Daily Check-in Wednesday, June 5th, 2024


Good Wednesday Morning Everyone,

Today I am taking a rest day. It's been over a week so I decided to just read this morning. It's so nice seeing us all checking in yesterday!

Annette - you are enjoying your vacation and getting in some exercise!
Nora - today is another day to get in your work out, hopefully!
Linda - I hope Jack is doing all right. Our Maisy is not doing so well...

Have a wonderful day friends!
Good morning girls;)

Siobhan- Enjoy your rest day and happy reading. Have a good day;)

Annette- So happy for you to be having fun on vacation, enjoy! Have a wonderful day:)

Linda- sending prayers for your Jack. Hang in there and blessings.

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- New UB Strength = 20 Min
KCM 30MTF- Power Splits - Power Upper No Finishers= 21 Min
Tae Bo Amped- Full Throttle= 55 Min

Have a good day everyone:)

Today was an 85 minute hike with steep uphills and downhills but we both did it, drenched in sweat at the end. It was approximately 2.2 mile hike. This hike was from the Road to Nowhere in Bryson City,NC in the Great Smokey Mountains National Park.

We saw a lizard and a red tree frog. Lots of bear droppings. Met 2 young men from Holland and saw 2 young ladies but didn't speak to them.

Nice to be in nature.
Hi ladies…..

Nora, great choice of workouts today YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- New UB Strength = 20 Min KCM 30MTF- Power Splits - Power Upper No Finishers= 21 Min. &
Tae Bo Amped- Full Throttle= 55 Min. WTG!

sounds like you’re enjoying your vacation Annette…That’s great!

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