Different than MIS


Hi Everyone,
I am looking to get some feedback from you on purchasing a different strenght training tape other than MIS. I want another one with different moves to work the muscles differently. Which one of Cathe's tapes would you recommend? Which one would compliment with MIS? Thanks for you input. Goal is to get defined cut muscles.
Power Hour. Fast, different pacing, new moves with stealth stabilization work.
If muscle cuts are your goal, immediately purchase the Pure Strength Series. Then, after 8 to 10 weeks of Pure Strength get the Slow and Heavy series. Do Slow and Heavy for 3 weeks, then back to Pure Strength.

While Power Hour is a great workout it mainly promotes muscle endurance.

If you already have MIS here is a suggestion as to a possible rotation with Pure Strength and MIS:

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps from Pure Strength
Day 2: Strong Legs and Abs from Pure Strength
Day 3: Back and Biceps from Pure Strength
Day 4: Rest, no weight training
Day 5: MIS
Day 6: Rest, no weight training
Day 7: Begin rotation again.

Any day you have enough time throw in a cardio. Cathe said that if you want to increase muscle size keep cardio down to about 3 times a week. Also, include a bit more protein in your diet.

There are so many other possible rotations with Pure Strength and MIS. Search this website and you will find tons of great ideas.

I began Pure Strength last March and the above rotation is what I usually do. The results I have had are awesome. I have cuts in my arms, back muscle I can actually see and my chest (area between collarbone and breasts) muscles are incredible. As a matter of fact, when I was in the shower I felt the area right in front of the armpits and thought I had a lump. However, when I discovered a matching lump on the other side I realized this was muscle. Never even knew you could grow a muscle there. My tricep area no longer wobbles when I wave.

So, that is my formula for cuts.


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