Daily Check-in, Tuesday, October 8, 2024

aqua girl

Good morning ladies!

Today's workouts:

Blender- "Biceps & Jump Rope Bonus" - 28 min. (low impact, of course :))
Blender add-on: "Biceps Finisher" -10 min.

That's it.....short day....have a good one! oh...I just realized in typing the date, today is my brother's birthday...
yikes, I better remember to call him later.....................too late for a card, unless it's belated................I am so
bad about cards.................
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did a Cathe Live Express - LI Cardio with Recovery - 30 minutes. I've done this one before and it's really good. The rest periods are body weight exercises. I added on 20 minutes of Phoenix Nation JR + bodyweight exercises.

Linda - your short day is someone else's long day :)

Great workouts from everyone yesterday. Nice to see us all gettin' it done!

Have a great day ladies.
Linda, I so admire all of you who do jump rope! I really need to make myself do it at least once a week and then gradually increase. It's such good cardio.
Blender- "Biceps & Jump Rope Bonus" - 28 min. (low impact, of course :))
Blender add-on: "Biceps Finisher" -10 min
You sound like me with dates!

Siobhan, I'll have to try this one. Not familiar with Phoenix Nation JR. Good job!
Cathe Live Express - LI Cardio with Recovery - 30 minutes. The rest periods are body weight exercises. I added on 20 minutes of Phoenix Nation JR + bodyweight exercises.

I will post my workouts later today once completed!
Hi ladies,

Today was a gym circuit consisting of 3 machines, cables, and dumbbells, then sled usual up to 713 pounds pushed, it was easier today and I made it further roughly 34 ft. Then floorwork for abs, legs and glutes with an ab row with a twist holding a 6 pound dumbbell. And a stretch. All in all 100 minutes of a workout!!

Now gotta run an errand before going home, today was also a slightly later start time.

Nice workouts ladies, we are rockin' the workouts!!!
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you always rock your workouts! Great job!
gym circuit consisting of 3 machines, cables, and dumbbells, then sled usual up to 713 pounds pushed, it was easier today and I made it further roughly 34 ft. Then floorwork for abs, legs and glutes with an ab row with a twist holding a 6 pound dumbbell. And a stretch. All in all 100 minutes of a workout!!

Is the ropeless jump rope just handles? Or are you making the motions of having the handles in your hand? I should try it.
Nice long gym workout today Annette! I agree with Nicki…you always rock it in style!

Nicki, Ropeless ropes are handles with a short cords & usually small weighted balls attached to each. and you use them just like you would with a regular jump rope.
I have a couple different ones, my Spri ones have the small weighted balls only while
another brand I have has the small balls & also light weights in the handles as well.

I love them!!! Can’t you tell?
Linda, yes I can tell! I will have to Google them!

At lunch I did:
Perfect 30 Mobility for 32 minutes
STS 2.0 mini ball abs
Step Boss Extended Lying Stretch
HiiT for 45 minutes - pics below
Sorry for the glare.
Hello to Nora!
Nice long gym workout today Annette! I agree with Nicki…you always rock it in style!

Nicki, Ropeless ropes are handles with a short cords & usually small weighted balls attached to each. and you use them just like you would with a regular jump rope.
I have a couple different ones, my Spri ones have the small weighted balls only while
another brand I have has the small balls & also light weights in the handles as well.

I love them!!! Can’t you tell?
I might could do those. No chance of tripping and falling - maybe;)
Wow Nicki, you had a stellar workout session today as well!!!
Perfect 30 Mobility for 32 minutes
STS 2.0 mini ball abs
Step Boss Extended Lying Stretch
HiiT for 45 minutes and that HIIT looks killer!

with all the stuff you do in your workouts, you won’t have a bit of trouble jumping rope. I wish I could do half of what you & Annette do….:)
Hi girls:)

Linda- Great job on today's workout with:

Blender- "Biceps & Jump Rope Bonus" - 28 min. (low impact, of course :))
Blender add-on: "Biceps Finisher" -10 min.

Love the combination, great stuff. Don't forget to call your brother and wish him happy birthday.
WTG and have a good rest of your day;)

Siobhan- Very nicely done today with:

Cathe Live Express - LI Cardio with Recovery= 30 minutes. body weight exercises.
Body weight exercises used as rest
Phoenix Nation- Jump Rope + Body weigh exercises = 20 minutes

WTG & high fives! Enjoy the reaminder of your day;

Annette- Great job on today's workout with:

Congrats on your epic gym circuit workout of 100 Minutes.
You worked it all thoroughly , WTG and did the sled up to 713 pounds, Bravo!! You are a legend.

Nicki- Bravo on today's workout with:

Perfect 30 Mobility for 32 minutes
STS 2.0 mini ball abs
Step Boss Extended Lying Stretch
HiiT for 45 minutes - pics below

Awesome workout today Nicki:)

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling - 30-minute Fit & Sweaty HIIT Cardio Indoor Cycling Workout= 30 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength - 20 minute MUSCLE BUILDING Upper Body Strength Training= 23 Min
Jessica Smith - 10 Minute Quick Walks- Happy HiiT Walk= 11 Min

I was feeling very DOMS big time from Cathe's Inensity series Muscle Endurance, and I had weights on my schedu;le for
today's workout so I did that but used 5 Pound & 8 pound db pair taking it easy so I customized it for my DOMS to keep it safe.

Have a good evening girls:)


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