Dental Surgery Yesterday ARGGG!!!!


I had dental surgery yesterday. Yes, it is a bit uncomfortable. Yes, I cannot eat anything but soft foods for a few days.

But, the worst part is they told me I cannot exercise until Monday! MONDAY!!! "x(

I made a comment about missing my Thursday workout and that's when they told me. It wasn't on the aftercare instructions. They said it was because of rising blood pressure during workouts. Have any of you every heard of such a thing? It's good that I did it this week instead of next or I'd be messed up for the Road Trip.


"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.
I am sorry! I feel your pain!

Just cozy up with a good book or a few good movies and try to make the best of it. I hate being out of commission, but there isn't much better than a good book and a lazy afternoon!

Just thinking of it as......conserving your energy for the road trip!

Yep, any type of surgery including dental, working out is a no no for about 5 days. Give or take and depends on the surgery, but it's the average for dental and quick little stuff is 5 days.

And this is actually do to either you get your heart pumping with cardio, or a slightly higher blood pressure with weights. Both can cause you to ruin the area that your body is trying to heal over.

I'm going to use an example of a cut as it's just easier and can be used for when you have any type of surgery incision. When you cut yourself, your body instantly runs and starts to repair and tries to stop the bleeding etc. Tomorrow mooring you get up and decide to do cardio, you can open that cut, just with getting your heart rate back, never mind accidentally hitting it. As the pressure your heart is sending the blood threw all arteries and capillaries is much more. As at rest only 50% of the blood in the heart gets to make the road trip around the body. but once you get into 65-75% of your mhr, then every time that chamber is full, all of it goes out for the road trip. Which basically means more pressure. For any injured artery or veins, this can weaken it or injure it more and cause you all sorts of problems. I sure, you really wouldn't want it to be doing that, as it would take longer to heal, and have a higher possiblity of getting infected.

When you lift weights the pressure goes up as well and your heart starts to send more blood so your muscles get all the oxygen it needs to proform the activity. Which in turn can damaged a cut vein or artery, as it just can't take that pressure. And will usually start bleeding again.

So you ended up being grounded from your workouts. And yes, I know how annoying it is, as you feel good, and it doesn't really hurt, besides the fact the pain is in your mouth, it really shouldn't affect the rest of your body. But it still affects what you can and can't do with your whole body. Which is very aggervating.

Thanks! There's a two day music festival near my house this weekend. I'll go to it and try to relax. I don't do "relax" very well, but I can try.


"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
Thanks! I had no idea. Now that I know more of the science behind healing, I wish I hadn't felt so guilty taking time off from workouts after my dog bit me last December (probably bad enough to have stitches, but I didn't get them since it was a holiday weekend and I didn't want to spend all night in the emergency room). My dog has since apologized. He has a really bad temper.


"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
HI FitDoggie,

Your welcome, I'm glad that explanation helped. I know how annoying it is, to be told something but have no idea why you can't do it. Besides some vague answer. It always helps me to know excatly why. I may still not be happy about not being able to do something I want to do. But at least I know what the reason is. I just thought passing on the information that I have researched and found out. And hope might at least help give you a reason, to tell yourself it's good to take those few days of rest. But looks like you at least had really good timing, with doing it this week and not next, and you get to go walk around and see the music festival to help take your mind off it. Have fun, and the time will go by pretty quick and you’ll be able to workout again. ;-)

Yup, been there dozens of times. I think they're afraid that exercise may cause bleeding.

Just read what Kit said. So I guess I was kind of right.

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