Daily Checkin- TGIF 8/11


Happy Friday ladies!

Today was KPC for me. It was the first time I did it and it was great! Loved that stability ball work at the end.

I hope everyone has a great day and a great workout!

Hi Becky,

Glad you liked KPC, I do too! My son just loves the Jurassic Park theme during the stability ball segment, too. I like this one so much more than Kickmax, I have to say.

Today was SS. I just don't visit this DVD very often, and when I do it is always a pleasant surprise.

Saturday - Hi/Lo and abs
Sunday - Step and abs.

Have a good weekend!
Good Morning Ladies.

I ended up taking another rest day yesterday because I wasn't feeling well again. :-(

I am hoping to get a run in today.

Have a great one!:)
Hi Everyone,

I did a KPC/L&G mix today. I think it is one of the premixes. I only have KPC/L&G on VHS. That DVD is on my wish list.

Anyway, I did KPC wu into KPC abd,Combos 1,2,& 3, then I did the standing work of L&G minus the ankle weight portion. I ended my WO with HSC abd and L&G stretch.

Wendy I hope you feel more yourself soon.

Becky and Conni: I too, prefer KPC to KM. KPC is just more fun to me.

Shopping with my boys wasn't as bad as I thought. My 12 yr. old is done! My 5yr old is a little harder, but I felt very accomplished yesterday. :) :)

Have a Great weekend!

Hello Catheites!

I'm breaking the KPC chain today. I did MM shoulders and biceps. My cardio was IMAX3 wu and LOMAX blast premix. My wo ended w\HSC abs.It was an OK wo, lasting about 1'10".

Wendy - feel better soon, maybe you should skip the run.

Elaine - you should feel accomplished. I have 1 boy(17) and 2 girls (12&15) to shop for. My boy is a breeze, but I dread the girls. They want everything they see in the magazines and they think we have a money tree in the backyard!

Enjoy your day everyone, the weather is cool here in NJ.



Yes, I can see how girls would be more of a challenge when it comes to spending money. I would think they'd be more fun to shop with. My boys try things and say yeh its's fine, can we go now.:+

Oh well, maybe I should borrow my neice just to window shop with.:p

Morning Ladies,

Nice workouts :9 :9

TFIG :p this weekend, I’m staying in my house, going to rent a few movies and lock myself in. I brought the new Chessmaster 10th edition for my computer. And I tell ya I can play and listen too Josh and watch all the masters play for HOURS. I usually do ;-) But, planning on a nice relaxing weekend.

My workout this morning I did Imax 2, tonight P90x shoulders & Arms.
S: am KM & pm legs & glutes OR gs legs
S: cardio & P90x shoulders & arms

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Goodmorning everyone. After all the posts about Christi, I decided to drag Step Heaven out this morning. I forgot how much fun that workout is. I skipped the last segment, since I did upper body weight work yesterday. Core Max 1 finished up today's workout for me. Hope you all have a great day.
It was only 1.5 miles today....Enough to test out the forerunner. I'm very happy with my purchase!:)

Off to atlantic city now!}(

Have a great weekend all!
Rest day today also, nothing sounded appealing for a workout, but in the mail I got my NEW workout Kimberly Spreen's Cardio Camp, can't wait to try it!! Hopefully tomorrow I can give it a whirl!!! WHOO HOO!! for a new workout!!!:7
Late check in for me. I started out sleeping in, but I managed to get in a 45 min power walk. I'm hoping to do 30 min of lower body work tonight.

Annette - hope your BIL is doing alright.

Elaine - how is your sister doing?

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige

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