Damage Control July Month :)

Hey Girls

Just heading to bed and thought I'd check in. The baby has his immunizations in the morning and I'm not really looking forward to that. It use to be two need,DS but now theyve cut one out.

I just finished my workout not that long ago. I had no clue what I was doing so I just started running and figured it out. Ended up doing 25 mins on the tm, crossfire and GS shoul and bics. Im hoping to get up early enought to work out before his needle in the morning....

Wendy** look at you ordering all kinds of treats! Lol One of the girls I use to hangout with couldn't believe that people actually bought that stuff. I don't know why she was such a stick in the mud about it. We went into the city one time on a girls trip and she saw a bunch of the girls coming out of a *toy* store and she couldn't believe it. I didn't think she was ever gonna shut up....so needless to say her sex life is probably pretty boring! Nice workout today!

Diana** I'm guessing you and DH are enjoying the pitter patter of little feet! Who watches them while you are at work? Little girls are pretty cute. I realize how crazy DS is when I am around little girls. He got into a little bit of trouble today....I'm hoping tomorrow is better.

Laura** so you've been putting in some good workouts this weekend?? Lots of water and no cabs right? I just finished my workout but brought a bag of candy to bed with me....not sure what or if I was thinking!

Thanks for the compliments on the pic. She wanted one taken just before we went out for dinner last night. I always tease her about being her sister and at dinner we sat at the table with 2 other couples. When we got chatting of course they couldn't believe I was her mother and they thought we were sisters...lol...of course I wanted to die laughing b/c that's what I tease her about and she just wanted to die!

BB in the a.m!

Good Morning:)

Lots for Wendy to read this morning...:).

I'm still debating working out now or later. I have to feed the baby first...maybe I will see what time it is after that. I like working out in the evenings too b/c it chances up my evening routine a bit and I can usually do it with no interruptions! Which is key! If I don't workout this morning, I can always do weights this afternoon and cardio tonight. After his needles I dont need to leave the house for anything else.

Ok....I will bbl. Hope everyone has a good day!!!

Good Morning Ladies. :)

So we went to see the Batman movie yesterday afternoon. From what I caught of it, it was pretty good but DS was driving me nuts through the first hour of it so I missed alot...:( I am going to have to read a synopsis online to get the details I missed in the beginning....

I have slight u/b DOMS from y'day's gym work out. Enough to know I worked my muscles but not enough to require advil or crying about how sore I am! :p LOL

Today will be the newest ZWOW - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIwPAxr2iIA&list=UUrd4Hfglr4EczsLXKdGvCLA&index=1&feature=plcp

plus something that is yet to be determined b/c I'm not sure what else I feel like doing. :confused:

Lori:: Thank you for all of the reading material this morning! ;) Good luck with the baby's shots. I always hated that. :( Nice work out y'day! You are amazing when it comes to cardio!!!

Laura:: THANK YOU! I just wrote about how I didn't know what else to do besides ZWOW and after re-reading your post so that I could write personals I remembered that I need to do the other AB premix....assuming my legs still work, that is! :p So did you end up doing trisets y'day?

Diana:: Have fun with the kiddos! :D The passion party was fun. Lots of fun women there and lots of good food and yummy CABS to be consumed! The Passion portion (LOL) ended at 5:30 but most of us stayed to hang out. I didn't leave there until 6:45 and that was only b/c I had planned to spend the evening with DH and DS. If not, I would have hung out later.

Ok, I had better get moving on my work out before it gets too late! BBL!:cool:
Monday Monday......

Hi Ladies,

I hope to go out for a short run this morning, 2-3 miles and abs or one body part of weights. Tonight is bootcamp class too.

Not sure if I mentioned this, but I caved and ordered the Xtrain, some more bands and firewalker loops!:D Cathe is my mainstay so I don't mind spending money on these dvd's. I do need to sell some of my unused dvd's though.

This week the plan is to swim T/TH, short runs on M/W/F. I need to improve my running endurance a tad for the tri. I haven't been doing any "just running"...... it's hard to do when it hurts your feet.:mad: This weekend will be a bike ride. Next week I'll probably swim T/Th and run M/W....the tri is on Sunday!

Lori-Hope Stephen does okay with his immunizations today. I always hated that. DS took this week as vacation so he's home with the girls. They are going to the zoo tomorrow but I'm not sure what else is planned. We just have 2 weeks we need help watching the girls. Whatever days my MIL or SIL can't watch them, I will take vacation days for. The last week of Aug. DH and I will be taking them to our condo in the mountains.

Wendy-how was the passion party? We have a *toy* chest too! Actually my sisters SIL sells this stuff. How are you liking the LF workouts? I've notice I get sore from her w/o's, and she really works the glutes...where I need the most help! I'm considering doing Meso 2 after the tri, but using the traditional leg w/o's and plyo legs. Too many thoughts going around in my head.

Laura-almost first of the month...know you will be busy this week. Nice job on the workouts missy...back to reality!:)

Wendy-just checked out the Zwow w/o...only 3 exercises....it looks tough. Let me know how you do.
MONDAY - ugh

Morning Ladies ..

OMG - popping ibuprofen ... GGEEEESH I am SORE as H###!!!! walking w/a gimp for sure!! I almost wimped out of my workout ystdy b/c I was so sore .. but convinced to get back on track come h#ll or highwater .. I said I would do something EASY .. well when I got my shoes on and looked I opted for TriSets LB :eek: I know .. glutton for punishment .. but I managed survived and now hurting!! but it does hurt so good!! those damned paper cup one leg on step torture lunges are THE WORST!!!

Lori - LOL - I thought that was your sister too .. NOT your daughter :eek: :p WOW girl!! I know that has to burn your daughter up - but sorry - you do look like sisters not mother and daughter - you are awesome!!! let me get this straight you ... RAN .. THEN did crossfire THEN did weights? girl!! WOW .. ship me some of your energy please! (oh and ummmm yes CABS were consumed this weekend..:eek:)

Wendy - sounds like you had a fun weekend - I tell you ... I think AB should be a staple in everyone's routine .. yowza .. I am a hurtin!! I gotta go check out the ZWOW ...

Di - another tri so soon? wow .. WTG girl! Yes the end of this week will be a night mare .. well starting WED it will be .. we are collecting today in a section that will make today a night mare also .. ugh!

I have to say SAT was THE FIRST DAY in THREE weeks I DID NOT have a migraine (nock on wood) .. yes .. so far 2 days migraine free .. wooohooo!! today me and SIL should be meeting to workout .. it is gonna hurt me .. dont think she has been slacking like me :eek:

OK .. have a great one!
Ok - ZWOW #27, AB Premix 6-10 and STS Extended Stretch are DONE!:D

Not sure what's on tap for tmrw...It would be a good day to run but I feel like a long yoga as well and not sure I want to do both in the same day...decisions decisions!:p

Diana:: I liked the ZWOW! The first part started off easy but trust me I was feeling it by the half way mark. Brought my arms down for a breather a couple of a times. :p Same holds true for the rest of the work out...at first it didn't seem so bad but when it kicked in then WOW and I was praying for it to end! :eek: Loved it! I am really liking LF!!! I particularly like them b/c there are lower, upper and full body where most of BR and ZWOW, while having a stronger focus on part of the body mostly still tend to be full body work outs. OTOH, ZWOW and BR are my preferred sites for cardio while LF doesn't have much to that end. IDK if I already knew you preordered XTrain but I think I just naturally assumed that you would. ;) I still haven't ordered and probably won't this time...

Laura:: You are a glutton for punishment following AB up with Tri Sets LB!!! Crazy Girl!!!!:eek: Yay for no migraine! Now let's hope you didn't jinx yourself! :confused:

Ok, off to shower and eat and then it's off to the bowling alley so BBL!:cool:
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Hi Ladies,

I ran 2.7 miles this morning. After seeing my garmin I was wishing I ran the other 3/10's to get a full 3 miles. Oh well, perhaps I'll get that on Wednesday!

Wendy-yay, I'm guessing those OH squats get pretty tiring....3 minutes is a long time! I guess I hadn't noticed LF didn't have much cardio. I do like the UB/LB splits though...and the cardio is usually good on BR for sure. I love Zuzana so I try to see what she's up to, easier to do with only on w/o per week. I succumbed to the new dvd's over the weekend, love weight training.

Laura-this is a sprint distance tri, the swim is a 1/2 mile in open water, 12.4 mile bike ride and 5k run. The event itself is fun, but I'm so missing my weight training!

Lori-so what did you decide on today?

Good Morning:)

I have the yawns this morning....feels like I had 3 hours of sleep or something:confused:

DS is suppose to have soccer at 11 but it's raining. I probably won't bother to go which really frees my morning up for working out:p. I also have a hair appt tonight. I'm not sure what color I will try. I did red highlights the last time and they didn't stay in. I was thinking blonde and copper ones maybe....

Last night I went for a run and I did abs. I am certain that garmins don't work at night! Lol. I felt like I was motoring! Even my legs were sore and my arms were moving ( like they do when I race or run fast) and I barely broke a 5 min km:mad:? WTH??? I ran faster at my moms with the warm weather and tons of hills! Here, it was a cool evening with no hills! You may laugh at me but I don't think it's right...lol. Then I did abs when I got home. Today I need to catch up on weights b/c I want to get as much in as I can before Friday. I still need to check out the gym in the hotel.

The baby did good yesterday. It was only one needle so no biggie. He weighs 17.9 lbs now. I also received a few compliments yesterday. Always nice to bear after having a baby;). But I won't have another!:p

Wendy** so DS drives you nuts too? Lol. I lost count of how many time outs he had the last two days. He just doesn't listen to me and it was driving me nuts. So I kept putting him in time out...not sure if it made a difference or not. I bought his school bag yesterday:eek:. I can't believe he is going to school and on top of it , I know he is going to want to take the bus. The good thing is my nieces go on the bus but he will be the kid who thinks he can sit in the back with the big kids!

Diana** enjoy your time with the girls, it will fly. It must give her mom a nice little break as well. How was boot amp class last night?

Laura** you and your cabs:eek ;). I'm sure you deserved them, I feel like at the end of every day I deserve at least one! I always tease DD about. Ding her sister and she gets so rotted....like you would I guess! It's not to her advantage that she looks older then she is.

I will bbl to report my workout. Happy Tuesday! It's almost Friday!

Good Morning. :)

Well I've decided that yoga will take priority today but that a run isn't out of the question. I will do yoga this morning, then get my food shopping and stuff around the house done. After that is all finished if I want to run then I will head to the gym. If not, there is always tmrw!:)

Lori:: I am needing my hair done as well. Going to call today to make an appointment. I need to get rid of these roots and grays before leaving on vacation!!!:eek: Yes my DS sure does drive me nuts! More then you'll ever know! :rolleyes: I only keep him around because he's so cute!;):p:D

Diana:: I posted links on FB for two yummy recipes I made last night if you are interested. Yeah-stopping at 2.7 miles would bug me too! :eek:

Morning Ladies,

I bailed on swimming this morning, let my training know last night that I was just too tired to get up early and go swim. We are still on tap for swimming on Thursday morning. I plan on going to the gym at lunch for some UB work, back-shoulders-biceps. My triceps are still sore from tri-sets on Sunday!

My legs are so sore from bootcamp last night. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just getting too old for this stuff. I hope to keep this body moving for as long as possible! Of course I did pop some Ibuprofen this morning.:p

This must be the week for hair coloring!:p I just got mine done on Sunday. I only have a few grays here and there but they really bug me. She does 3 colors of highlites and lowlites and it looks very natural.

Wendy-Enjoy your yoga this morning! When do you leave on vaca...a cruise right? Where are you going?

Lori-oh my, ds starts kindergarten this year. He will probably love school and his cousins will take care of him on the bus. It doesn't surprise me you get complimented, you look fab. Can you send your metabolism my way for a bit please.;) We had to do bootcamp in a parking lot since the football field was being used. We started off running then doing walking lunges, back pedaling, pushups, back pedaling, pushups. Then we used the lines of the parking lot for 10 squats walk to the next line, 10 plyo jack...down the parking. That's why my legs are so sore. We also did run up/downs on the curbs, decline pushups....down the parking lot.

Laura-what are you up to today?


MOrning Ladies!

I am FINALLY feeling better - not AS sore!! SIL and I met and she was a bit tired .. and I could barely move w/o making grunting noises that sounded like something out of a torture movie ... sooooo we opted for an easier workout - we did Cardio Supersets .. that is just a fun easy workout .. you sweat a ton but it dont leave you "spent" at the end of it! :) think SIL got a kick out of me being so sore and all the noises I was making .. UGH .. 6 ibuprofens didnt touch that pain .. this is a SOLID hint i dont need to EVER skip out on my Cathe workouts ..:p

Lori - your daughter may look older than she is .. but you look younger .. and that is AWESOME!!! I know you are getting excited about seeing DH - when do you leave?

Di - well I can tell you I for one had left my weights aside to do my running .. and BOY oh BOY am I ever paying for it .. but I think you are right .. you cant do both and be excellent at both ..

Wendy - I am glad I am not the only OCD about running distance .. it kills me to be just short of a solid mile .. no matter what mile it is .. LOL ... I thought that was just my quirk!! LOLOL ... i saw those recipes .. mmm mmm mm .. I am trying to do my WW again .. but OMG .. DH dont make it easy .. he cooked HOT WINGS and FRIES last night .. ugh .. I only had 2 hot wings and a couple fries ..but DANG!@!

OK .. so today SIL and I are meeting at lunch at CC and doing HEAVY WEIGHTS ... get ready to hear more complaining from the WHIMPY one here!! LOL .. tonight we are gonna meet and do the Xfactor workout!

Girls - we are running on the same "gotta do something w/my hair" schedule .. I am getting mine cut tmrw .. and I am thinking CUT .. like into a shorter bob .. or shorter all over layers (I just grew out all my layers) .. but my hair is looking "scraggly" on the ends and I NEED a change .. plus I am hating my forehead in pictures .. thinking I need some fringy bangs to cover my huge @$$ head!! LOL.

Ok .. have a great day .. will BBL to see what everyone is up!
Hey I'm back!:p

Got Long and Lean Yoga by Baron Baptiste done. Felt great!:)

Washing clothes and compiling my foodshopping list. I picked out 2 recipes from the Skinny Taste website to make this week. Here are the links if anyone is interested or just curious!

Eggplant Panini with Pesto | Skinnytaste

Coconut Chicken Salad with Warm Honey Mustard Vinaigrette | Skinnytaste

I will head out shopping after I eat lunch. Still undecided on a run. Time will tell...

Laura:: I am falling in and out of WW constantly since being home but still trying to be mindful of what/how much I eat. This past week has been tough though. Hungrier then usual and craving the BAAAD stuff!!!! Sometimes I give in, sometimes I don't! Luckily so far the scale and the mirror aren't showng any signs of collateral damage but I really need to get back to counting points to be safe b/c with my cruise quickly approaching I might be sorry if I don't!!!:eek: Wow, AB really socked it to ya,huh? That's awesome! :p:D;) Strangely enough I'm not sore from y'day's double whammie on the LB but I lightened up the weight loads on my AB premix. After the ZWOW I couldn't have gotten through it otherwise I don't think! :rolleyes:

Diana:: You should do some extra stretching sessions every week. It really will help with the DOMS. You'll feel so much better! I would suggest that you do yoga but I don't want to get punched! LOL :p I leave a week from Sunday on my cruise to Bermuda! I can't believe it's coming up so fast!!!!:D

Okay, that's all for now...BBL!:cool:
Heavy weights done!!

Yup - I did it .. and man I MISS my heavy weight workouts .. although this one burned bad!! the quads especially!! but my hammies were actually stronger this time?? go figure!! they prbly just dead from my last three days of workouts and are in SHOCK!! LOL :p

Tonight is Xfactor!
Good Morning Ladies,

I should be out running.... I need new running shoes, maybe I can get those today at lunch. So many errands to run, so little time.

Last night I came home, got laundry started, dinner stared...DH cooked pork chops on the grill, more laundry, mowed the lawn, fixed the sprinkler head...UGH. Why can't anyone else help out.:mad: It's like no one else recognizes what needs to be done. Then they get annoyed when I ask them to do something.

Wendy-nice run yesterday. Wouldn't you prefer to do yoga after you ran? The closest I get to yoga is StretchMax.:p That coconut salad looks delicious. The family would eat that, not sure about the eggplant though. I've made a few dishes with eggplant and I like it, but the rest of the family would prefer to have meat.

Lori-Bet you're excited to go visit DH. I've been meaning to ask you, when you do 2 wt w/o series, do you complete like GS BSB then do say 4DS BSB or do you do each body part from each series before moving to the next body part? I don't have a multi disc player in my w/o room so I would have to complete one series before moving to the next...or be switching dvd''s for each body part.

Laura-I'm still missing my heavy lifting....after the tri I'm going to get in some weights. I don't want to tire out any of my muscles, especially legs, until after the tri. What's on the agenda today?

Hey Diana-Lori started a new thread for August this morning so I took the liberty of copying your post over to that one. Hope you don't mind! See you there!:)

Morning Ladies ..

Well I have a real bad pain in my ear .. WTH?? I swallowed an ibuprofen ystdy and it hit my tonsil .. sharp pains went thru my ear .. it got worse as day progressed .. thought it was a fluke and would be better today .. well it isnt :mad: pain shoot thru it every time I swallow .. WTH?????? it even hurts to touch it ???? I reluctantly took some sudafed this morning hoping that helps .. ??? I didnt workout ystdy b/c it was hurting and DH wanted help at rental house ... but hoping I can manage to workout this afternoon .. dang it!! TTM or AT on tap tonight!

Di - bootcamp sounds great .. and new running shoes can make ALL the difference in sore/tired knees and joints .. I luv my Mizunos!!

Wendy - Good job on the run!! WTG girlie!

Lori - when do you leave to see DH?

OK .. better run .. FIRST of the month .. AND a FULL MOON :eek::eek::eek: AW LAWD!!! gonna be insanity at the asylum the rest of the week! have a great one!

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