Daily Check In, Weekend of January 17-18


Hi ladies,

Today was Bootcamp, then dance rehearsal, errands and now home..

Ready to relax soon???
Hi ladies sorry for being MIA. I got back a few days ago from Rochester New York and brought back my mom. So I am back to Morning and evening walks with mom for the next couple of months. Working on showing and selling the jewelry and getting involved in a couple other community projects. I recently started playing around with making short videos to put on facebook. That has been so much fun. Video is big in social media, everyone loves to see short vids. I made a "trailer" and had another jewelry lady edit and put it on my facebook jewelry page. So much fun....

Great workouts ladies...have a great evening.

Hi Carmen,
I love your video , want to see more.

Today was RWH chest triceps and shoulders plus core 1.
Lots of housework today
Hi Ladies,

I am back from Ottawa. We took my MIL out for dinner with some of her friends on Saturday night. It was her 80th birthday. She was so happy we all went up.

I snuck in a short workout when I got home. I did KB Scorcher 2.0 - Killer KB Combo's + Lauren Brooks KB something or other - 12 minutes lower body.

Carmen - your video is fun (and cute). Good luck with your business and enjoy your mom's visit. I know how much you love having her around.

See you all tomorrow.

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