she was able to lower her blood sugar to healthy levels which was the most important thing. The fat loss was just an extra benefit.
RE: Re: the "tire around the m...

WOW Kathy!! What a terrific doctor you have! I can't imagine a doctor who takes that kind of time to discuss nutrition.

I will read your post several times as there is lots of good, sound advice there. Just one negative comment: I don't think the Zone is low-fat, as you mentioned. Also, if you go low on the carbs and low on the fat I have a concern that you could easily wind up eating too much protein.

I think I'm in exactly the same situation as you: not overweight by many standards and yet knowing that I could and should lose that tire around my middle. The truth is, I have no faith in those BMI charts. My stepson is perfect at a much higher weight than the chart recommends and would be emaciated if he followed the chart. I, on the other hand, have a perfect chart rating but know that I have some unnecessary fat on my body.

I think your doctor is right in saying that for people like us, just a few gradual changes will probably be the ticket. For example, I think after looking at my own food journal that I could use a few more servings of vegetables each day. I'll bet anything the nutritionist is going to recommend that. (As much as I've disliked it, this food journal thing has been good for me.)

Kathy, thank you so much for your warm welcome back and for sharing your wonderful doctor's advice with all of us!!


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