Did anyone else used to think they didn't like working out?


I'm not sure at what age it happened...it seemed to co-incide with my chest growing to 36 DD in high school. All of a sudden I found running and jumping around difficult, and didn't like it anymorel (go figure).

Years later I grew very obese.

Although I was an active kid, at tht point, I thought I didn't like exercise or working out. I didn't think I could ever be strong.

Now one of the best feelings in the world to me is having sweat drip down my forehead as I'm exercising.

Anyone else have a similar experience? Maybe as a kid you didn't like gym class....maybe wild horses had to drag you to workout and you did it grudgingly...but grew to love it?
ME! I used to try to do aerobics or jogging as a teenager and I would get so winded and tired that I'd always quit practically the next day. Walking was about all I could handle. Sweat? Never. A certain wild horse got me gradually more involved with working out. I now work out longer and harder than she does. I crave my endorphins!

i was like that too. especially when i was overweight since it was so difficult since i was so unfit. but to be honest i have my days where i don't want to workout which is kindof not likeing it for that moment but within 5 min of doing something i get really into it.
I don't like working out, actually. But since I ride my horse, and ask him to be athletic, it is only fair that I ask the same of myself.

When the going gets tough, I say to myself, "You don't allow your horse to cheat, so neither will you!"

That is, of course, in addition to the obvious beenfits of exercise.
me! i used every excuse in the book to get out of gym class, and would feign interest in joining different sports teams and then back out. i don't think it was an aversion to exercise as much as a self conscious issue, for me. i workout regularly now, but at home. i'm not sure i would be as in love with fitness if my only option was to work out with others.
Me! In Jr. High, I walked the required mile around the track, because I hated to jog. In High School, I had the option of dance or gym class, and yes, I picked dance every year!! One semester I got shut out, and had to play volley ball and frisbee~ I hated it!!!! Even in college, I took dance class. Fortuneatley, I was slim. I would never have consider myself an athlete back then. Now, I run, workout with Cathe, kickbox, do yoga, and definatly consider myself and athlete! Go figure!!

I seemed to have come full circle. I was a fencer in H.S., practicing every day, even came in 3rd in the state (little boast there!). Then, when I went to college, I gravitated to the "partying" crowd, and my fitness interests went down to nil. It took me literally 15 years to finally start working out again. I give alot of credit to my neighbor, who looked so good and fit, and who inspired me to try again. That's when I discovered working out at home, and then Cathe. It completely changed how I look at fitness. Now it's as important a part of my life as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
Yup. That was me in a nutshell. I was the exact opposite of "athletic" in my school days. I couldn't run the mile, I couldn't hit a softball, I hated anything that made me sweaty...

But now... I can't imagine my life without running and weight-lifting and Yoga and all of those activities that I love. I still wouldn't consider myself "athletic" and I probably still can't hit a softball. But now sweating is fun for me. I feel good after a tough workout. It's a complete 180 degree shift from 15 years ago.
I hated gym and still would. I'm not a team sports competitive kinda gal. I actually found I always enjoyed exercise, by myself. I compete against myself, always striving for a new personal best. I'm more confident but I am still not "athletic" and would not sign up for the company baseball team.
RE: Did anyone else used to think they didn't like work...

I was not atheletic at all in school. Tried out for every sport in grade 6, 7 and 8...never made one. In high school gym classes I took the F-it attitude and would hang back with my friends and enjoy a cigarette and a leisurely walk to the soccer field. Gym class just pi$$ed me off, everything was competitive, I loved volleyball but didn't want my head spiked off so I just kept hanging back. I'm 45 now and run/cycle over 100km/week....I never wanted to 'win', I just wanted to play and now I can because after 30 years of being a lazy sod....I have the knees of a 15 year old:+ :p

Take Care
Sure - I was very inactive up until I hit 30. Then I started doing The Firm, and quickly moved to Cathe. Once I started seeing muscles on my arms, I was hooked. Oh, and when I went hiking and could feel how much better it felt to have muscles in my legs as I was climbing up the gorge. BIG motivator.

Now, here I am at 40, being told by 12 year olds in my tae kwon do class that grown-ups aren't supposed to have as much energy as me. And when I get to lead the class in "tae kwon do" style pushups, I always tack extra on. Pretending that I've lost count...ha ha. But really, the TKD pushups are just a modified version of cobra pose in yoga. If you can't do 60 of those, you need some help!

I also ran up our very long escalator this morning when I came into work. It felt good, but I'm sure whomever was behind was thinking, "what's up with that chick?"
OMG, I forgot about running the mile. I took off like lightning and could hardly make it twice around before I had to walk! I was sooo embarrassed, all my friends ran it and waited for me at the finish line. I was one of probably four girls who couldn't make it. Maybe I should call those girls and line 'em up and see who could make it now, 20 years later!

Years ago, I would go on an exercise kick that lasted 3 weeks, then I would not touch exercise again for 3-6 months...it always cycled that way. My biggest excuse was always "But I'm too tired to exercise!"

And now....being to tired is my biggest excuse TO exercise! The more tired I am, the more I PHYSICALLY NEED to exericise, and I feel COMPLETELY revved up after the workout!

In fact, this past week, I had to take an exercise break because I felt I was overstressing my wrists and shoulders... so I did ZERO exercise for 7 DAYS. ...it may as well have been 7 MONTHS! It was TORTURE! I was like crawling out of my skin every day! I felt like such crap, and had to fight very hard NOT to exercise, because I knew I needed to give my body a rest. Can you beleive it......exercise used to be torture, and now, if I DON'T exercise it's torture! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wish more people could understand and believe in it!

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