Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!
Unscheduled rest day for me-only a day early though so it's not bad. I woke up at midnight and couldn't get back to sleep for almost 2 hours. I decided to forgo my work out in favor of sleeping in a bit but I'm still quite tired. Gonna be a looong day.
Lori:: So is 1/2 a size called "half" or is it a "one two"? LOL I know the answer, I'm just busting your chops. You're so tiny (which is totally awesome!) I wouldn't be surprised if you needed a size "half"!
Seems as though I am not the only one who had fun shopping y'day!
Diana:: Tom Holland is the instructore for Supreme 90. It's very P90X-esque but Tony is not in it. I've only previewed 2 of the work outs so far. They are both cardios b/c I figured I could use them in my STS rotation. I'm not looking at anything I can't use with STS until I'm almost done with the rotation! The cardios are set up as drills that are grouped into circuits. Looks very challenging but incorporates a lot of weights similar to what BH does and I was not a fan of his w/o's as you know.
I am not going to write these off though. I will try them with very light (or perhaps no weights if I think it will still get my HR up) and see how I do. I think I might have been trying to use weights that were too heavy when I did the BH work out. If I can make these work then BH might be able to be revived for me!
The set is getting good reviews both on here and on VF so when I saw it in Walgreens for just $20 (and many have gotten it even cheaper!), I couldn't leave it there!
So when I went shopping y'day I finally picked up the cable I need to play my cathe downloads through my tv! So excited to take it to A/C with me this weekend! What I am curious about (and am going to try) is if I don't want to utililize the WOB and just want to have the straight work out on my IPOD, if I can rip it off the dvd (any work out dvd, not just Cathe) on to my PC and then DL it on to my IPOD and play it the same way? There might be a safety built into the disc to guard against that. Not sure but I may try it one day.
Wow-it's already time for me to jump in the shower! That went fast!
BBL from work! You girls gotta come around often today and be chatty so that you keep me awake! I have been leaving early which means no lunch breaks for me so I won't be able to nap today!