Daily Check-in
Good morning! Welcome to April! Spring has arrived. The wildflowers are blooming. Let’s bloom with them. It is time for spring cleaning. I am ready for another month of super clean eating and supercharged working out and kicking the clutter in my heart and home to the curb. I am also ready to break free from this fat cocoon and blast off the rest of this fat that has been clinging to my body for far too long.
My triceps are still a little sore this morning. I did Boot Camp Thursday morning and rested yesterday. I do not know what it is about Boot Camp, but it toasts my triceps every time!
I did Classic Cardio with Kari Anderson and Jay Blahnik. I ordered it last month and played with it once, but this was the first time for me to really do it as part of my rotation. It is fun, fun, fun with turns and twirls galore! This one is a little more intense than DanceWorks but equally as fun. Kari and Jay have fun with each other. I love the way they blend their unique styles. She adds a dance flair to his more athletic style. This one is a keeper for sure. I was originally planning to add a little extra cardio, but that was not needed. Classic Cardio is a solid cardio workout with a nice intensity that does not leave me feeling wiped out. It is another one of my happy workouts like DanceWorks, Cardio and Weights, and Step, Jump, & Pump. My happy workouts are the ones that make my heart smile!
I followed that with Jen Carman’s Strength in Movement again. This is another fun workout with a lot of variety. The times flies. The impact is low, but I sweat like crazy. I can tell that my body is burning a lot of calories. I got an even better workout this time as I am more familiar with the moves. I am really loving my new rotation with a Cathe workout 5 mornings a week, one complete rest day, and something different on the final day. This is something I can easily sustain for the rest of my life.
My weight is holding steady at 185 pounds, so no loss this week. I am a little surprised since my cycle should have caused a drop. I am not disappointed though. It was an extremely stressful week at work. My calories were a little too low. I did not get enough sleep either.
I definitely need to add Clean Max and Sleep Max to my rotation for April. The clutter in my home is overwhelming, and staying up until or past midnight is not working for me!
My goals for April are to:
* faithfully spend time in Bible study and prayer every morning
* keep eating clean and keep drinking plenty of spring water
* faithfully continue my cardio and circuit training rotation as planned
* get to bed between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. every night during the week
* shed 7-11 pounds and break into the 170s (down to a size 14)
* get the paper clutter in my home under control
* deep clean and organize my kitchen and bathroom
Heather B.
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).