Daily Check-in, Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Good morning ladies!

Today's workouts:

Interval Timer app- Elliptical & Lower Body Bodyweight Toning Circuits- 17 min.
YT- Jump Rope Dudes- 10 min. Ropeless Jump Rope workout
Bitgym: 5 min Rowing- Soca River, Slovenia & 5 min Rowing- Amstel River Canal, Amsterdam

Shorter this AM, hope to get my hair trimmed later this morning....it's a mess! and
this hot weather doesn't help a bit! :)

Have a good day!
Good Morning Everyone,

I had a shorter workout this morning too, Linda! And, I'm going to the salon this morning as well. We are totally in sync today :). I hope your doggo is having a good morning too. I appreciate you and Nora sharing your stories about your dogs. It helps!

Today I did day 2 of Caroline G's Epic workout for bodyweight legs. It was 30 minutes. I did my own stretch. I didn't sleep well last night and almost didn't workout this morning.

Have a great day everyone.
“Great minds think alike” Siobhan! Enjoy your salon day, and great 30 min. Caroline G
leg workout! That’s funny, I didn’t sleep that great last night either!
We are all in sync...I did a 30 minute CDORNER Kickboxing Tabata on YouTube then this afternoon I am getting my hair cut!! Funny! Oh and returning some shoes that just didn't work.

Nice workouts ladies!!
Hello ladies:)

Linda- Great job on today's workout with:

Interval Timer app- Elliptical & Lower Body Bodyweight Toning Circuits- 17 min.
YT- Jump Rope Dudes- 10 min. Ropeless Jump Rope workout
Bitgym: 5 min Rowing- Soca River, Slovenia & 5 min Rowing- Amstel River Canal, Amsterdam

Once again another great workout and passport rowing exotic locale. Awesome job!:) Happy Haircut and have a good day:)

Siobhan- Ooh another one goes to the salon hair day, those are always fun and seem almost theraputic. I always enjoyed doing peoples har and making them feel great.
Sorry to hear you did not sleep well. Hopefully things will get better. Good for you being able to get a workout in with:

YT- Caroline Girvan- Day 2 Epic workout for body weight legs= 30 Min- Sounds likethat was vwer challenging WTG!! Well done!;)

Have a good day & take care;)

Annette- great job on today's workout with:

YT- CDORNER Kickboxing Tabata - Sounds fun my cup of tea. Well, girls it seems you all have the trifecta of haircuts today.
I don't have my haircut until next week, sorry to break up[ the possibility of a clan haircut sweep as it were. Well, I hope everyone has a great haircuts today and leave the salon feeling amazing. Enjoy the rest of your day;)

We are all in sync...I did a 30 minute CDORNER Kickboxing Tabata on YouTube then this afternoon I am getting my hair cut!! Funny! Oh and returning some shoes that just didn't work.

Here's today's workout:

Tae Bo Cardio Circuit 1 = 36 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling - 20-Min HIGH-BURN Rhythm Indoor Cycling Workout= 24 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling - 20 Min to FEEL GREAT!- Rhythm Indoor Cycling Class = 22 Min

Have great hiarcuts & a wonderful day:)

Ha ! Ha! Hair day for you is next week! That's close enough :)

You had a great workout day with Taebo & cycling,, Tae Bo Cardio Circuit 1 = 36 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling - 20-Min HIGH-BURN Rhythm Indoor Cycling Workout= 24 Min
& YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling - 20 Min to FEEL GREAT!- Rhythm Indoor Cycling Class = 22 Min That was a long session! :)

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