Daily Checkin Friday July 21

Good Morning Ladies,

Hope everyone is having a good friday morning and ready to exercise! I am having some hip problems so I am hoping I can get my workout in. I have been putting my weight on this one leg for over a year due to a injury on the other foot that I think now it is showing some wear. I hope it is nothing serious.x( It doesn't hurt when I do exercises but when I walk up or down stairs or get up from sitting is when I feel the most pain. Although I think KPC didn't help yesterday. If any of you girls can shed some light on this, I would appreciate it.

Well now I have planned Lowmax, but if not I will probably do upperbody. It's one thing after another huh? I will not let it get me down though!

Have a good day

Good Morning Fit Chicks!

:7 :7 :7 TGIF:7 :7 :7

This morning will be CTX: Step & Intervals and GS Chest.

Kim: I can't shed any light on your hip issues, but I hope it heals quickly for you. I have off and on problems with my right hip...no rhyme or reason.

Hello to all that follow....have a GREAT Friday!
Good Morning Girls and TGIF !

I'm riding the stationary bike and doing abripperX today!

Kim, You probably need to see a dr.
I have the same symptoms.....pain in my hip (deep in the glute) that is worse after sitting, climbing stairs and yes, Kickboxing seems to make it worse too.
I am seeing an osteopath, who said it is sciatic pain.
Right now it's not bothering me but he "adjusted me" and prescribed 10 days taking 1/2 muscle relaxer before bed.
I am doing more stretching and yoga to loosen my tight muscles.
Right now it isn't bothering me but I don't know if it's from what he did or that it just isn't flaring up right now.
Don't know if that helps.
Hope you feel better soon.

I'm so glad it's Friday!!! Have a good one everyone!!!

Kim, I think it is just an overuse injury. It could be sciatica, but based on the history you provided, you are probably just having pain from using it too much. I don't know your age, so I don't know if you are eligable for a DEXA scan (bone density scan) to make sure your bones are healthy enough. I think you should go see your doctor and let him/her know exactly what you told us.

Today I did iTread#7...the 40 minute one...and then segment 2 of CoreMax and segment 2 of Stretchmax. This was the first time I have ever used iTrain at all...and I loved it!


I hope you feel better soon, this can be so frustrating. I do think a trip to the doctor may be a good idea, there could be alot going on in the hip area, I wouldn't mess around with it..

Today was CTX PC, I forgot what a nice productive workout that is!

Saturday - Cardio Collectibles,abs and stretchmax.
Sunday - GS BSS and CT premixes, ab hits.

Have a good weekend!
Hi Everyone,

This morning I did L&G. I love this leg workout. It just flys by.

Kim: I hope your hip feels better.

Have a great Friday and weekend!:)

Hey all!

Today is definately Ripped to the Core-I just got it!}( I also want to do some cardio...I'm thinking a little LowMax!

Kim: Get that leg looked at!

Tammy: I notice that you rotate in CTX cardios alot! I tend to foreget about them!:eek:

Becky: Have a nice ride!

BeckyMD: I love Itrain too! What's ITread 7 like? I don't have that one! I just purchased my first ITread 60 min work out. I've done a 40 and a 20...I can't wait to see how I fare with a 60!}(

Conni: Glad you enjoyed CTX PC!

Elaine: I keep telling myself that I need to add L&G into my rotation on a steady basis as I need to firm up the bootie and upper thighs a bit but I keep forgetting! I think it's selective memory to avoid the torture! LOL ;)

I hope you like Ripped to the Core! Please let me know what you think. I am debating whether or not to get that and Slim & Lean.

Had a great 45 min. bike ride and then did abs. Now it's off to the showers!!!:D
Just to check in and and tell you guys that I will probably do upperbody today and abs for the weekend until monday. I as stubborn as a bull will listen to my body and give my lowerbody a rest for the next couple of days. Maybe that will help things. I will pick up on Lowmax on Monday hopefully.

Will do upperbody later on today,now have to go out to run some errands.

Thanks for the good vibes you ladies are sending!

Hi guys,

I would love to join this check-in if you'll have me. I really enjoy reading what everyone does every day. Today is MuscleMax for me. I was going to get up early but I just couldn't, so I'll do it after work today.
iTread7 (40 minute one) starts you out (as a runner) at a 6.4 warmup! Then you move up to 6.8-7. You have a small hill (2%) then you come back down. Grace will bring you down to a 6.0-6.2 for a 6% incline hill, then you go down on the hill on a higher speed (6.8-7.2). Stay at that speed for a 1% incline. Then cool down basically. No sprints, just that one big hill.

Good morning ladies,
I am taking a well deserved rest day today. I just hope I can do it. I have a hard time taking a complete rest day. Have a great weekend everyone and stay COOL!!!!! It is supposed to be 105 today,UGH!

Good morning ladies! Got home from swim practice! I have my big Championship meet tomorrow! Hopefully my workout schedule will be a little more normal after tomorrow because I am going to train for a 10K in sept.

Going to go eat a yummy roast beef sandwich on wheat! Yummo! :7
>Wendy(fit mom),
>Just noticed you've been on the forum for a year, and look at
>all those posts:7 :7

}( This place is addicting, what can I say? :p

I have actually been around longer but I changed my screenname once...:7
Morning ladies. Rest day for me today. Although, if I get off work early today (we sometimes do on Fridays) I am considering running home and working out really quick before I go out to dinner with DH and two of his clients. We'll see because if I do workout I'll have to also squeeze time in for a shower.

>iTread7 (40 minute one) starts you out (as a runner) at a 6.4
>warmup! Then you move up to 6.8-7. You have a small hill
>(2%) then you come back down. Grace will bring you down to a
>6.0-6.2 for a 6% incline hill, then you go down on the hill on
>a higher speed (6.8-7.2). Stay at that speed for a 1%
>incline. Then cool down basically. No sprints, just that one
>big hill.

Thanks Becky! Sounds like a good one and something I need! I will have to keep it in mind for a future purchase!}( }( }(
>I hope you like Ripped to the Core! Please let me know what
>you think. I am debating whether or not to get that and Slim &
>Had a great 45 min. bike ride and then did abs. Now it's off
>to the showers!!!:D

Becky, I'm off to do the work out right NOW! I'll come back and give you my opinnion when I'm done!:)

I just finished Ripped to the Core and all I can say is OMG! I LOVE IT! It is really awesome! I would highly reccomend it! VERY challenging! No wonder other Catheites have given it great reviews! My upper body is shaking!!! YES!!!}(

The only negatives I can say is that there is VERY LITTLE (separate) ab work...and there is no warm-up at the beginning which I found quite odd. I did my own.

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