Deanines Rotation Check In 2/21


Good Morning All

A quick check in this morning. I am working to day at 9 and still haven't showered!!!!:) Cardio Kicks this morning. Love this workout! But will be happy to stretch tomorrow! my body will need it!
I am looking forward to the 100 day party- Gin I will keep you posted.

Marcy- I hope you saw my response last night!

Tracee- what did you do today?

Have a great day all,

Good Morning Ladies!

I went to yoga this morning and briefly considered KPC, but changed my mind. My leg does not hurt, but it has only been 2 weeks and I need to wait longer before doing any impact cardio. I may ride the stationary bike, but need to have my car brakes checked first. I did buy Cardio Kicks/Circuit Max from ebay last week, but have not received yet. Sure hope I do get it!!!x(
I have to admit that I am a little sore from doing 40 min. of core yesterday.:7

Deanie--Can't wait to hear about the 100th day celebration! Thanks for sharing!:)

Morning ladies.

I slept today. I really needed the extra rest because I'm fighting off a cold. My ds who had strep throat twice now has a horrible cold and I'm afraid it's trying to invade my system too. I also had to take most of yesterday afternoon off from work because I had a flat tire. I decided to get 4 new tires so it took a couple of hours to get that done. I've never had a flat tire before but I actually think I could change one myself if I ever had to because I watched and helped my husband change this one.

I'm thinking about doing yoga tomorrow. I taped one of the namaste yoga shows from fittv so I might try that one out. I should be receiving my new Gym Styles and Imax3 today so I'll be all set when we start the new rotation.

Deanie - Hope you're having fun at the 100th day party. My kids used to love that day in school but I haven't heard them talking about it this year.

Gin - How was your haircut? Did you do anything drastic? Has the person that you bought the dvd's from on ebay contacted you to say they have been shipped?

Marcy - Glad you're back to posting with us. It's nice to have all four of us on here.


Hi girls.

I did KPC today. It was my first intense cardio since being sick. I had a really good workout. Burned 524 calories. I've never burned that much before doing KPC. I don't know if it's because I'm out of shape or I worked harder. I did all the pikes. The abs in this are getting much easier for me. The ball exchange is the only tough part for me now but I did them without a problem. My heart rate went up to 97%. It's never gone that high before doing KPC. I was in my target heart rate zone for over an hour.

Deanie - Yes, I saw your message from last night. Unfortunately, that workout was already promised to someone else.:( :( :( Can you tell me the differences between KPC and Cardio Kicks?

Gin - Hope you get your DVD soon. I would contact the seller and see when it was shipped. 40 minutes of core is a lot. I don't know if I've ever done that much in one sesion. Although I'm thinking about getting Tracey Staehle's Core Conditioning DVD which is about 48 minutes. So, how did your haircut look?

Tracee - Hope you feel better soon. It took me a couple of weeks before I was finally back to normal. Take it easy.

BBL. Have a good day everyone.

Gin- the 100 day party was fun! We had the treasure hunt with hersheys kisses, numbered from 1-100 on the bottom, and when they found the kisses, they matched the # on the kiss to the # on the chart. They also all had to bring 100 somethings from home. At circle they showed what they brought, and at center time they put 10 of their items on a plate- there were 10 plates, each was #'d 10,20,30,etc. so the kids realized 10+10+10-etc.=100, they also decorated a 100 with 100 stickers, then we wrapped a band around it and made it a hat. What do you guys do? Yes, my abs were sore today also after yesterdays 40 min. Actually, my abs are kinda puffy (sticking out) today- I hope thats just from yesterdays workout! I hope you like your haircut!

Marcy- Cardio kicks is: warm up, cardio(with kickbox moves and plyos) then onto arm and leg drills. The arm and leg drills are not the same as KPC, some are where you do a hook alternating arms at 50% and then 100%, then do the same with upper cuts. So there is variety with KPC. Really, its like KPC is the followup to Cardio kicks. I get a really good workout and you don't need the abs at the end, I feel them when I am doing the drills after the cardio. The cardio is cardio with a kickbox feel- and you end up putting the whole routine together at the end. Its just alot of fun! I hope this explanation helps. Sorry about the david swenson workout. Will I get a good stretch from Reach? It looks like alot of ballet which I like.

Tracee- Hope you feel better. And glad you will be getting your dvds in time for the rotation. Just take this week easy, so you will be set for next week. In my house, my kids get sick and 2 weeks later without fail, I get sick. I think I get run down taking care of them!

Have a good day all,
Hi Again!

Tracee--Take care of yourself!:) Let me know how you like the FitTV Namaste yoga. I have seen it, but never tried it. I asked the girl that cuts my hair to just trim it because I want to grow it out a little and I wanted the back to have a little more volume. It looks like she took off more thatn a little trim and thinned the back with thinning shears!:eek: I told her I trusted her, but I kind of panicked (sp?) when I saw all that hair fall to the ground! It really is okay, just shorter.

Marcy--I will contact the ebay seller. She did have a high rating with good feedback remarks.

Deanie--Thank you for all of the 100 day ideas. Sounds as if they had lots of fun. The last 4 years I taught 5 year olds (a Bridge class) and we would celebrate 100 days. They would bring a poster from home with 100 items glued in the shape of #100, we would decorate 100 shaped glasses (the "lenses" would be the 0),we would do 100 exercises (10 jumping jacks, 10 toe touches,etc.) be still for 100 seconds, active for 100 seconds, write our names as many times as we could in 100 seconds, make a class sculpture with 100 toothpicks and 100 mini marshmallows. I'm sure there was more, but that is all I can remember. This year I am the only 4 year old teacher (out of 4 of us) counting to 100 days, not sure what I'll do.

Hi girls,

Gin - Sorry about your hair but glad it turned out okay. I've gotten so disgusted over the years that I've cut my own hair for years. Occasionally, I get it professionally done (when I get my highlights as well) but I keep it long so I don't have to be bothered.

Deanie - Thanks for the explanation about Cardio Kicks. It helped. You will get a stretch with Reach but it's also a really good lower body workout. Also lots of balance moves. I also have the Melissa Lowe ballet workouts. These workouts seemed most to me like a regular ballet class (barre and centre work). It's not a fusion workout but actual students in a ballet class. I have the New Ballet Workout and Ballet Workout 2. I think I liked the New Ballet Workout better. I also have the original Ballet Workout but that was the one I was trading for the yoga tape and Lisa Nunziella's Red Hot Salsa II (this was the least advanced one and I thought I'd be bored with it. Never even opened it). I think I'm going to get Yoga Journal Level 3. The VFer called it Inversions but I think it's Balancing Poses for Focus & Energy with inversion moves. Have you heard of this workout?

Marcy- no I've never heard of that yoga tape. I also have Melissa Lowe ballet workouts! I really like them but haven't done them in a while. Since its not much stretching, I may do the standing part of Reach and section 3 of Stretch Max tomorrow- we'll see.

Gin- Some good ideas for 100 days! Personally, I think it is a better project for 5 year olds or older 4's. But thats just me!:p I really like the school (teachers and kids) where I work, but they are a little to academic for me- and the new director -who was the director from my kids nursery school- which is why she hired me. LOL!(my kids didn't go there even though the school is right around the corner) I like that you are the only one doing the 100 days. Do you have the older 4's?

Deanie--I don't have the older 4's. We don't separate them like that. They are mixed more to separate strong personalities.:7 I really LOVE the other teachers that I teach with, BUT they seem to do the minimum required. They get there 20 min. before school starts and leave 15 min. after the children are out the door. I try to be there 1 1/2 hours before school and leave 1 hour after. I end up doing some of their work b/c they can't possibly get it all done. Do I sound frustrated??x( They have young children at home and I don't so I know I have more time, but it does get old. I know the director sees this going on. Oh well. Thanks for listening. It felt good to vent!!:)

Feeling better now,
Thanks for the well wishes guys. I'm actually feeling better this afternoon but it would be nice if I could go home and just lay around.

Marcy - you seem to have such a wide variety of workouts and you seem to be able to remember the details about all of them. I'm impressed. I can't keep straight the few that I have and they are all Cathe's.

Have a good night everyone.

Thanks for the compliment Tracee. I actually do have a pretty good memory but I also research workouts to the max before I buy so most of the time I don't get caught with duds. I actually just won Kelly Coffey-Meyer's A New You Coming from ebay. I'll let you know how it is.

Glad you're feeling better.


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