Damage Control...Week of March 6th


Morning Ladies ..

I have a dang crick in my neck .. and slept like CRAP last night .. ugh .. didnt eat supper till late .. my DH had it in his mind he was going to make HOME MADE LASAGNA .. yes he did .. and yes it was AWESOME ... but we didnt eat till about 9:15 last night ... I taught cardio step and some high rep weights last night .. was a good class!! My legs are heavy today!!

Lori - WOOT WOOT on almost nailing vaca down .... ok 90 minutes is not nearly enough time for a workout??? :confused: you are our bionic woman!!! I am thinking about another lululemon order :confused: what have you done to me???? but the stuff wears SOOOOO GOOD ...

Wendy - Cardio Combat surge? is that from the surpeme w/o??? congrats on the doable doms!!!

Di - my knee feels puffy today - I am gonna have to baby it for a while .. dang it!! But that is ok ..i got lots of errands to do this week!!!

LauraR - ME is one of my altime favs .. love that workout!!

OK .. better jet .. LOADS to do today .. have a great day .. and great sweaty workouts - I am teaching MISH MOSH class tonight!! :D
LauraT...Cardio Combat Surge is a Kimberly Spreen kickbox work out that also includes medball training and combat moves with a body bar. Nice class last night! Ooooh I lurve me some good lasagna! The more garlic the better! I can make a pretty good one! My friend makes one with sausage in it. It's to die for! YUMMY! :D
Hey Girls,

Thought Id check in while I am trying to decide what to do for a workout. Its a nice day here but super windy! I was thinking about running outside just b/c my day as been so rotten!

This is what I deal with on a daily basis...I was upstairs enjoying my coffee and I kept hearing the toilet flush. I knew it couldn't be toys being flushed (cause that's what he does:mad:) so I thought he was just playing. When I went downstairs he had been taking the keys off of DH's computer and flushing then down the toilet. Yep....you HEARD IT! THEN my friend comes over for a coffee and he is a complete nightmare until she leaves. I guess somewhere along the way he opened up the patio door and I didn't know it. It appeared to be shut, but not latched I guess. When I opened the front door to take him to preschool, the inside door swung and came completely off of the wall. Really? Is there no end? So in other words, I feel like running...and I don't think a TM will cut it today! I need to feel like I am running away! LOL

Wendy** LOL...I don't know if I can slow down. I could try but then I would fall asleep;)

LauraR** Nice workout. I have that dvd but it skips:(

Laura** 90 mins is plenty...but it wasn't enough to finish my coffee, workout and shower:) More LULU! Now you speakth my language! LOL I heart it...you know that.

Diana** I am sure you will do good by following it at home. Some people need the meetings. And I think the weighing in in front of people helps as well.

Oh...my house is so quiet. I love it!

Lori:: Your DS sounds like my DS...DEMOLITION EXPERT!!!:rolleyes: I swear my kid loves to destroy things! UGH! :mad: So is DH's computer a desktop or a laptop? If it's a laptop WTH are you going to do!?!? :confused: My son doesn't flush toys down the toilet but he once threw a whole bunch of his toys and some of his shoes out of his bedroom window! :eek: Yeah you probably WOULD fall asleep if you slowed down but if you want a nap it's the perfect plan! :D
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OK . :eek: ..I just spit out my water when I read Lori's post .. OMG .. THAT IS PRICELESS :p:p:p man he was in the ZONE HUH???? he had to work at getting those keys off .. LOL .. that is hillarious (ummm sorry for the keybord tho) ... and the DOOR!!! :p:p:p:eek::p:p OMG ... I can see it .. soooooo did the munchkin get into the sugar or was it the spice ???? LOLOLOLOLOL you have made my afternoon ... AWWWWW LAWWDDDDD .. that is funny I do swear!!! :p

Cant remember if it was Lori or Wendy that had the toys in the toilet and some under the treadmill issues a while back!! LOL .. your DS's are cracking me up!!!! Maybe DS can stand for "Demolition Service" instead of "Darlin' Son" ... LOL :eek::p:p:p I needed a laugh today!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Today is my rest day so no work outs to report and no 2nd day leg DOMS to report either. Wierd. Not really complaining though. It's nice to be able to sit on the toilet w/o wincing! LOL

LauraT...OMG look at you laughing at Lori and my miseries with our kiddos. I think we need to drop these 2 boys off at YOUR place for a week and then we'll see who's laughing! ;):D:p

LauraR...CCC! Now that'll put a hurtin' on ya! Good job! :)

Hi Ladies,

I'm up a little late this morning and may bag my a.m. w/o. I was leaning towards PUB or GS UB. The temps are supposed to be warmer today, so if it's not muddy I may run at lunch. We have dirt trails around my work which is so nice. I made it to the gym yesterday for Heavy Leg training.

LauraR-DOM's are the best huh! I look at it like a good thing! Way to go with CCC!

Wendy-enjoy your rest day!

LauraT-I do enjoy reading about our young ones in our family. Only because I've been there, done that! Nice that Wendy and Lori can provide comic relief for us!

Lori-I totally get the "boy is in to everything". I would never laugh about the trials and tribulations of raising boys. My middle one was the devil child and was often referred to as Taz....for the tazmanian devil. He was quite the challenge when young....and even still is for me. Oh, and he will be 21 on Thursday!

Jacque-where are you lady????

Better decide what I'm doing and get a move on.

I still have the giftcard and 15% off coupon from Cathe.com to spend for my success story submission. I was going to put it towards the tower but couldn't wait any longer and bought it from amazon for a good deal but I still want...

1) slanted risers
2) 4# weighted gloves
3) Ab Circuits
4) Set of bands

The risers and gloves are out of stock and have been for a while. I think the risers will be back in stock in about a week but who knows when the gloves will come back. Ab Circuits and the bands are in stock now.

Should I buy the bands and Ab Circuits NOW and wait on the risers and gloves a bit longer? I can also forgo the slanted risers and just buy another set of regular ones. It won't be as nice but they will still allow me to raise my step height both on an incline and when flat. I can also pick up the gloves from amazon, etc for $20.00 instead of waiting even longer for them to come back in stock here so I can get them for free or at a discount depending on how it works out.

So...what do you all think I should do??? :confused:

Diana:: Sorry you might miss your work out this morning. It happens though. LOL at the nick name Taz for your middle DS. You obviously feel mine and Lori's pain when we talk about our DS's!:rolleyes:


ETA:: Never mind re: my question above. I have figured it out! I just placed my order for Ab Circuits, the bands, and a set of wrist weights that can be worn in addition to my gloves in lieu of the heavier gloves. This was paid for with my discount coupon and a portion of my gift card which will leave me with almost $40.00 left on my card to put towards the slanted risers when they come back in stock! They will only cost me about $10.00 + the cost of shipping! :D Happy girl!
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WED hump day

Morning Glories!!! :D

It is about to come a GULLEY WASHER here .. and of course right before my lunch .. and I HAVE ERRANDS!!! :mad: gggggrrrrrrrr DH said it has been raining an hour at the house and we have already got an inch of rain .. it hasnt started here .. but it wont be long!! SOOOO today is my DB 40th birthday :eek::p:eek: ya I wanted some MAJOR payback on him .. but it just didnt workout ..too much other crap going on .. but I am gonna get him!! I had a surprise b-day party thrown for me on the big 4 - 0 ... :confused: ... ummm complete w/walker - black balloons - the works .. :confused: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Lori - sorry I am gonna laugh every time you or Miss Wendy talk about the mischief your kiddos get it .. TOOO FUNNY .. and I may not have kids but can picture it just the same!!!! You know me and my DB got into SOOOOO MUCH MISCHIEF when we were little and my DN can get into some stuff too (he is not as bad as we were tho) !! LOLOLOL :p:p:p:p

Wendy - u can drop the munchkins off .. LOL .. would be a hoot .. but the nice thing about that .. THEY GET TO GO BACK >> >>> :p:p I LURV your stories .. wouldnt be the same w/o them!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Di - yes COMIC RELIEF for sure ... they tickle me w/the munchkin stories!!! ystdy just made my day for sure!!!

LauraR- just MILD doms??? I actually dont have DOMS today .. strange .. and it isnt b/c I didnt kick butt last night .. LOL ...

Jacque - hoping everything is OK .. worried about you!!! :(

OK .. better run .. REST day today .. got to fight the storms .. run some errands - then gonna visit DB tonight!!! Last night was mish mosh plank toture :D;):D have a great one!
LauraT--Yum to DH's lasagna! Hope your knee is better soon! I'm SO GLAD to find another ME lover. I haven't heard many who love it as much as I do. I love the workout, definitely. But I love Cathe's "chatter" in this workout. Her sense of humor really shines. "Who in their right mind is that happy doing leg press?" she asks. And, "Did I say those were my favorites? No! I said they were YOUR favorites!" :D She is totally a blast in this workout!

Wendy--Yes, CCC is amazing! I was proud of how well I did, though. It didn't eat my lunch this time. I'm SO GLAD you worked out a way to get those risers. I just got mine and can't wait to do STS TB next week. I have the Tower and the risers now! :)

Lori--LOL at your DS. I have 2 DSs, and I've had my share of stories. No falling doors, though! Hope you get in a run. Glad your vac is coming together!

Diana--Well, you check in with us online . . . so hopefully WW will work well online too. Sorry about the slow/late morning. Hope you got in a workout.

Looking forward to my next STS Plyo legs tomorrow. That oughta be fun after CCC today! :D
Yes, LauraT, just "mild" DOMS. Mainly biceps! Those curls (and the wicked witch laugh!) get me every time! :)
LauraT...You are right. It's never so bad if you can GIVE THEM BACK! :D

LauraR...Yep, slanted risers are next on my list-if they ever come back in stock! :rolleyes: Happy to be getting everything else I wanted though. YAY! :) Plyo legs for tmrw huh? Yeah, you are brave after doing CCC today! I did one Plyo work out one time a while back and it damn near killed me! :eek::p ENJOY! ;) Rock that bicep DOMS girl! I love that! Cathe is mean when it comes to biceps, isn't she!?? *insert devil smiley here* LOL
Hey Girls,

Better late then never:p I studied all morning and didn't check in. This afternoon I did a short workout and then had my taxes done...then more training sessions.

After yesterday's post I went for a run and I was so glad I did. I just needed to run even though it was windy and I was very impressed. Despite the wind I did 13.6k in 64 mins. I was motoring. I also wore a pair of crops from lulu that I hadn't wore yet and they were so nice. They didn't budge. My legs are sore today from yesterday's run which threw a monkey wrench into today's leg workout. So today I just did abs, 20 mins run and 20 mins on the bike.

Wendy** You made some good purchases there. I would love to have the weighted gloves for kickboxing. I think my ankle weights have a hole in them and after I am done my workout I usually find sand everywhere:mad:

Laura** Im so happy that I could make you smile...lol...but we weren't laughing. I just asked DH if he brought his computer home and he said "It has no keys remember?" My FIL was here today fixing the door....He def knows which buttons to press.

Diana** I think every family has their bad kid...although I don't know who would have been it in our family...unless it was me?!:D Preggo by 16...that would do it! I am tempted to stick the taz name on him!

LauraR** Do you have any daughters? Or just sons? My daughter as also given me a run for my money but she as been on her best behavior lately! Thank goodness cause if the two of them were bad now I don't know what I would do.

So I kept telling DH about my lovely run yesterday. There were points during my run where I was thinking that I was just happy to be alive. I guess I talked about it to much b/c he finally says " are you talking about this, hoping that I will tell you to go ahead and train for another marathon"? LOL We talked the other day about how my running partners life and my life are totally opposite and how I can't possibly add another thing to my plate. Maybe this Fall....we will see how the studying goes!

I should bb here in the a.m!

Lori--I have 2 DSs, 1 is 10, 1 is 8. Then we have a baby princess who is 6. :) I have a good friend who calls her "Princess Tomboy." Her motto is "keep up with the boys, but do it wearing a frilly dress." I just bought her a shirt that says "Self-Rescuing Princess." I think that probably gives you the picture. :p

ETA: Just did STS disc 29. Rocked it! :D
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Good Morning:)

I had a good sleep last night. I didn't have training this morning so I got to sleep in:) We got in the hot tub last night and that usually makes me pretty sleepy and it did. I don't think I moved until 7.

I am trying to figure out this day of mine. I need to study in the a.m, and then I have training starting this afternoon and pretty much going right until this evening. I also committed to going for a run outside with my friend AND we are booking our trip. But I don't really think I need to do that. I think DH, MIL and friend can do that.

Still won't be working legs today...my quads are so sore. I am thinking abs, with bic,shoul and tris...plus the run. Its a beautiful day out there. Its not warm but the sun is shining. Hopefully my legs will loosen up some before I go.

Forgot to tell you guys that I did my taxes out yesterday and I am getting back about $2400! I figured that's what I should be getting back but Im always nervous when I go.

LauraR** So you have a little princess. I bet she is one too! She is the baby and the only girl?? LOL Drama queens...I can tell you that much now. DD as been really good lately. She will be 15 this month and we have caught her drinking a few times and so on. She just snapped out of it. Hoping she doesn't snap back into it

O.k...I may bbl. I have a pretty full day but I will try:D

Good Morning.

So listen to this...I slept a little later then usual this morning and then couldn't get my arse moving fast enough so I decided to to delay Disc 10 til tmrw figuring that I didn't really have enough time for it and didn't want to rush. So I decided to do my cardio/leg day which was slated for tmrw instead. Well I got a wee bit carried away and it ended up being a 75 min work out! I could have done Disc 10 after all! LOL I was so wrapped up in killing my lower body that I even forgot to do abs! :eek::eek::eek:

Here's what I did:

LowMax: warm up plus blasts 1,2,3
Butts and Gutts: 1st walking lunge set-firewalkers-2nd walking lunge set
Lower Body Blast: Floor prone ham/glute work wearing 2# ankle weights
Inner thigh leg lifts wearing 2# ankle weights: 75 per side
LowMax: blasts 4,5,6
Lower Body Blast: All Standing Leg Conditioning Drills

I was DYING by the end and my legs are STILL vibrating from it I swear! If I don't have DOMS tmrw from this then I want my money back!!!:eek::p:D;)

BBIAB for personals. :)
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Morning Ladies,

Yesterday ended up being a rest day. Fortunately I don't schedule them and no harm is done wherever they fall. We have been really busy at work so I couldn't get out for a run.

This morning will be UB weights and bootcamp class tonight. DH asked me to go get him a new phone today so I may be doing that at lunch. We'll have to see how the day pans out. It is supposed to be really nice and a 30 minute run would be good. I'm going to get him the Atrix, just like me!

Wendy-wow, what a mish mosh you created for yourself this morning! Nice work!! Did you create this mish mosh using the w/o blender? I need to download the w/o blender to my new ipod touch and see how it works. It sounds amazing.

Lori-so MIL is coming on vacation with you. We usually take my MIL with us on vacation too. The kids love having her around. She is a lot of fun. You have a busy day ahead of you. Probably best to give your legs a little more rest.

LauraR-Hate to disappoint, but I have the slanted risers and they don't work as well as you might think. I see the STS tower is 15% off so I may order that today or tomorrow. You really need either a bench or the tower to get the full benefit of STS, especially meso 3...and meso 2 IMO.

LauraT-hope you get to have the party for DB soon. I'm sure he's expecting something....it's just not like you to let his 40th slip by!!!:p

PUB...here I come!
Diana, Nope it wasn't a WOB creation. I don't have those work outs in downloads at this point plus it was a last minute mix. In order to use the WOB I need to plan ahead so that I have time to make the work out and get it onto my Ipod. I will be adding more downloads to my collection soon and will then begin to incorporate more WOB mish moshes into my routine. :) So you are thinking of splurging on the tower? I really loved doing the standing conditioning drills from LBB with it today. So much more comfortable then using our computer desk which sits a lot lower.

Lori, I think it might be time to give up the next LuLu purchase in order to buy some new ankle weights! :p That's a nice tax refund you are getting there. DH and I always do well to that end but that's because of HIS job, not mine. :rolleyes: The hot tub-oh what I wouldn't give for a hot tub and wine evening some time soon. We used to have friends who had a hot tub in their back yard. It was awesome but unfortunately they are now divorced, that house is sold and the hot tub is gone. :( When we move into a bigger house I will need to con DH into getting one I think! :D

ETA:: I just ordered Tracey Mallett's Booty Barre work out. I was looking for a barre work out to use with the tower anyway and when you combine that with $19.99 plus free shipping and a little enabling from Cathe-land I was all over it! :D
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Hi Ladies,

Quick check-in from work. I did PUB this morning and I was able to get out and run at lunch. I did the same 3 mile loop I did last week. It was a bit windy but the temps were in the low 60's, not too bad at all. Also, I didn't have the pain I had last week...that's a good thing. My knees were a little sore when I got started but soon that diminished. I have bootcamp class tonight and expect to be running stairs.... It's been a great day!

DH is taking DS2 out for his 21st birthday and buying him his first "legal drink". DH did the same thing for DS1.

Wendy-yep, I think I'm going to spring for the STS Tower while it is on sale. Oh, I drove by a Walgreen's near my work...I'm definitely going to check for supreme 90 there. I am on a quest now....and won't stop until I find them!

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