Daily Check-in, Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Good morning to you all!

Today's workouts:

Blender- "Weighted Upper Body & Banded Lower Body" - 21 min.
Today's States: Nebraska & Tennessee
YT- Omaha's Old Market District Treadmill walk, Omaha, Nebraska - 12 min.
IFit- Centennial Park Interval Treadmill workout- Nashville, Tenn. - 15 min.

Have a good day girls!
Good Morning Everyone,

Thanks for starting us off Linda with a mix of total body and cardio! I'll bet you're sweating in this early morning heat.

Today I used the blender as well - mix of all 5 tabatas from Cathe's Tabaticise workout interspersed with RWH heavy weight segments for legs. It was a sweatfest but also a much easier way to do Tabatacise. I used the weights as recovery instead of the step. I did the Tabatacise stretch.

So glad we all checked in yesterday with some loooong workouts! Waves to Nora and Annette.

Have a great day everyone.
Hi ladies,

I overslept this morning but I did do CDORNER newest Cardio Kickboxing workout with wrist weights on and it was 38 minutes. I may do some floorwork but I need to do Laundry max first.

Nice workouts ladies.

Ok add in 20 minutes of floorwork for abs, legs and glutes using 5 and 8 pound dumbbells and bands. Finished now.
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Hi girls:)

I was supposed to be out of town today but there was a change of plans. Just a quick check in.

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF- Build & Burn- Lower Body Tabata= 27 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn= 41 Min 3 Mile walk w/DH

Have a good day;)


PS. great job on all your workouts today:)
Nice blender workout Siobhan! That sounds like a fun one!

Annette, good job with CDorner 38 min Kickboxing workout and I see you did get in
20 minutes of floorwork for abs, legs and glutes. WTG!

Nora, so glad you were able to get in KCM 30MTF- Build & Burn- Lower Body Tabata= 27 Min & Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn 3 Mile walk w/DH I did a
Build & Burn workout yesterday AM!
Hi girls:) Big Update!

I was supposed to be out of town today but there was a change of plans. So I thought I'd get alittle workout in. I was all set to do the workout below and I fell nearly broke my nose, so I declined to workout.
My nose is very swollen and lots of bleedimg. Still trying to get swelling down more.
Not sure about tomorrow, wait and see.

Here's the workout I wanted to do, but had to cancel due to injury:

KCM 30MTF- Build & Burn- Lower Body Tabata= 27 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn= 41 Min

I hope everyone had a good day;)


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