Afterburn provides more cardio work than Athletic Training, which is a blend of cardio and strength. I find the cardio segment in Athletic Training, which lasts about 7 minutes, tougher than anything in Afterburn but the cumulative cardio work in Afterburn exceeds what is in Athletic Training. Afterburn is a challenging but fun workout. Afterburn doesn't involve a step or firewalker bands, and there is no floor work. It's just 10 pairs of drills using hand weights, sliding disks, or no equipment. Each pair of drills is repeated but there's an express premix with single drills, and this premix is a good way to learn the program. I prefer Afterburn over Athletic Training. Both are good workouts but Afterburn seems to go faster for me. Cardio Supersets is another good workout. It's not quite as tough as Afterburn but it's a good workout.