Deanies Rotation Check in 3/3


Good Morning Everyone!

Today was a Cathe mish mosh: CTX kickbox, KM intensity drills and segment one of stretch max. I hope the KM intersity drills were the blast challenge because thats what I did:) It was a fun/hard workout.

Last nights Variety Show was great! The kids did a great job with their lines/skits and looked groovy!! I think a fun time was had by all! And we get to do it again tonight! My DS is already excited and its only 9 a.m. and the show is again tonight at 7! I hope he doesn't wear himself out:) I think he's also excited because my brother and his family will be there tonight!!

Gin- how did the dr. appt. go? I hope all is well. Please keep us posted!

Jennifer- I love to hate LL. I also used a 35# barbell last time I did it, and it totally kicked my tush!!:) I didn't do so well with eating yesterday either, with the variety show, and prep for it, dinner was breakfast, so I loaded up on carbs, would have prefered to load up on protein... oh well.

Marcy- rest day today? Are you excited for the new rotation? You have inspired me. I am going to get a tape measure, and next month, track my progress! (I'm kinda nervous about it) I do know my BMI index is 27%- I did it in Jan., though it may have changed. You're right, I'm sure we can knock out a great faux P90X rotation ourselves, my head was just spinning yesterday, Maybe on Mon. we can look it over!

Tracee- the question of the day: Did you work out today? Please say yes :) :)! Hope everyone is feeling well at your house.

Breakfast: 1 c. steel cut oats
mid morn. snack: boca breakfast patties, 1 orange

Have a good weekend everyone,

Good Morning!
I just came back from a 5 mile walk with a friend. I used to run 6 days a week with 2 different groups of friends. I know it is much better for your body to mix up the type of exercise, but I sure do miss visiting with my girlfriends.
Went to the doc yesterday concerning my heart and had an EKG which was normal. BP 108/68, resting HR 49. Now I am scheduled for a stress test and blood work, although he thinks everything is fine.

Deanie--Glad the Variety Show was a success. And you get to do it all again tonight...FUN!:) Sounds as if this is a great experience for your son. How can your BMI be 27? That must be too high. Are we doing Debbie's rotation starting next week and then you are working on a faux P90X rotation for April? I got kind of mixed up there.

Tracee--Hope you are all well at your house.

Marcy--I am so impressesed by your weight and inches lost. You sound tiny. You don't want to lose more, do you?? It doesn't happen for me. I watched it so carefully last week and got on the scale yesterday at the dr.'s and had GAINED 2 lbs.!!

Jennifer--I have never tried Leaner Legs, but heard how tough it is. I used to do The Firm Standing Legs and it was a of their most difficult.

Have a great day!
Gin- Don't go by the doctors scale, you need to always go by the same scale. His scale is probably off by 2 lbs!!:) It sounds like you got a good bill of health! good!!:)I thought I was 27 BMI, how do you figure it out? Maybe I did it wrong....

On monday, Marcy (and I think Tracee) are doing Debbies rotation from Jan. 07, I am continueing with Cathes Jan. 07 rotation, adding PS series on for a 5th week of the rotation. I don't know what Jennifer is doing. Then I am taking a recovery week and then we are starting the faux P90X rotation Marcy and I are working on. Hope you are able to join for all or some, does the dr. say its okay to excerise again?- more than running?


PS Why am I always editing!!!!:) LOL
Good morning (almost afternoon)

It turned out that my son didn't feel well yesterday afternoon so I had to pick him up at school. Luckily for me I was able to squezze PUB in!! My son was watching me during the bicep part and he commented that I was using 8's when Cathe was using 10's. So I took that as a challenge and tried to match Cathe on for the rest of the bicep work. I couldn't finish all the reps but it was fun to try.

I haven't had time to really look at the rotations you guys are planning so I'm not sure what I'm going to follow. To be announced I guess. :)

After I finish writing this I'm going downstairs to exercise. Then I'm probably going to go into work since I missed a day and a half this week. :-(

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

P.S. Gin - taking a walk outside sounds so good right now. I wish spring would get here!!

Oh, and it turns out the my other two kids tested positive for the strep bacteria so now they're all on medicine.

my BMI is 22.7- I did it wrong before!!!:)

But I don't know what is good/bad- although I am assuming I am fine.;-)

Hi everyone.

I actually got in a workout today. I did Jari's Ripped 1000. It was a great workout. I burned 546 calories and that wasn't even with the last cardio section. I think circuit workouts are real good for me. My heart rate stays up throughout the workout. It was so nice today to work out with the windows open and some fresh air. It was sunny and in the 50s here today.

Deanie - Glad your variety show went so well. I knew it would. Your BMI sounds normal. Hope you understood everything I wrote yesterday about the X. Let me know if you need any more explanations. I have the P90X worksheets. Let me know if you want them and I'll send you a copy.

Gin - Glad you're okay. I'm not really looking to lose too much more weight. Really want to add some muscle and definition and lose the last little bit of my pooch and a little off my inner thighs hopefully. The doctors' scales always seem off. Last year it seemed like my doctor's was off by 10 pounds. I have a Tanita scale now and it seems pretty accurate. I'll have to see when I get to the doctor.

Tracee - Glad you got to do PUB. Good work on trying to match Cathe. Every little bit helps. Sounds like you have your hands full. At least your other kids are on medicine so hopefully they won't get sick.

Jennifer - Glad you had a good workout last night.

Went our for breakfast. Had an egg white omelet with tomatoes, onions and green peppers, whole wheat toast and small orange juice and (gulp! french fries).

Lunch was 2 hamburgers with tomato and onions.

Gotta go. Talk to you later or tomorrow. Have a nice weekend.

Gin - I'm glad the doctor hasn't found anything serious.

Deanie - Thanks for the extra motivation to keep up with my workouts. It has helped.

Marcy - Congrats on your weight loss and inches too. I agree with Gin, you sound like one fit lady!!

Jennifer - What workout did you do today?

I don't think I've complained about DOMS in a while. I'm still walking with sore hamstrings and calves and inner thighs. My chest is a little sore from yesterday but not as bad as my legs, ouch!

Deanie - How did you measure your BMI? Do you have a special gadget?

Hopefully, I'll get on here tomorrow to see how everyone is doing.

Hi Ladies~
Well, it's late afternoon now, didn't get a work-out in today. I was out all day shopping & took my DD to the movies to see Wild Hogs...It was actually really funny.

I have some major DOMS from Meaner Legs last night, so I am going to take another rest day today. I remember Debbie (Fitness-Freak) saying less was better :)

Eating went well today, Had a Zone Bar for breakfast, having Pasta (again!) for dinner.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

Tomorrow calls for Drill Max, I am going to continue to follow Cathe's Februrary Rotation this month...I am on the 2nd week (well, almost)....

Take care !!
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


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