dirty knees....don't look at these


HA HA ! Did you think you were going to see some skin??? Just kidding!

On a more serious note:

I have cleaned homes and worked out on my knees (doing table work)for years. I have noticed a spot on each knee where the skin is just slightly darker. I am assuming it's from being on my knees a lot. Is there a way to revive my skin to look the normal color again? Cleaning has always been done kneeling on linolium (sp) and working out always on the carpet.
I recommend picking up some knee pads (the thick rubber ones, with a 'donut' hole in) for future 'on the knees' activties. Then, whatever you try to attempt to reduce the discoloration, you won't be workiing against it by continuting to irritate the area.

I can't see any dirty-knee pictures (and the second link takes me to a 'cannot find server' page) so I can't imagine what it could be or look like. Maybe pooled blood?
I will try exfoliating them.
They just look a liitle dirty. No raised skin or blood under there or anything like that. Where the "dirty spot" is it does feel just a tad bit rough. I didn't take pics. I'm going to wal-mart for yet another birthday gift. I will look into the knee pads.
My elbows do that and my knees. It's layers of dry, rough skin. exfoliate and mosturize like crazy. Use a good, thick mostuirizer (sp?) Udder butter is good, they carry it at walgreens and most grocery stores, in the container with the cow spots on it. Also can try plain crisco or veggie shortening to get a jump start. I know it sounds wierd, but my mom told me to try it for dry heels and it works like charm. Try it for a few days to get a good start then switch to regular moisturizer, but it may stain clothes, so try it when you can have naked knees that wont be touching anything.
Hi,how about trying one of the bleaching creams meant for age spots and dark patches,Porcelana is one of the brands.

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