Did I do too much and other ?s



[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-01 AT 04:10AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-01 AT 04:07 AM (Est)[/font]

Yesterday I found out that I am pregnant. This is a total shock - we weren't trying to conceive and now I am worried about the intensity of the workouts that I have been doing up until now. I don't know how far along I am (crazy cycles), but I'm sure it's early. I do a lot of high intensity workouts, but I am especially concerned about a spinning workout I did last week where I did anaerobic intervals and pushed myself really hard. Could this have caused any damage to the pregnancy and/or embryo?

When will I need to move to lower impact workouts? I run/walk a lot - 4-5 times a week for 10-12 miles plus your step workouts.

I had more questions, but I found the answers in older posts, so I edited this to take them out.

Hi Erica!

(I E-mailed you also!)Just wanted to say "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" How exciting! Is it okay for me to wish for a girl this time around!!?? Ill leave the medical advice to Sheila or Cathe but I'm sure everything is just fine. Keep us posted!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Don't stress :) It sounds like you are quite fit, and it may be that you can keep up your intensity for some months to come. The main thing you need to worry about at this early stage is hydration. You don't want to overheat, and the best way to regulate temperature is to drink lots and lots of water before, during, and after your workout.

Other than that, listen to your body. If you have any joint discomfort, modify moves if anything you do causes any discomfort... if you feel entirely exhausted after a workout, then you are probably overdoing, and might want to cut back on duration or intensity.

There was a mom in my first prenatal exercise class who had been a spin instructor during her first pregnancy. She kept it up until the end! :)

One other thing that women tend to ignore -- if at any point during your pregnancy, you find that you are having trouble holding your urine when you do higher impact workouts, take it down to low impact... this is VERY common as your pelvic floor has more weight and relaxin hormones in it, and you don't want to overstretch it any more than it'll do on it's own! :)
Susan Hyde
Healthy Moms Certified Perinatal Fitness Instructor

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-01 AT 02:48PM (Est)[/font][p]Susan, thanks so much for the very reassuring answer!!

Debbie, thanks for the well wishes - I appreciate your support as always!!

Congratulations!!! I seriously doubt you did any harm at all through your workouts. Just think about how many people get drunk or do drugs during the first of their pregnancies before they knew they were pregnant. I'm sure your baby will be just fine. When you go to your first Dr's appointment, ask him/her and I'm sure he/she will make you feel better as well.

As far as moving to lower impact workouts, I'd say just listen to your body. Some women can jog their whole pregnancy while others need to modify right from the start. I recommend a book called "Expecting Fitness" by Birgitta Gallo. You can also visit her web site http://www.expectingfitness.com . This book will answer a lot of questions for you as well as explain things to you that will help you understand just what the body goes through during pregnancy.

Congratulations again!

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Question for Alli...

Hi Alli,
How are you doing? Are you still on bedrest?
I saw that you had an abruption in a previous pregnancy and you were having frequent ultrasounds as a result. Is there a higher risk of an abruption occurring again if you've already had one. I had an abruption in my last pregnancy (twins).
Hope you are doing well. Thanks for the link and the advice!
RE: Question for Alli...

You know, I don't know statistically if you're at a higher risk of having an abruption once you've had one or not. I guess you are since my Dr is handeling it like this. But, with my 2nd pregnancy, he didn't do anything differently. I'll remember to ask at my next visit.

Yep, still on bedrest (so what am I doing at the computer!?) and it's driving me crazy. I really hope they let me off of it Friday or I will go mad. Besides, it feels so wrong and unhealthy to actually not move around.

I'll let you know what my doc says on the abruption thing.

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​

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