Define this for me please?

Deb D

Through reading about Trevors running habit, there was mention of something called "Slide workouts"--What prey tell is that? I would really appreciate a definition. Thanks DD
Yet another kind of equipment!

Slide workouts became popular a few years ago. Using a slippery floor mat with "stops" at each end, and special shoes, you move from side to side in a motion similar to a speed-skater (I've never done it, so I'm just describing what I assume it looks like.) Presumably, there are a variety of arm and log movements to increase intensity and work different parts of the body. I can't find any tapes in the Collage catalog I have at hand, but I think there are technique tapes available. You might look for a Slide class at a local gym or fitness center if you want to try it.
Hi Deb!

Slide workouts were introduced into the fitness industry after step workouts became so popular. A SLIDE board is a long rectangular shaped board that has a slippery surface. You slip a "bootie sock" over your shoes and stand on the slide. This sock makes for an extemely slippery surface while you push off the edges and slide side to side(in a speed skaters fashion). The workout never really took off beyond more than a year in the fitness industry(due to the lack of variety within the workout). If a gym did offer a slide class they found that it was more fun to use as a cross training type of workout. EX: Step 10 minutes, SLIDE 10 minutes, HI/LO 10 minutes. While slides are pretty much extinct in fitness clubs these days, they remain somewhat heard of with personal trainers who may use these as a way of training athletic clients who are preparing for an event or they may have rehab clients who require this motion to strengthen certain muscles in their rehab program, etc..

Needless to say, slide workouts are no longer used as a popular form of cardiovascular training.
Thank you for the definition!

Boy, This forum runs like a well oiled machine! I have been using Cathe's tapes for a couple of years now. Her workouts were the "hub" in my program when I lost 65lbs. Now, my husband now joins me on my rotation and is looking "foxy", am I dating myself? He has added inches to his upper body that I havn't seen in fifteen years.

Thank you bkloots for setting me straight. I assume you are as smitten with this whole "Cathe World" as I am? Like all the rest of you, I await my new tapes with bated breath. Deb D
Cathe? Is it really you?

Mercey girl! You are amazing! I never really expected a reply from you. While I "might" have your attention, Thank you so much for the fine work you and your staff do for all us "endorphin junkies". Kiss that beautiful baby boy for me and may health and success be yours allways! Good luck Cathe, and thank you again. Deb D
Hi Deb!

Thanks for the thoughtful post and kind words. My little Eric is right here with me and just started to fuss. So I will give him that big kiss now and go take him for a little walk

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