Daily Check in Wed July 13


Good morning!

An all cardio day for me - SJP step only followed by SB. Oh yea, I did the abs from KPC too. It was a long one about and hour and 20.

Tammy, I hope you can find your motivation. I think you either need a rest or you need to switch up your activities and do your most favorite thing! Your mind needs a break as well as the bod.

Have a good day. PHyllis

Today I am going to do PLB and the hi/lo portion of MIC. Yesterday I did IMAX 1 wow that was tough I made it through the first 5 intervals.

Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I'm going to try a short treadmill run today and some ab work.

Phyllis: Great workout...that one looks fun! Thanks for the kind words....I think you are right on about my body needing a rest. I'm going to take it down a notch for a few days.

Jenn: I love the Hi/Lo from MIC...have fun!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Today will be Kickmax for me. I'll do yoga with DH tonight after work.

Gosh, my abs are the sorest part of me after MM yesterday!

Good Morning Friends in Fitness!

Tammy, I sure can relate. We've all been there before. Take that rest and when you're ready to get back to it, go for something with a real fun factor for you! That seems to work for me.:)

This morning it's Cardio & Weights.
That's a fun factor one for me. LOVE the music and this one just flies by for me.

I like the July rotation (anyone else doing it?), but I AM missing the heavier weight workouts! I've found my favorite rotations include plenty of cardio and split weight workouts or one body part a day.

Anyway, time to workout.....Cathe's calling!!!:D
Good Morning Girls.

Today's plan is spin and weights. If I don't get to the gym in time for spin then I'll hop on the TM for a run instead.

Have a great day!:)
Good morning ladies,

Today will be Leaner Legs, and the last four exercises from floorwork of GS legs. Yikes!! I hope I survive this one!

Tammy-A rest does a body good sometimes.You will get back on track.

Doubt I do any cardio today, but do you ladies do it if you are doing legs? I think leaner legs will tell me no, but wanted to know your opinion on it.

Hope everyone has a great day!

I did CTX Kickbox cardio only this morning. My heel feels really good and this was my first workout with my orthotics back on after having my cortisone shot. I think I did well.

Have a great day!!:7
> Good morning ladies,
> Today will be Leaner Legs, and the last four exercises from
>floorwork of GS legs. Yikes!! I hope I survive this one!
> Tammy-A rest does a body good sometimes.You will get back on
> Doubt I do any cardio today, but do you ladies do it if you
>are doing legs? I think leaner legs will tell me no, but
>wanted to know your opinion on it.
> Hope everyone has a great day!
> kim


I usually do a short run if I have worked out my legs. I need at least some cardio each day...but everyone is different.

Good morning,

Today was Imax 3 premix 1-5, coremax 3, and stretchmax 2. I haven't done Imax 3 for sooooo long, I forgot how much it kicks my butt!

Have a great day!
Morning all -

Tammy - hope you find your motivation. Sometimes it's a daily thing for me, sometimes it lags for a bit longer.

Annette - glad your heel is feeling better. Is your workout room one of the one's that is finished or still in process? (You probably told me in your post, but I forgot)

Today I was planning on LowMax, but I got up late and only got in CTX All Step. My energy level was way up there, though, must have been the extra 20 min of sleep. This is the first Cathe tape that I got (it came with my step) and I still love it!

Yesterday, I got into a cleaning mode - but what I cleaned out was my pantry. I threw out all the bad food that I shouldn't be eating or am eating too much of. I had to give a few things to my DH & DD to hide like the organic PB and the nutella. But overall, I threw out cookies and the white pasta that we haven't eaten in over a year. A few things were still unopened and hadn't expired. Those will be going to the local food pantry. Now I just have to get past the sweet cravings (of course this weekend will not help!)

Tomorrow I'm planning on ME and, depending on when we arrive at my aunt's in Canada, a good walk. I'll need it after all that time in the car. I probably won't get to check in again until Monday, so have a great weekend everyone!
Morning ladies. Today I went to the gym and did legs and a 30 minute run. My legs are like jello.

Have a great day all!

My workout room was the family room that is now gutted so I when we moved all the furniture into the front room/parlor room/living room I am now working out in there. The space is smaller and I can't do step due to the ceiling fan and again limited space. But I can do kickboxing type workouts and my weight lifting, so it is doable as a workout space.
Hello lovely ladies,

Tammy, I had that kind of week last week. I just was not motivated and when I did workout I was tired and even a little dizzy and lightheaded. I only did cardio 3 days last week and I usually do 6 days. I just mainly focused on weights. You may just need a little break or just some fun short workouts. Good luck:)

Phyllis, that sounds like one tough long workout, good for you.

kim, I probably would not do cardio after Leaner legs because that workout kills me.

Annette, glad you had a good workout and are feeling well.

Katie, leg work and then a run, wow! You go girl}(

Gym mom, I have never done All step. How is the intensity?

Conni, I LOVE Imax 3! My favorite of all of them

Jenn, that sounds like a good workout. I will have to try those two together.

Becky, enjoy Kickmax. My husband also does yoga with me. It is fun doing something like that with our hubbys.

Wendi, enjoy your spinning. That is one tough workout. My friend just bought a spin bike and loves it.

Becky, I also love Cardio and Weights. It is just one fun workout.

I will be running 4 miles and doing PUB biceps.

Hello to all that follows and have a wonderful day.

The intensity isn't anywhere near Imax, but it gets me sweating and my heart rate up in the target zone. It's a fun step routine, one of her easier ones with just one blast at the end.

It's a great routine for days when you want a step routine, but have limited time. The step portion is about 30 minutes. She does upper body weights and abs too - to be honest, I've never done that weight work out, I just skip to the abs.
OMG! Leaner legs is really killer legs! I am feeling it already, and I will not be doing any cardio. I am not that crazy! I even did a stretchmax and was shaking at first. I think Cathe was P*ssed off the day she came up with that workout!:p

Rotation called for GS legs floorwork after leaner legs. All I can say is Yeah right!!

Great workouts everyone!!!

Tammy - all I can say is, "welcome to my world". I just started back on Monday after a week hiatus. No motivation, diet down the tubes... OMG... where is my brain when all this happening. Anyway, I pulled out of my down spiral and you will too. Hang in there...

Today I wanted some hi/lo so I pulled out Still Jumpin with Christi Taylor. I had learned the first section and did that pretty well and then bumbled my way through section two. About 60 minutes, pretty good workout.
You gals here are just the greatest! Group hug! http://bestsmileys.com/hugging/6.gif

Thanks Becky, Kim, Gym_Mom and Susan.

Susan: Your description is EXACTLY how I have been feeling since last Friday. WOW!

I'll continue with short, fun workouts and concentrate on light weights until I feel like my old self. I ended up doing SB this morning...FUN!

Thanks again for all of your support!
Good evening everyone!

Oh, Tammy, I'm right there with you! Since Friday I haven't been able to muster more than 1 workout, yesterday. Today, I just don't have it in me. These are the times that I'm grateful that I have a VERY physical job or I would be in deep doodoo.

Here's a thought, and I know everyone will laugh at this one, I know I did. Is it possible that you're a "full moon baby"? Okay, I hear laughing! A friend of my mother's is VERY into native american mysticism (is that the right word?) and she mentioned that people who are born under a full moon will get extremely tired and lethargic when the moon is full. Now, I thought this was bulls#!t until I started paying attention to it last year. Let me tell you, it's kind of eerie because it seems to ring very true with me. Now, it wasn't a case of "Oh, full moon on such and such day I guess I'm going to be tired." You could explain that away by saying it was subliminal. And, no, there is no correlation with TTOM for me, I considered that, too. I happened to notice, on many occasions, that I would be exhausted for a few days and THEN find out a couple of days later that it coincided with a full moon. Take it for what it's worth...just something to make you go hmmmmm...

Everyone else...I'm jealous of you all! I'm missing my workout time with Cathe.

Have fun,
Hi Wendi!

Sorry you're feeling the same as me, but at least we're in this together! I hope we both feel stronger soon.

I am going to look into that full moon thingy...I'll report back!


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