Dancing with the Stars..who will go?


Stacy and Drew were amazing, but I do have a soft spot for Lisa (maybe it's because she wears her heart on her sleeve)....I think either George or Jerry will have to go. I'll definitely miss George's sense of humour...he really cracks me up:). DH believes Stacy will win and deserves to win with those incredible legs. I think it is going to be so close. Oh by the way, I think I'm in love with Drew;). What a cutie!

I'm afraid George will go. I also like his humor (and isn't he looking younger from the beginning?)

I hope Drew wins. I think Stacey has an unfair advantage, because she's taken ballet and dance classes since she was 3!
I think Jerry or George, and I like them both! George is SO funny, and I just plain like Jerry - he tries so hard! I still want Drew to win. He's kind of the runty underdog compared to Stacy who is so tall and drop dead beautiful.
Just Do It! :)
Points to ponder:

If it comes down to a male and female do you think people will vote fairly or will they vote for the opposite sex? (ie: My DH says Stacy is just a 1/2 notch below the professionals and Drew is a full notch, but is that really true? )Are men more apt to vote for Stacy because she is female and women more likely to vote for Drew because he is male. On the other hand, do you think women are more likely to pick what they think is the better dancer and put sex aside? Do you think men would never pick another male only because it is another male? Do you think the point is moot because most of the people doing the calling and voting are probably women anyway....This could make some interesting commentary;)

Well now that I know that Stacie has taken dance for so long she seems to have an unfair advantage over Drew. Personally, I think Drew is the best. But if he doesn't win then Lisa takes my vote.
And I didn't really like the music she had to dance to last night. I just didn't fit the dance IMO. But I still think she did a great job with an awkward and difficult dance.

I agree. Stacy and Drew were great. I think Stacy's legs alone are longer than my whole body and I'm 5'6"!!:p

I'm with most others in saying that I think George or Jerry will go next.

It's funny because I just started watching the show about a month ago. I didn't think it was going to be that great. But a guy friend of mine from college came over one day, an had me watch it. Now he's calling me for show updates!!LOL!!:7
I love watching Stacy! I used to get stuck watching WWE with DH, and I would see her on it and I didn't have a lot of respect for her. But I have a lot more respect for her now that I can see how well she can move. She makes me want to get up and start dancing too. I like Drew, I think that he is a very good dancer and that this comes naturally for him. I also Like Lisa, George and Jerry. it's finally come down to a very hard decision. I like George for his role play on stage. Jerry, I like him for the heart that he gives. Same thing with Lisa (plus I want to look like that when I'm 40 something!). I do think that George will probably go, do to that last dance. He didn't take it seriously and was making fun of one of the judges. Where Jerry was at the Super Bowl, not with the rest of them and still held his ground.

While I think that George is fun to watch, I just don't think he is much of a dancer. He seems to walk around the dance floor, while his partner does all the actual dancing. I hope he goes tonight, and then I guess that means Jerry will have to be next.

I was initially routing for Stacy, whom I think is an awesome dancer, but since I heard she has all those years of dancing lessons, I can't help but hope for Drew or Lisa.

I did not know Stacy had prior dance lessons. Now it's starting to make sense how this girl just seems to always know how and where to put her arms and her legs. She is a great dancer but I do believe that puts Drew at a disadvantage. I like Stacy but I really like that Drew has so much heart and tries so hard and he really is pretty good. Stacy's great but I'm pushing for Drew. I think they will make George go, although I really love his sense of humor and the lightness that he brings to the show. Jerry really does try hard so I do hope he sticks around for a little while longer. I like Lisa a lot, I think she tries really hard and although I'm close to her age, really close I still hope my body looks like that one day. She looks fantastic and I like her personality, it's funny how her dance partner could be her husbands brother.
>And I didn't really like the music she had to dance to last
>night. I just didn't fit the dance IMO.

I thought the music choice was horrible! If I were a judge, I'd be distracted by it.

I also like Lisa, which surprises me, because I didn't really know that much about her before, but she seems really genuine and enthusiastic to be there.
>Points to ponder:
>If it comes down to a male and female do you think people will
>vote fairly or will they vote for the opposite sex?

Though men have definite opinions, I think they are far less likely to vote than women are! And younger women in particular. Based on that, I think Drew wins.

I hate to see George go! And I think he may have yet another week left in him, so I think Jerry or Lisa goes home tonight. I would really hate to see either of them leave! It's been a great season so far...
I've been a George Hamilton fan since Zorro the Gay Blade (still one of the funniest movies of all time IMHO). He's a Casanova, and the last of a dying breed in Hollywood. And I adore Jerry Rice - he's just a good guy and is all heart. So, it will be tough for me to see either one of them go, but I do agree that Stacy or Drew will be the winner. I'm not sure it's fair to diss Stacy just because she's had dance lessons. I think it's harder for the girl as she has to do more moves. Drew is very good, however, and I enjoy watching both of them. I think it's great that we have two such admirable dancers to chose between. I honestly cannot pick. I like Lisa, too because she does indeed try sooo hard. I do think, though, that it will come down between Drew and Stacy, and that that show will be an honest to goodness treat to watch.
After everyone did their individual dances, I knew it was George or Jerry going. After the group dance, I concluded that George is the one who should go. During the group dance and each couple had their turn in the spot light, George clucked around like a chicken while Jerry threw his partner up over his shoulder in what I thought was a very impressive lift! I am not saying George should go because he wasn't serious, I am saying Jerry deserves at least one more week because he was extremely impressive in the spot light.
It depends on whether you think the show is about dancing or about entertainment, I guess. For me, it's about the dancing, so I want George to go (just like I wanted Master P to go long before he did).

There is no doubt that Stacy is an awesome dancer. However, I do believe that years of training give her an unfair advantage - be it ballet or whatever it was. I also disagree that it's harder for the girls; I would imagine it would be much more difficult being the guy and having to lead the dances. For those reasons, Drew has my vote all the way! I admire Lisa's heart (and figure for her age - WOW!), but for some reason I really cannot stand watching her dance! x(

Anyway, I LOVE this show!!!
I'd rather see Drew win - Stacey's background is almost like cheating. It does put her at an unfair advantage. And frankly, I am already tiring of the judges fawning over her like they've never seen a girl before. I think Lisa and Drew had a lot farther to go, so they are more impressive for their accomplishment. I also agree that the fact that Drew is a guy works a little to his disadvantage. The women run around in skimpy outfits, wiggling their hips, etc. We all know how men respond to that. Drew stays clothed and has to work twice as hard for the attention - particularly when in dance, he must lead and the woman is supposed to be the focal point most often. Go Drew!
Now here's my thing about all you that think that Stacy has an unfair advantage. Ball Room dancing is totally different than ballet or Jazz. You have a partner, for one, and second... there are just so many things that are different I can't even list them. So, really, did she have an unfair advantage? I don't think so. One of the women that are off the show, I don't remember who, has parents that were professional ballroom dancers. Now that's an unfair advantage. Yet, she's not there. Last year, Joe Macentire had years of dancing both in NKOTB and on Broadway, yet he didn't have an unfair advantage. Stacy does not dance professionally, never has to my knowledge. She's a wrestler. How nondance oriented can you get? She pulls hair and slams people on a mat and walks around for men to google at.
Just my opinion. Not that any of yours are wrong, just wanted to stand up for Stacy, because I like her and want her to win. I think she deserves to win.

>Now here's my thing about all you that think that Stacy has
>an unfair advantage. Ball Room dancing is totally different
>than ballet or Jazz. You have a partner, for one, and
>second... there are just so many things that are different I
>can't even list them. So, really, did she have an unfair

I think so, because ballet teaches a lot about holding a frame and posture, which is very important in ballroom (and maybe a reason she picked it up so quickly). ALso, it's easier for someone with dance lessons to learn a dance, I would think, even if it's a different style.

>>One of the women that are off the show, I don't remember who, has parents that were professional ballroom dancers. Now that's an unfair advantage.

I can't remember her name either, the latina TV announcer. SHE was not a dancer, though. And she said she didn't dance with her parents when she was younger, I believe.
Most professional ballroom dancers have extensive backgrounds in ballet and jazz. They are different from a technical standpoint, but most of the basic principles apply to both.
Giselle's dad was the flamenco dancer. Definitely did not pass the skill on. She had no grace or rhythm.
I can't believe I know this much about this show. How sad.

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