Dietary supplements...whose tried um???


Just thought of a question I could ask!:p I was just into the EAS website....just browsing , not really looking for anything in particular.Came across a new "MAGIC WEIGHT LOSS FORMULA" and thought, how many of us have actually tried this stuff?
When I had 15 unwanted pounds to get rid of and I was looking for a quick fix.I admit, I tried some stuff.I don't know if it actually worked, but my eating was superb and I had just gotten back into exercise.At this point I wasn't introduced to Cathe though.So, of course I was going to lose weight b/c I was doing it the right way anyway.But if it was so good then how come I didn't buy another bottle of it? NO one knows...
My friends and I have talked about it to_Of course,they are crazy like me,so it was a funny conversation.
Thing is to that these pills could be dangerous and have major side affects,exspecially when they are new on the market.
Anyway, does anyone else have any interesting stories about supplements that they would like to share?
Was that part of the program called "Results for Women"? That looked very interesting to me, actually.
This is an interesting topic. Obviously people believe in supplements or there wouldn't be so many companies and so many people taking them. Or the industry has us buffaloed. LOL It is over a billion dollar industry.
This is just my own experience.
I tend to gain weight on them though. I once went to an herbalist who found so much wrong with me, I had to take 23 different capsules 3 times a day. After awhile, there was no way I could get down even one of them. Even though I ate very little, and I was into the no sugar, white flour, I gained weight.

I was also into liquid vitamins that you mix up everyday. Pretty soon, no matter how I disguised it, my mouth would not let me drink it. And....I gained weight.

I think too much of one thing can be toxic to the system. Good lab tests should tell a person what they are low on or too high. For some taking iron would be a bad thing. I know it would be for me. I can't take anything that resembles a hormone(estrogen etc) because it causes lupus to flare up big time.

Some people wouldn't be without them. I have friends who swear by the cartlidge builders.
And of course there are the ones that are just plain dangerous.
So it is a listen to your own body type thing to know what you really need, I guess. MHO for what it is worth. :D

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