Daily Check-in, Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Good morning all!

My goodness, alot cooler here this AM! In the upper 40's! Such a change!

Today's workouts:

Blender- "Muscle Define: Back, Biceps & Legs" - 25 min.
Wt. Watchers Time Crunch- Core Workout # 1 with tubing (Stephanie Huckabee) - 15 min.
IFit- "Thunder & Lightning" Treadmill & Weights Workout - 18 min.

That's it! Have a good day!
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did a mix of CG for lower body - 45 minutes and added on 10 minutes of Cathe's jump rope video. That jump rope was challenging after my workout. I'm sweating.

Nice full body workout today Linda. You hit upper, lower, core and cardio! It's much cooler here too. I wore a sweatshirt yesterday.

Big workouts from you both yesterday, Annette and Nora.

Have a great day everyone.
Hi ladies,

Today after fighting with my blu-ray player I did Dana Pieper's Kickbox Challenge workout for an hour. It is really tough. I had on wrist weights and ankle weights. Wrist weights came off halfway through ankle weights stayed on the whole time.

Plus she starts with weighted punches which I started with the wrist weights plus 5 pounds dumbbells, dropped to 3 pound dumbbells then dropped to only the wrist weights.

And during the initial stretch I had 1 leg forward and bent and the other leg stretched out behind (Lunging stretch) and lost my balance and toppled over on my hip thankfully my phone was in the other pocket because it hurt and would have hurt more if I had landed on my phone. I kept going and my hip doesn't hurt at the moment. Sigh.

Nice workouts so far ladies!!

Nice and cool today.
Annette, nice 1 hour Dana Pieper's Kickbox Challenge workout. Sounds tough!
Ouch, on the hip tumble! Glad it's not hurting now.

Siobhan, another good CG for lower body workout for 45 minutes plus 10 minutes of Cathe's jump rope video. Good mix!
Afternoon ladies:)

Linda - Nicely job on today's workouts with:

Blender- "Muscle Define: Back, Biceps & Legs" - 25 min.
Wt. Watchers Time Crunch- Core Workout # 1 with tubing (Stephanie Huckabee) - 15 min.
IFit- "Thunder & Lightning" Treadmill & Weights Workout - 18 min.

Wow, that's quite the temperature change. Sounds like hot cocco weather to me. Have a good day and keep warm.

Siobhan- Great job on today's workout with:
CG App- for lower body = 45 min
Cathe's jump Rope video= 10 min.

Sounds like a sweaty challenging workout, good stuff. WTG & high fives, nice combo!;)
Enjoy your Wednesday:)

Annette- Good job on today's workout with:
Dana Pieper's Kickbox Challenge workout = 60 min
Very challenging workout, well done.

Have a blessed day:)

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- No Repeat Circuit Strength Training= 45 Min
KCM 30MTF- Meltdown- Workout #2 Tabata Boxing = 28 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 30 Min Big Burn =31 Min

Have a good day everyone!:)

Nicely done Nora with
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- No Repeat Circuit Strength Training= 45 Min
KCM 30MTF- Meltdown- Workout #2 Tabata Boxing = 28 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 30 Min Big Burn Great mix of weights & cardio!

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