pla·gia·rism the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
Jerry, while I have no idea whether or not the reading was authorized by you or not, Deb absolutely gave you full credit and did not try to pass it off as her own work. She did a great job of reading it and I think you may actually owe her some sort of promotional fee for bringing your work to a new audience
(I on the other hand, stole the definition above from
Well COME ON JERRY! You promised to reprint it here after the Aug RT!!! PUHLEEZE!!!! I really want a copy for my WW book! It was SOOOOO good.
Oh Nooo, I better hide!Jerry, I did give you full credit (thanks Sheila!) and even mentioned that we have renamed you Jer-Bear! Also, SNM (Chris) told me he plans to post both your poem and Cyndi's hubby's "Alert warning!" So, stay tuned!
Grand Exhalted Leader of the Cathe Nation, Male Division!..or GELOTCNMD!!!
OMG BeavsWhat poem? I wasn't paying attention.
If one is going to name oneself "Grand Exalted Leader..." one ought to spell Exalted correctly, doncha think?
I bow to the Great Exalted leader........yada, yada, yada!
*squeals* Does that mean you guys are BFF now???