Daily Checkin -Saturday - April Fool's Day!! 4-1


Good morning fitness buddies... Becky I see you've already posted on another thread, are you joining me back in insomnia mode again!! I went to bed at midnight probably due to being wired from my late workout and drinking coffee with dinner.

Yesterday I did a 3.25 mile run with 1 mile w/u & c/d and S&H chest, back and abs - good core work on that w/o, supermans and planks

Today.. hmmmm.... I believe I'll be doing LowMax, the whole w/o instead of 1-5. I am thinking of adding the KM LCD's to this.

Have a great weekend!
Good Morning Jane and all who read :)

Nice going on the run yesterday Jane.

Today is the last day ofthe Mar. rotation PLB and 30" cardio choice.

I'll be needing a new rotation for Monday. I'm not partial to the April one posted; my goal is to keep running 3 days per week so I'm not sure a heavey leg rotation will coincide well.
Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Success is acheived by early preparation


Morning ladies!

I did Powermax last night and it was so much fun:)

Today is ME. I was supposed to run this morning, just a short one, but I have a cold and a very congested chest, so I think I'll pass on the cardio today.

Hope everyone has a great Saturday. I just spotted a spider in the kitchen that needs to be reduced to its component molecules.}(
Good morning Jane,Judy, and shelley,

Yesterday was Pub, and stepheat abs. Never completed abs so will add it on with outer and inner leg lifts from PS strong legs.

Have a great day

Good morning Ladies- I am new to the check in so I hope you do not mind me joining? I have been busy with a circuit rotation this week followed up by plb/pub alternating days. Yesterday was the Gauntlet followed by PLB and 13 minutes of AB hits. Today is my well deserved rest day(actually I will be playing in my greenhouse, planting). Tomorrow I have MIC and GS C/T. Have A great weekend ;-)
Good morning ladies!

Jane great workout yesterday! And Lowmax 1-5 today with Kickmax LCD's...YEOW!!!

Judy...I haven't looked at Cathe's Apr rotation. Could you modify the heavy legwork??

Sorry about your cold Shelley...:(...hope its only a mild one...:)

Good workout Kim...I realy like the outer and inner thigh lifts in PS legs...have fun.

Welcome Joanne! You did an awesome workout yesterday!! Enjoy the greenhouse...sounds really nice...:)

I'll be doing PLB and KPC. Not sure if I'll be doing it the circuit way I did 2 weeks ago or just 2 separate workouts...

Have a great day...:)
Good Saturday Morning folks!

Jane, sorry you are fighting w/insomnia again! I've had to deal with that on occassion so I know how it can stink!x(

Judy, let us know what kind of rotation you decide to do...inquiring minds want to know!}(

Shelley, best not to run if you can't breathe well, right? :p Go squash that bug!:7

Kim, so does it feel to lift again? I'll betcha it feels great!!! How much strength have you lost? No worries though...you will get it back!:)

Joanne, your rotations sounds slightly insane to me but those are the best kind!}( LOL

Today is cardio for me. I'm heading to the gym to try a short interval run and then I'll jump on the bike and/or the eliptical. I shooting for 60 mins of cardio today.

ETA: Carole, we were posting at the same time...I guess I'm the slower one!:p Nice 2 hour w/o you'll have if you separate the pyramids and kpc...YIKES!}(

Yes we were posting at the same time Wendy...have a fun interval run..and whatever else you do...:)
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Today I'm going to do MIC and if I still have some energy left CM#3. Today is DS#1's 21st birthday. He is going down to the city to celebrate...not too much, I hope!

Jane: Have fun with LowMax. I LOVE the KM LCD drills. I was doing them twice a week and noticed nice gains in my flexibility and some leg toning.

Judy: Enjoy your workout today and congrats on wrapping up your rotation.

Shelley: Have fun with ME...that workout is pure evil, but in a good way}(!!

Kim: Enjoy your workout today!

Joanne: Welcome and YOWZERS!

Carole: KPC AND PLB...I'm speechless. Sounds like a GREAT calorie burner.

Wendy: Have fun at the gym!

Hello to all that follow...have a great Saturday!
Wendy, it was really funny how little of weight I had to use. Nothing like what I used to. that's okay though. Yeah it was great to get back.

Hopefully I can get guns like you!:)

Morning ladies. Today was ME followed by IMAX 2. I don't know what was up with my energy this morning, but I felt like I could have done another entire workout after that. Well, it's off to feed the DD. She been sick for the past week and is on the BRAT diet and she gets very upset when she can't eat what everyone else is eating. I'll have to hide my breakfast from her because I usually share my egg whites with her.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hi everyone! I'd like to join your check in this month. I'll be doing Debbie's rotation, (FitnessFreak),Get Ready ForSummer. It's mainly cardio and upperbody. I'll begin tomorrow with push/pull upperbody premix, 3 sets followed by c&w abs.

I am so loving this warm weather and all the beautiful colors! I went on my first yard sale on the year excursion with DD. I love looking at everyone elses junk! Phyllis
Hi Shelly, Tammy, Carole, Wendy, Jane and Katie!

I'm actually going to be taking some time OFF from Cathe! I was just not motivated. I've almost finished 2 weeks at the start up! It's already been quite a ride. I thrive on the every changing fast pace! It's fun because I'm a project manager so it's quite a challenge figuring just the right level of process without blocking the creative energies!

Anyhow I've quickly become friends with 2 woman (6 women out of 20-25 folks). That is very high number for software. On thursday one of them and I checked out a gym. She joined thursday and I did friday!
So I'm going to do that for lifting. I'm excited because I've had guy friends to work out with but never a woman who also does free weights and maybe running and then a little cathe for cardio (maybe 2 times a week).

I'm sure I'll be back soon but just need this to get motivated again!
I just finished LowMax, the whole thing.... I don't know what I was thinking when I said Intervals 1-5, I was thinking "IMAX's". There are only 7 intervals on LowMax, 10 would kill me!!

I am skipping the KM LCD's because I've run out of time and also because I was feeling a little lead-legged during LM. Probably from running yesterday and only 5 hours sleep last night. I have S&H Legs and Shoulders to do tomorrow, so I thought this was a bit much for the legs. I plan on doing KM as my kickboxing w/o this coming week, so the LCD's will get done.

Gotta run!!! Running behind AS USUAL!!

Welcome Joanne, great to have you on the checkin and you too Phyllis, I've missed talking to you since I didn't do Cathe's rotation last month.

Have a good one!!!!

ETA - Hello to everybody else ^^^^^^^^^^^there!!
>Well, i would love to say i did alot, but::::
>I did 45 min on the recumberant bike.
>I might try to take a walk later if i am up to it.
>A little is better than none at all.
>Have a good day/////

Anne!!! You did awesome!!! Don't push to much after surgery....let your body heal...:)
Hello guys,
Yesterday I did a 5 mile steady state run. I only run about 6.5 an hour, I wish I could pick up the pace, but I get too tired. Oh well, it was a great run though. Today I am doing Imax 3 which I love. Ever since I took the step to 6 inches, I enjoy the workout so much more. It was just too hard maintaining my form on the 6 inch platform. I really want to lose 3-5 lbs so I am really going to try to keep the food clean. Anyway, have a great day everyone!

I'm back from the gym....

25 min interval treadmill run:

3.5 warm up for 3 minutes

5.5 mph jog for 3 mins
6.5 mph run for 1.5 mins
4.0 mph recovery for 30 secs
(repeated 4 times)

2 mins c/d (total distance was between 2.0 and 2.5 miles)

then I hopped on the stationary bike for 25 minutes.

HRM says I burned 573 cals in 50 mins!:7

I felt AWESOME on the drive home...I had the windows open, music blaring and I was singing away!!!:+ :7 :+
Daily Check-in

Good morning! Welcome to April! Spring has arrived. The wildflowers are blooming. Let’s bloom with them. It is time for spring cleaning. I am ready for another month of super clean eating and supercharged working out and kicking the clutter in my heart and home to the curb. I am also ready to break free from this fat cocoon and blast off the rest of this fat that has been clinging to my body for far too long.

My triceps are still a little sore this morning. I did Boot Camp Thursday morning and rested yesterday. I do not know what it is about Boot Camp, but it toasts my triceps every time!

I did Classic Cardio with Kari Anderson and Jay Blahnik. I ordered it last month and played with it once, but this was the first time for me to really do it as part of my rotation. It is fun, fun, fun with turns and twirls galore! This one is a little more intense than DanceWorks but equally as fun. Kari and Jay have fun with each other. I love the way they blend their unique styles. She adds a dance flair to his more athletic style. This one is a keeper for sure. I was originally planning to add a little extra cardio, but that was not needed. Classic Cardio is a solid cardio workout with a nice intensity that does not leave me feeling wiped out. It is another one of my happy workouts like DanceWorks, Cardio and Weights, and Step, Jump, & Pump. My happy workouts are the ones that make my heart smile!

I followed that with Jen Carman’s Strength in Movement again. This is another fun workout with a lot of variety. The times flies. The impact is low, but I sweat like crazy. I can tell that my body is burning a lot of calories. I got an even better workout this time as I am more familiar with the moves. I am really loving my new rotation with a Cathe workout 5 mornings a week, one complete rest day, and something different on the final day. This is something I can easily sustain for the rest of my life.

My weight is holding steady at 185 pounds, so no loss this week. I am a little surprised since my cycle should have caused a drop. I am not disappointed though. It was an extremely stressful week at work. My calories were a little too low. I did not get enough sleep either.

I definitely need to add Clean Max and Sleep Max to my rotation for April. The clutter in my home is overwhelming, and staying up until or past midnight is not working for me!

My goals for April are to:

* faithfully spend time in Bible study and prayer every morning
* keep eating clean and keep drinking plenty of spring water
* faithfully continue my cardio and circuit training rotation as planned
* get to bed between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. every night during the week
* shed 7-11 pounds and break into the 170s (down to a size 14)
* get the paper clutter in my home under control
* deep clean and organize my kitchen and bathroom

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Hi Guys!!

I'm late but I guess it's better than not at all !

I just got in a 3 mile run and AbRipperX.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to get to the state park for a hike on the trails.

Right now I'm off to fix a veggie burger and a strawberry/watermelon protein smoothie! Yum!

Great workouts everyone!!!!:D

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