Daily Check-in, Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did a modified version of Xtrain for chest/back/shoulders. It was about 40 minutes. Sorry to be MIA again. I had a good Sunday but then a set back with whatever was ailing me e.g. fatigue, migraine etc. I think I am finally on the mend as of yesterday afternoon! Yeah.

Great workout this morning Linda! Great to see us all getting in our workouts this week.

Have a wonderful day friends.
Well ladies, today is a wash. Had my oral surgeon consult today at 12 so no time before to get a workout in plus my family room is a mess with a new piece of furniture that isn't put together totally yet. Then I had a haircut appointment at 2 so after that I had laundry to start. So sorry gals.
Nice workouts for you both.
Good afternoon ladies:)

Linda- Great job today on your wicked workout with:

CatheLive- "Wicked Upper Body" - 51 min -No doubt it lived up to the name, Cathe's Witch Cackel included- good stuff!

WTG & high fives!! Have an amazing day;)

Siobhan- Welcome back! Are you on the mend now? Don't come back too early if you need more rest to get well.
Great job on today's workout with:

Xtrain for chest/back/shoulders= 40 minutes - Bravo! ;)

Have a good day and get more rest:)

Annette- I know how your day can get away from you with appointments andthen no time left to woirkout, I can relate.
Oh well, you've had a very busy day. I hope all is well. Have a good res of your day;)

Nicki- Hello's and waves:)

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling-45 minute Cycling Workout for Weight Loss #38 = 48 Min
Jessica Smith - Walk On- 2 Morning Walks - Our Endurance Walk= 45 Min w/DH

Enjoy your evening ladies;)

Nice workout Nora!
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling-45 minute Cycling Workout for Weight Loss #38 &
Jessica Smith - Walk On- 2 Morning Walks - Our Endurance Walk= 45 Min w/DH—Oohh,
that’s a long walking workout with DH! That’s great!

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