Daily Check-in, Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Good morning all!

Today's workouts:

YT-RowVigor- Core Killer workout- 15 min.
VideoCycle- "British Columbia (Victoria) Cycling Workout Tour- 18 min.
IFit- "Humber Bay Park Treadmill Walk, Toronto/Ontario Canada" - 22 min.

That's it ........hope you all have a good day!
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did more CG - 30 minutes of triceps and biceps. It was very interesting and tough. I added on 15 minutes of CG cardio. I will do my own stretch.

Linda and Nora - you've both been riding in Canada - so nice! I don't live too far from Humber Bay Park West! Maybe 15 minutes in traffic. And B.C. - well - it's just so beautiful out there.

Have a wonderful day everyone and get in those workouts!!!
Hi ladies,

Today was a gym circuit, upper body weights using the back machine and dumbbells. Then the sled up to 683 pounds pushed, it was a bear. Then finished with some light dumbbells for back and abs and triceps, then floorwork and standing abwork along with floorwork for legs and glutes and a stretch.

It was 75 minutes. I am pretty sure it was shorter because 2 gentlemen helped to unload the sled.

Rainy today . See the seamstress at 4.

Nice workouts ladies!
Nice 30 minutes of triceps and biceps, Siobhan, with a little cardio too!
Nice long 75 min at the gym today Annette! Sounds tough! Have fun at the
Hi girls:)

Sorry about the late check in. I had to go out of town today, just got back.

Linda- Great job on today's workout with:

YT-RowVigor- Core Killer workout- 15 min.
VideoCycle- "British Columbia (Victoria) Cycling Workout Tour- 18 min.
IFit- "Humber Bay Park Treadmill Walk, Toronto/Ontario Canada" - 22 min.

Nice job on today's workout back in Canada, so cool. WTG & high fives;)
Enjoy the rest of your day)

Siobhan- Great workout today with :

YT- Caroline Girvan- 30 minutes of triceps and biceps
YT- Caroline Girvan - Cardio add- on= 15 Min
Added on your own stretch

Annette- Bravo on your long gym workout today, that was awesome and your sled workouts are always outstanding, WTG!!
Always inspirational, bravo & WTG!!

Have a nice evening;)

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn= 41 Min
3 Mile Walk w/DH with 6 pound vest
Got this one done this morning before hurrying to get b read and go out of town.

Nicki - I hope you and everything made it through the storm ok:)

Have a good evening all:)

Nice workout Nora! Good job on getting Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn done with DH before you had to leave!

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