Deanies Rotation Check in Wednesday 3/14


Good Morning :)

Today was PUB for me. I did the abs first, and my arms were shaking during the planks on the ball by the end! Then I did the warm up and workout. I increased some of my weights and feel really good! I really enjoy PUB, because it moves so quickly from one excersise to the next!

We decided to pounce(right word?) while the pouncing was good;-) and get the guitar and lessons for our little guy. We decided, he has the interest now, actually he's had an interest for almost a year, but he has the drive to practice now! He's given us $1.00 (all his money) towards the purchase of a guitar (sweet!!!!) and last night after dinner, he said to me, I need to practice. So we are going to try, we sat him down and said we need a 6 month commitment from him and then we will see where things stand from there!

PUB: (did same weights down the pyramid as up)
Chest: both press and flye: 12#,15#,20#, (same as Cathe)
Back: both pull over and rows: 15#,20#,25#,(went up 5#)
shoulders: all excersises: 3#,5#,7# (stayed the same as last time)
tri: kickbacks 5#, 8#, 12# (went up!)
overhead press: 15#, 20#, 25# (went up!!!:) )
bi: hammer and reg curl: 10#, 12#,15# but on the last set going down, I went down to 8# for the last 4. my form was deteriorating!

Last time the flyes with 20#, I was struggling with the last 2, this time was able to do all 8 with good form!:) And I usually never pause to rest between sets, but I did rest an extra 30 sec. before doing the bicep work at 15#. Again, really enjoying this rotation!

Have a great day all!

Hello everyone!

This morning was IMAX 2. Only did it on 6" step today but that was enough. I burned 415 calories. Went dancing last night. I think I got in my cardio for the week. I was so embarrassed. I came into the dance hall and went to the table to pay and the floor was so slippery, I fell on my a$$. My shoulder got hurt in the process. I hope I'm able to do S&H Chest & Back in a few days. I wasn't able to try out my Door Gym yet. Maybe tonight. I don't know if I can even do one chinup or pullup but I'm dying to find out.

Deanie - Good work on PUB. It's always a great feeling when you're able to go up in weights. I was going to ask you if you had a 5 disc changer. That's great that you have one. Can you preprogram the exercises from all of them? I think someone mentioned this before but I think it would be great if Cathe made a bodypart DVD with workouts for each bodypart. I think after I'm done with P90X, I might do a one body part a day rotation.

Sounds like your DS is ready to commit. That was cute that he donated $1. Maybe he'll feel more committed now that he has a vested interest!

Have a great day everyone. BBL.

Hello all!

Today was PLB for me. I only did the up sections though because time was tight. I also feel that I've reached my limit on these and need to increase my weight but that is going to have to weight until I have the money to buy a barbell set. I know I've said that before but I thought I'd put it out there again.

Deanie - That's great that you had a good family discussion about the lessons and included you son in it. I'm sure he'll be more committed now that he's had to put his own money into it.

Marcy - Sorry to hear about your shoulder and falling at dance class. Ouch! I hope it heals quick.

Did we lose Jennifer from our group or is she on a vacation?

Have a good day everyone!

Okay- Where are Gin and Jennifer???

Marcy- keep us posted about your door gym! I hope your shoulder is okay. Maybe you can switch around the rotation to make it work for you, and do S&H legs/shoulders last? I was contimplating (sp?) doing a one body part a week rotation after the x, but we will have done so much heavy lifting before that (last month (me/Tracee), this month and the next 3) I thought maybe change it up (although cardio everyday would change it up). hmmm..... I'm sure you can change my mind though ;-) I do have the 5 disc changer, but I've only used it for mish moshes. I would have to read the booklet for programming it, but if I can that's a great idea. I honestly never thought of programming it!! (would that qualify for having a blond moment? :* :D LOL!)

Tracee- I bought my barbell set at Dicks Sporting goods at a really good price. I think it was less than 50 bucks. Or maybe you could hold a 3# and a 15# dumbell in each hand, upping your weight that way? How is everyone at your house?

Have a good one-

Hi again -

Gin is away visiting her parents so I don't know if she can post.

Tracee - I do what Deanie suggested. Sometimes I hold a 10# and a 2# weight in each hand. Sometimes I put on wrist weights as well. I did this yesterday. I do have to buy more weights though. Instead of buying more dbbls, I think I'm going to buy 2 more 5# plates and 4 2# weights since I have my DH's dbbls which are kind of like two short bbls with the screws on them.

Deanie - I'm not sure if I'm doing PLB tomorrow. If I am, I'll be cutting out most of the standing portion and do the stability ball work and the KM drills or I'll be doing Reach.

Since we've now found out what's good for our body types (me - heavy lifting), should I still be switching up with endurance strength training. I know it's a good idea to switch things up but what if that defeats what's good for my body type? I'd hate to do all the hard work of lifting heavy only to lose what I tried so hard to gain.

Thats a good question. But I have read numerous replys from Cathe, suggesting muscle endurance after heavy lifting. You don't always have to go really light with M.E. I know in PH and MIS I can and sometimes do go heavier than Cathe. Maybe knowing what works best for your body and doing it is good in that you do whats best for it 95% of the time. Then there are good M.E. rotations and actually a good fat loss and definition rotation that you could shake things up with. Maybe do 5 months heavy, one month M.E., 5 months heavy, one month circuits. I don't know, just an idea. Even though I don't like to change things up as often as you, I think I would be bored doing heavy lifting all the time. And you reach a plateau at some point....wouldn't mixing it up help with that? Its a good question.... maybe put it out there on the Open Discussion forum, or Ask Cathe (that's a question she would answer- she avoids opinion questions I've noticed)

Bummer about PLB, we would be doing it together.

thought Gin was leaving Fri. now I think it was Tues-Fri :) (another blond moment - I'm blaming my allergies!!)


eta: 2 thoughts... 1)both Cathe and Debbie (Fitness Freak) posted ME rotations after their heavy lifting rotations.....2) How much would you lose if you still ate clean and did ME or circuits for 3-4 weeks?

You made me feel guilty so I'll do PLB and KM drills tomorrow. I guess if I'm lifting heavy for 3 months then one month won't be so terrible. I'll do endurance but probably with little cardio. Jari's endurance tapes seem to have a cardio component for me so maybe even though I was lifting I still had too much cardio. Maybe I'll do circuits and more yoga. Maybe instead of Jari, I'll go back to Cathe for endurance although Jari's Ripped to the Core is one of my favorites. I also might do BM2's Double Upper Body Premix. I really like the stuff on the ball and it's not heavy lifting because it's on the ball. It's also good for the core. I've been doing really well with my clean eating but I actually think I'm not eating enough. I lost 2 pounds between yesterday and today. I'm 122 now, wanted to get down to about 115. I'm actually just looking at FitnessFreak's Get Ready for Summer Rotation and it looks kind of interesting. It says it focuses on mostly upper body and cardio and legs are worked once a week. I find working legs once a week enough for me. I might take out one day of cardio and substitute it with yoga. I can't believe I'm thinking up my next rotation and I haven't even started the X yet.

LOL!! :) I also have been all over the map with what I'm going to do after the faux X.(I bookmarked her get ready...rotation earlier!! I also bookmarked Cathes Feb. 07 rotation!!) Maybe because the X is sooo long. I'm sure I'll change my mind 16 times before I settle on what I want to do. JMHO, but Cathes ME doesn't seem to have a cardio component to it. I think ME and PH are just good strong Muscle endurance workouts. Congrats on the weight loss! I never weigh myself, as long as my clothes fit and/or are loose I'm happy. I do seriously watch my "clean" eating though!

Sorry I made you feel guilty, I wanted company}( }( !! I am not going heavy tomorrow, just following Cathe.

I know PH and ME are great workouts but I hate them. I guess it's just because they are so tough. And you know I won't be doing any leg presses in ME. That should cut down my workout time somewhat. DH is always complaining I don't have enough time to clean because I workout so much.

You guys make me laugh at how much you discuss the next workouts. Ha! I'm glad to have someone else do it instead of me though.

I'll be excited if the next rotation consists of little cardio and one day of legs. Of course, I tend to modify any rotation to be like that anyway.

Have a good evening guys. I took my son in this morning for another throat swab. I don't think he has strep again but I wanted to get him checked out before my husband finishes his medicine. That way we can make sure they both get rid of the infection at the same time.

Marcy- Do you clean??:) I walk by the dust bunnies and wave!!!!!:)

Tracee- hope all is well with your son.


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