Daily Check in Wed Aug 2


Good morning all. I didn't do anything this AM. Perhaps it will be a rest day for me. If I do anything today, it will be cardio and some back work. We'll see how the evening goes.

Annette, how are you managing withough AC? Do you have a window unit in your bedroom? I feel for you girlfriend!

Beckymd, did ou do any more cardio last night? Sound to me like you did enough.

Tammy, hope your eye is feeling more comfortable. It's been a long time since I've had corneal abrasion - since I wore hard contact lenses about 20 yrs ago!

I posted same time as other check in - refer to it

Good morning,

I must be insane. We turn our AC off at night ( we just can't sleep with that thing running..) and I work out in the morning, so it gets hot ( I can somewhat relate to you Annette..), so what do I do this morning? Imax 3! I really have a hate thing going with that workout. Anyways, I got through it, fell on my step once ( I think I slid on some sweat!), and modified when necessary...and it was necessary..ALOT!

I am going to Niagara Falls tomorrow with the family for a long weekend, I am going to be working out at our hotel, so I will stay caught up with what I need to do.

Tomorrow - probably Amy Hi/lo Cardio Pump, depends on when we have to hit the road..

Have a great rest of the week, everyone!
Daily Check-in

Good morning! Express check-in for me again! After my Bible study, I did Rhythmic Step without the challenge. I love, love, love the choreography! :7

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Hi Everyone,

Today is a scheduled rest day for me. Yesterday was an unscheduled rest day. This heat is brutal without AC. I can't workout it makes me sick to my stomach.

Annette: your my idol if you are working out with no AC.:+

The heat should break some today. I am looking forward to a good workout tomorrow(?sp doesn't look right).

Everyone keep cool!

Elaine :) :)
Hi all, yes I workout to no air conditioning. LOL!!

We did get our window unit working last night for our bedroom so sleeping was better last night. So up until last night we didn't even have the window unit in the bedroom. We have new windows and my dh says they aren't made for window unit air conditioners but for new construction houses and central air. We have an old house and no central air. But he bit the bullet last night and put it in the window. Today is the day it is supposed to be 100 degrees. UGH!! We have no other window units but lots and lots of fans and ceiling fans in most rooms.

I did PUB warm up and shoulders and MIS abs today along with the 8 min. taebo for a short cardio due to the heat.

Have a great hopefully cool day!!:7
Good morning everyone.

Gosh, I feel HORRIBLE that some of you don't have air conditioning. I can't imagine working out without it. Our heat wave left last week and now it is only in the high 80's and 90's. We have no humidity though and I am sure that helps. Hang in there ladies and I would just do strength training for awhile.

I am going to try to run for an hour today. I usually run for 40-45 minutes and I am trying to have a one hour cardio a week. So, hopefully I will make it:)

We are leaving for vacation to Holland Michigan and them Chicago in 3 days. So, I have TONS to do. Have a great day!

Hey gals...I did Slim and Lean and then a 2 mile treadmill run at a faster pace and added a couple of hill climbs. }(

I give you non a/c folks credit! I couldn't live life in general with out a/c much less work out with out it!:eek: I guess it could also depend where you live and how hot it gets though...

Right now I am in 100 degree temps with humidity that feels like 110-115 degrees! YIKES! I didn't even want to leave the house to drive to the gym in my airconditioned car! LOL :p
Okay, ladies I did my hour run and it was pretty good, except my mp3 player ran out of juice after 40 minutes. I ran 6.3 miles in 55 minutes and then a 5 minute cooldown. I then did lying legs and glute work. I am definitley worked out!!!!

Holy cow Susan! Good job girl! ^5!!!:)

My longest run to date is just over 40 mintes...about 42 I think...Maybe I should GO FOR IT this week and try to hit that hour as well!}(

Thanks for the inspiration!:)
Hi Fit Chicks!

I did CC#3 and some ab work this morning.

Phyllis: My eye is feeling better...thank you for asking. I'll have the doctor check it at work tomorrow morning.

Hello to all that follow...have a great day and stay cool!
I moved this from the other post.

Becky--I have Reynauds Syndrome!!!LOL!! So far it has been mild, only diagnosed in March. I have to watch the AC, but I am not looking foward to this winter! Painful! Just thought that was funny you said that!

I am planning RS and some butt work. So far I haven' tdone it because I napped instead:eek:! I seem to have a cold and not feeling 100%. I feel a bit better now, so hopefully I can do the WO when DH gets home. I might do a TM run instead of RS. You guys are inspiring me with the running.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

I did 30 min on the TM instead and worked my booty a bit! That nap I took today was NICE! I feel really good that I did my WO tonight!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]


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