Dexa Scans....


Hi everybody!! New to this forum, some of you may recognize me as coming from the Firm Forum, which I got sick of waiting for to come back...
Anyways, I read a few posts and saw alot of talk about these DEXA scans, La Belle Rebelle had one done. How is it that everybody is participating in these nutrition studies?? How did you guys find these studies and know you were qualified. Sounds really cool to get some free stuff like that. If I cannot be so lucky, who do you go to for one of those scans?? Super expensive?? Covered by insurance (at 25 years of age??!!)? If someone could answer these questions I would love it. I am very interested. I have always thought it would be cool to have some body analysis tests done by proffessionals other than the gym employees, but I never know who to contact and how much and blah..blah....Any info???
I found out about the nutritional study from dh... he's in pharmacy school and there was a flyer on one of the school's bulletin boards. For the one I'm in, the requirements say you need to be female age 20-25, not pregnant, no liver or kidney diseases, and weigh less than 300 lbs. They also needed 100 people from each ethnic group. This study was to learn about bone mass, body fat and dietary habits of women from the different ethnic groups. (they said I had one of the most balanced diets they'd seen!) I was also told about a study they'll be doing next year, and I think it has something to do with comparing different types of diets and the resulting effects on cholesterol.

A dexa scan costs about $150.

Where do you live right now? If there's a medical school nearby, you can contact their nutritional sciences center or try to find their website to get info.

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